takes one to know one son. i personally dunno, the vault seems a amped up 26 on normal if u ask me, no way is it on par with rock level 26 i was using my 32 last night with at team of first timers and held down left and centre alone with them 4 doing right. and the oracles..legit. im sure u take less damage above 30 or it seems like u do. im levelling up my VOG gear, just wish i could sign in with y blasted ps4,,ffs bungie
The only reason to be 32 in vog is the defense rating which is indirectly tied to level but that can be ignored. Its same damge taken and given for sure.
must.be in my head then. it sure does seem that you are 'ARDER'; than when ur lower.
takes one to know one? lmfao what? if u cant do VOG on hard at 30, ur terrible