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originally posted in:Seventh Conflux
Edited by Fashion Lizard: 9/10/2015 5:16:24 PM

Bungie Community Humpday Supdate! (April 8th, 2015)

Uh oh. [url=]It's that time of the week.[/url] Welcome to the [url=]5th[/url] Bungie Community Supdate, held [url=]weekly[/url] by the Seventh Conflux! Since I've [url=]short-changed[/url] you all for the past few weeks, I've decided to put in that extra [url=]oomph[/url] into this one. [u][b]Community Contest![/u][/b] Seventh Conflux is hosting a [url=]Comic Contest[/url] through the ever-creative [url=]Progo![/url] You don't have to be [url=]Bill Watterson[/url] to participate, and maybe even make your own masterpiece! But it doesn't hurt if [url=]you are.[/url] [u][b]Game Night![/u][/b] This week, [url=]The Community Carnage[/url] is hosting [url=!Borderlands_THC.jpg]Borderlands: The Handsome Collection![/url] If you don't have it, then fear not: [url=]Borderlands 2[/url] will be hosted on XBox 360! The game night will be on Saturday, April 11th. More details will come with the official thread. [url=]Prepare.[/url] [url=]For.[/url] [url=]Mayhem.[/url] [url=]Like me.[/url] [u][b]Group Spotlight![/u][/b] This week, we're spotlighting [url=]Officer Nasty's Deputies.[/url] Seriously, we've had so few applications for the group spotlight that this was the only applicant. They haven't had a post in almost a month, and they still beat you. To apply for the group spotlight, post the name of a group, the group number, or a link to the group in the comments section. [u][b]Underappreciated Gems![/u][/b] [i]#Community[/i] There's some solid [url=]life-coaching[/url] in this thread that somehow never even warranted a single response. [i]#Destiny[/i] This guy meant [url=]Venus Raid,[/url] but I love his entusiasm for a game that he enjoys. [i]#Gaming[/i] This guy got Gary's Mod, and no one's telling him how he can do [url=]everything.[/url] Help a brotha out. [i]#Offtopic[/i] [url=]Philosophical.[/url] [u][b]What's Going On?[/u][/b] -[url=]Sticky threads have made a comeback![/url] -Well? [url=]Should he?[/url] -I. Love. Dragon Ball Z. [url=]Consider this a pitch from me to buy Xenoverse.[/url] -[url=]Wub wub wub wub.[/url] -How st00pidier than u is [url=]this happened?[/url] [u][b]Wrap Up![/u][/b] I actually had to type most of this up twice, since backspace and I became mortal enemies and it "backed" into the forums. Therefore, we lost quite a few extra links, since I don't have the time to completely fix it. Thank you for your understanding in these [url=]dark times.[/url] [url=]Stay classy,[/url] Seventh Column.
#Community #BCHS

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