Thats not true religions all have similar bases like god and all but Christianity is in fact real i seen real people have demons in them and cursing at God as well as my brother in law saw an actual demon this stuff is real guys illuminate stuff is real if guys check for yourself you would see nothing but evil stuff in this world and the proof that God does exist
Xbox One.
Crap, I'm on a 360 because my folks won't buy the upgrade.
Well from the things i seen and heard the bible is true u remember the red moon right hearing about a red moon about it on tv or so well in the bible it talks about 4 of them being shown 2 of them past also i remembered my brother in law saw a demon and felt like puking i seen people that have been possessed by demons and cursing at God, im not trying to convert you to Christianity its just that he had made miracles and how my dad change from being a druggy and huge drinker to a dad that believes in God he changed my dad and he changed my life as well to open my eyes and see the truth about this world
The truth of God has been said in religions thousands of years before its creation but believe what you will, it's not my place to change your mind on what's true or not,