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Edited by logikbrooklyn: 4/22/2015 1:58:11 PM

Mass panic over... $15 bucks. Lmfao

2 breakfast sandwiches - $8 bucks Redbull $3.30 Girls coffee $2 Around $4 bucks in gas driving to work. Before 9 am i spent $17.30 by default. This is automatic. By the days end I'll be minimum $35 in. Yet people are complaining they got a bare minimum of 50 hours of entertainment (it will be way more) for $15 bucks? You feel you were OWED a raid? No. I'm sorry to break the news to you, but you aren't OWED anything. In the game, or in life. Take you're imaginary girlfriend to see a movie, two tickets are $25+ all day...for [b]an hour and a half of entertainment[/b] There's a new mode, that every single one of you whining, babbling, cry babies are completely dismissing before you even know what it is. How bout you shut the -blam!- up, man up, grab your balls and stop being such spoiled little self entitled muts to society. [b]EDIT. Alot of comment are pouring in with people saying things like "if I ordered a steak and potatoes, but got no steak I'd be pissed". Of course I would, because I ORDERED that. Video games are not -blam!-ing made a la carte. They are made by companies, pre determined, and we buy them. We don't customize them before purchase.[/b] [b]EDIT 2. Did anyone stop to think maybe bungie is delaying the raid so people don't jump head first into it, and actually get to enjoy all the new, hard worked content first? Just a thought.[/b] [b]EDIT 3 my favorite one of all. This thread generated a ton of response, way more than I expected. What I like is that the vast majority of the responses are level headed people who agree. There is hope.[/b] [b]FINAL EDIT - I see a lot people turning this into my "spending habits are flawed" if I knew what I was doing with money I wouldn't buy the game type of thread. I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but spending habits and budgeting are RELATIVE to what you earn. Video games like any other leisure are an EARNED RIGHT. I'm 31 now, and from 18 to about 26 I didn't even own a gaming console. Growing up when I lived home with mommy and daddy and did, because it didn't matter. Once I got priorities in order,in put games down for almost 8 years. Now at 31, I've set myself up with a years of hard work that I can sit back and enjoy my leisures comfortably. If i gamed as much in my 20's as I've been in the past 3 months I probably would have lost my job eventually. $30 a day on misc items may be a lot to some people, and I respect that, nor do I look down on you for it. I happen to do well for myself, not because of luck or having things handed to me...but because I busted my ass and made tons of sacrafices. So no, my 20 to 30 bucks daily wasn't the point of this thread. The point was if you had any respect for work, man hours, and a dollar, you'd understand that 15-20 bucks for the content that you're getting is WELL WORTH IT. Don't give "bungie promised me" bs either. Don't be mad at bungie for believing an unofficial leak.[/b]

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  • Edited by 123: 4/17/2015 3:42:07 PM
    Most people are like you and me :) we understand and except whats going on, and are excited about the future. However, you have a portion of immature young adults who have led an army of children into the false mindset that we are being cheated. Even with that army of children I still believe they are the minority. They just seem to be the vocal majority because they think they have a right to be upset about something and feel the need (with the help of anonymity) to complain and demand on every corner about how entitled they are. Can't wait for HoW btw!

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  • I dont care about money, yet let me sit here and list the exact cent amout i spend daily...

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    • Edited by JayLaggy: 4/17/2015 6:49:55 AM
      1. Stop eating TWO breakfast sandwiches EVERYDAY 2. See #4 3. I don't even know what to say about a girls coffee..? (Dafuq?) 4. Ride a bike to work and save money on gas, c'mon, u just drank a red bull. [spoiler] or no raid, I don't care, I just want more content[/spoiler]

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      6 Replies
      • Youre an idiot, you cant possibly know what 15$ means to anyone given person, just because you buy a bunch of useless shit to wake yourself up everyday. To me its like i ordered a steak medium rare, only to get it blue rare, asked for it to be re heated, only to get it well done. Then when i asked for it to be re done i got a porkchop. And then my family is sitting around like hey dude you dont know you dont like porkchops just wait and eat it. I thought i paid for 2 raids and i got one super short one. Wooo But by all means be complacent with w.e bungie does because youre stuck on your fanboy bs. Lol i just wanted another reason to get my team together but i guess im never coming back. Not for another 3 player mode because no one can seem to get more than 2 friends lol.

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        2 Replies
        • Get your fan fiction out of here

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          • I believe with the DLCs we will end up with a better quality of fellow player guardians, it will weed out most of the whiney bitches. [spoiler]because they quit[/spoiler]

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          • Nothing to see here, just a hôrny attention whôre

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            • Someone on this forums who understands. All the whiners, go back to cod please or shut up!

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            • Completely agree, finally someone with a brain.

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            • Yeah...the people who are most upset about this are full of green engrams...if 15 dollars is a lot for someone to spend then that person probably shouldn't even play a game that costs ISP service fees to play. You can hate on me if you want. The truth is if your money is tight you should not spend it on this type of activity.

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            • I couldn't agree more. I easily spend $50+ on a night out.

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              • I find these kinds of posts to be frustrating. There have been too many occurrences where I've received undue aggression for merely expressing my own opinion. I blame threads like this one. They only serve to encourage and even instigate such misconduct.

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                • most logical post ive seen on here

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                • Could not agree more. You're playing this on an Xbox 360/PS3 or Xbox one/ps4. Obviously you have money to spare. And if you don't then maybe you shouldn't have bought one. I'll bet that every single person complaining about the lack of raid has more than got their money's worth And here's a crazy idea. Do you think maybe Bungie actually knows what they're doing? That maybe they're looking at hard data to determine what should come next? I know it's ludicrous

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                • Should start making your own lunch, mate.

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                  4 Replies
                  • I was mad for like 10 min then the next day came and got really happy about the update... Slowly this is turning into a complete game lol we just need to be more patient.

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                  • But it's my money and I want it now!

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                  • It's a Principles thing for me, yea it's only $15 but I'm pretty sure I'm not alone when everyone that bought the DLC package they assumed that both DLC would come with a new raid as stated when you bought the package. It's like agreeing to a price to fix your car then the mechanic comes back and charges you more without your consent. And yes when they sold the DLC as a package it said both DLC would have all new raids. Basically bungie is milking the content release for not having enough content in the first place. And Activision wants there Money.

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                    3 Replies
                    • Preach

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                    • I don't remember being promised a raid. Do I want one, yes, was I expecting one, also yes. However, I am perfectly fine with something completely new. I just hope whatever I kill in these new game modes goes towards my grimoire cards lol.

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                    • Bruh, trying to appeal to the logic of illogical people is a wasted effort. Let them rant and rave. If they're true to their word, they'll all leave and what we'll have left is a community that enjoy and appreciate what Bungie is creating for us.

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                    • Community in a nutshell Community: We want to upgrade old weapons to the new cap Bungie: Okay Community: We want more social experiences Bungie: Okay Community: We want something like firefight (horde mode) Bungie: Okay Community: We want a DLC that has a comprehensible story Bungie: Okay Community: We want a raid that's better than Crota's End Bungie: Okay, but that's gonna take time Community: You need what, mother-blam-er? I'm gonna sue. Everybody look, I'm suing! I have no idea how lawsuits work, but I'll do it anyways! This is a repost. Good day.

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                      • It's all because people are weak now a days. People want handouts in life all the time, just like this dlc. To me, if I earn my own money, I can spend it however I want on whatever I want. A mass group of players getting upset over this is not indicative to how the entire gaming community feels as a whole. Times change and so do business models, and if less content is the new scheme, then we as players hand over the power to the developers. And let's point something out, [b]Bungie is not making you purchase anything.[/b] In fact, if all these people really are so concerned then maybe you shouldn't just spend your money blindly. I however, will purchase HoW because any way you look at it, the DLC will provide hours of content to grind out. At least 100 or more and at the end of the day, Destiny is a grind it out type of game. Get with it or go play somewhere else.

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                      • Edited by Grzzld-Gamer: 4/15/2015 5:40:50 PM
                        Actually, there are 19 things (story missions, quests, arena, crucible, etc...) you are getting with HOW. That breaks down to .79 cents per item/mission/new content. If there was a raid, it'd break down each item to .75 cent value. They're raging over .75 cents. Story Missions A Joining of Houses - Cosmodrome, Earth ........79 cents An Army of Wolves - Ishtar Sink, Venus........79 cents The World Ravager - Ishtar Sink, Venus........79 cents Quests Dark Raider - Ocean of Storms, Moon........79 cents Duel of the Silent Fang - Cosmodrome, Earth........79 cents Wolves' Gambit - Ishtar Sink, Venus........79 cents Strikes The Shadow Thief - Ocean of Storms, Moon........79 cents Arenas Prison of Elders - The Reef, Asteroid Belt........79 cents Crucible Maps The Timekeeper - Meridian Bay, Mars........79 cents Thieves' Den - Ishtar Sink, Venus........79 cents Widow's Court - European Dead Zone, Earth........79 cents Social Spaces Halls of Amentet - Mercury........79 cents Queen's Bay - The Reef, Asteroid Belt........79 cents Locations Dusk Warren - Ocean of Storms, Moon........79 cents The Terminus - Ishtar Sink, Venus........79 cents Traitor's Ketch - Ocean of Storms, Moon........79 cents King's Watch - Old Russia........79 cents Activities Trials of Osiris - Crucible event........79 cents Vanguard Dragon - Strike playlist, level 28........79 cents $15.01 total What you don't get - Raid

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                        10 Replies
                        • All I know is I'm hyped for release. If the wanna be pissed off then they can leave

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                        • Nice this is a very good explanation

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