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4/15/2015 12:40:58 AM
I raid 6 times a week usually, have a group of friends I usually play with and quite honestly I am okay. So what if there is no raid? I am fine with changing it up with a new game mode. Might make it worthwhile to keep coming back. The word that grabbed me the most was replayability. That implies that it will be something more than just a shooter on rails. I want something new and different, Bungie is delivering. Am I saying it will be the best thing since tits and beer? No. I just have an optimistic view of what is to come and will reserve my praise or anger until after I have experienced the new content. Also, I don't remember being promised anything with this new DLC other than new content which is being delivered. BTW, enjoyed the nerdrage. Don't believe I have seen anyone post something so egotistical as to speak for an entire demographic. Truly, you walk in the footsteps of Kanye West.

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