I'm tired of people hating on all the classes
Edit: 200 replies!!! o.O
Edit: 300 replies...
Of course there is, I just like Titans the best.
Don't really hate any class kinda dislike my titan but I do hate the warlock jump
Wouldn't say hate, that's a bit harsh. Not fussed on warlocks though, terrible jump mechanics and that little jump while nova bombing has screwed me over a few times
Have all three. Each is useful for different situations. My warlock is my first and fav character though.
I've currently got one of each. While I have my personal preferences on which class I prefer to play, I believe having all three only make a group stronger. Even if certain aspects of each class annoy us, they all bring unique strengths to the table.
I have 3 different classes, in PvE I am a God with all three. In PvP I am stronger suited towards hunter: gunslingers and Void/sun warlocks. Getting better with Titans.
I like every class which is why I have all of them. I don't like playing as a hunter, but I can see why someone would.
I play whatever I want and I don't care what other people play as . So long as they can actually play well .
I reopened my heart to Warlocks. I made one initially, erased it. Made a 2nd Hunter. Erased the Hunter. Going back to the Warlock again.
I only hate the lack of hight the blade dancer has for a jump... I tell you white blade dancers can't jump.
I absoultely love every class. I just recently made a Titan, and it is so damn fun to sit in your bubble and shoot dregs and thrall that run in.
Loving all three classes, but least favorite would be my warlock
I don't hate any class. In fact I don't even hate master class biggots. I just pity their short-sightedness and go on avoiding them and their toxicity.
I've played as all 3, my hunter is my first and favorite but I play better on my warlock. I don't care for the titan myself but I don't hate them, their bubble has saved my ass many time just as my hunter has revived them many times wile invisible. Just depends on your own play style but there all important in there own way.
I like them all.
[quote]I'm tired of people hating on all the classes Edit: 200 replies!!! o.O Edit: 300 replies...[/quote] I hate any class that kills me in PVP
I don't hate any class. I have all 3.
I don't hate any class. I enjoy playing my titan on pve, love my warlock on PvP and my hunter is my high ranked bounty whore.
Hate in which context? I don't hate playing with or against any class. However I really dislike, actually I hate playing as a Titan in PvP.
I like them all
The only one I don;t have is a Hunter, but I plan to make one. I used a Hunter in the Alpha, and liked it.
I don't like hunters ,but I still have one Only made one because of the Platinum trophy Warlocks and titans
I have no favorite actually. Love all my characters.
I hate 2. Hunters and Warlocks. :)
have all 3