I deleted all my files and started from scratch. Just did it as a lvl 25 with another 25, a 28, and a few 30+. Did it in less than an hour. (Normal mode, but still). Skill>lvl (to a certain point)
Agreed but what is the best way to eyeball skill when picking a group?
That's fair. It would be easier if everyone was honest I guess, but seeming as they aren't... Level would be the easiest.
normal mode is way different then hard normal is really easy. even if a noob that doesn't know how to do a raid plays you just tell them how to do that part and they get it. hard is different though
I realize that, but only me and a 31 had mikes. Also, before I deleted, I've carried under leveled guardians through no sweat. It really depends on skill, not on level.
but if u deleted a character and your a level 31 shouldn't u have a level 31 right now? unles that was a lie and this is your only character
Or unless I wasn't planning on restarting and deleted everything in my vault, watched the first cut scene on a new character, deleted the final old character, and turned off the PlayStation
And I said me and a level 31 were the only one with mikes... I said I'm 25