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originally posted in:CentauriAlpha Fan Fiction
Edited by PhotonDash: 10/5/2015 2:07:09 PM

A New Regime Chapter 03

Here it is, what you've all been waiting for, the third installment of my new series "A New Regime". As always, comment if you liked it, and constructive criticism is always welcome. If you are unfamiliar with this series, here is a link to chapter one of "A New Regime". The sun began to rise over the rusted walls of the ancient Cosmodrome. Light glittered off of patches of ice and snow that were still left over from the violent snowfall a week before. The withered, dry grass swayed in the wind, and the decrypt machines that were scattered across the field could be heard groaning and creaking as they struggled to fight off the forces of time, continuing to resist their inevitable collapse into unrecognizable piles of rusted scrap. Sitting atop the wing on the tail end of a once glorious airplane, sat a single figure, meditating as the blanket of darkness and stars that had covered the Earth began to pull away, as night began to transition into the glorious bounties that always arrived with a new day. The solitary figure was draped in the robes and cloth armor that was befitting of most Warlocks across the solar system. His robes, however, were frayed and battered, the beautiful blue and orange finish that would've once made the armor a sight to behold now faded and peeling. To the left of him sat the Warlock's helm, the surface marred with small nicks, long scratches, and a single wide gouge across the back. Yet the helmet still sported a rich, black finish, the surface shining brightly off of the light of the rising sun. The Guardian's face was a picturesque view of peace and keen concentration. His green metallic skin seemed worn, and the streaks of red splashed across his face seemed as faded as the colors of his armor. As he felt the Sun's rays begin to dance across his skin, his eyelids flashed open, revealing his bright, blood-red eyes. The Exo regarded the landscape around him with a cherished pleasure, one that only came to those who reveled in the few times one had to simply stop and observe. If only he knew that it would be a long while before he would ever experience such a feeling again. He glanced to the side and watched as a patrol of Fallen approached his position. The single Vandal, and three Dregs were unaware of the Warlock just out of their firing range. The Exo moved from his sitting position into a stealthy crouch. He placed his black helm and locked it into place over his head. Pulling out his hand cannon from the holster on his back, he jumped from the back of the plane and began to glide towards the patrol. He took aim with his hand cannon, and fired three quick shots. Three Dregs collapsed to ground, thick spikes of black metal lodged into their skulls. The Vandal looked up, shocked at the sudden execution of the rest of his squad. In panic, he wildly fired his shock rifle at his assailant. Dodging the rounds of Arc energy, the Warlock dropped to the ground, landing at an arm's length from the Vandal. In a blur of cloth, the Warlock's hand wrapped around the Vandal's head, his hand shrouded in Void energy. The Vandal began to shriek in obvious pain as he dropped his weapon, his four arms clutched around the Warlock's own as he attempted to pry the Warlock off his burning face. The Warlock, however, was unyielding, and seemed to pay no heed as his hand continued to melt the alien's face to his helmet. When the screaming had stopped and the Vandal had finished struggling, the Warlock released his grip. The body dropped into an undignified heap on the ground, the Vandal's face now an unrecognizable mask of warped, blackened metal, and burnt skin. "Well, nothing like a healthy dose of killing to start off such a beautiful morning," said the voice inside the Exo's head. In mere moments, the Guardian's Ghost appeared, circling around his head. "What can I say Terminus. A death a day keeps the Darkness away." The Ghost, Terminus, looked at his Guardian in what could be akin to a smirk. The floating machine stopped his circling and hovered in front of the Warlock's face, his black and purple shell easily distinguishable across the mottled browns and grays that were prevalent inside the Cosmodrome. "On another note, I've just received an urgent message from the Tower. They are asking us to return immediately." "Did they give any indication why?" "Not a clue. I didn't even get a reading of who sent the message." At that note, the Warlock frowned inside his helm. "Have you been able to contact Ikora Terminus?" "That's what really worries me. A few hours ago, the signal from her Ghost just stopped transmitting. I can't seem to feel her Ghost's light either." The Warlock became deathly quiet at that. Terminus waited patiently as his Guardian considered the situation. When the Warlock spoke again, their wasn't an ounce of humor in his voice. He was all business. "Get the ship please Terminus. I believe it's high time we returned to the Tower." ... The Warlock sat in the cockpit of his ship, Terminus hovering right next to him, as the two sped towards the City. All the while, the Warlock had been checking and rechecking outbound transmissions from the Tower. All the channels were completely silent, further raising his levels of paranoia. As the walls came into their view, the Warlock turned towards his Ghost. "Terminus, I need you to stay hidden. If things start to get hectic, I can't have you getting caught in the crossfire." Terminus made a subtle downward bob and then disappeared in a flash of light. With his friend now safe and secure, the Warlock could now focus on what was to come as the ship neared the City. He flew over the wall without incident and landed safely in the Tower hangar. The side hatch opened and the Warlock stepped out into the hangar. He pulled his helmet off and tucked it under his arm as he approached his unexpected landing party. Standing at attention in front of the ship was a Titan in gold and white armor, the symbol of the Iron Banner etched upon his chest plate. The left side of the Exo's face was wrapped in bandages, but the single ice-blue eye that shone from the remainder of it was still as bright and menacing as ever. Leaning casually on a railing next to the Titan was an Awoken Hunter with dusty brown armor. Her light blue skin and dark yellow eyes radiated a cool intensity and ethereal, dreamlike beauty. "Tempest," barked Itami. "Glad you've decided to join us." Tempest stepped off the landing ramp, acknowledging Itami with a slight nod. His gaze at the moment was focused on the Hunter. She noticed the Warlock staring at her. She narrowed her eyes, bared her teeth, and directed a low growl at him. Tempest, unfazed, chuckled and turned back towards Geyser, who was observing the interaction intently. "So, I assume you've already had the pleasure of meeting Jadis?" Tempest chuckled again. "I wouldn't call pleasure the right word for our first encounter." Jadis snorted, and took that as her signal to leave. "Keep up," said Itami, and began walking at a brisk pace after Jadis, Tempest following at a safe distance behind them. The trio hurried into the Tower's main pavilion and as they finally exited the hangar, Tempest's paranoia skyrocketed. The pavilion was completely empty, devoid of vendors and Guardians. Well, all except for the small group of around ten Hunters and Titans standing loosely about the courtyard. As Jadis and Itami approached them, those Guardians stood at attention, chins up and backs straight. Tempest dared not get any closer, while Jadis stepped behind the group. Itami stood proudly at the front. "Itami," whispered Tempest. "What have you done?" "What I should've done three years ago, before you so rudely interrupted me." Tempest saw movement behind Itami, and watched as the assortment of Hunters and Titans drew their weapons, one of them even drawing a rocket launcher, and aiming it straight at Tempest. "Great, two minutes back and I'm already on the other end of a firing squad. Haven't I gotten enough of this from the Fallen?" "FIRE!" roared Itami. The Guardians pressed down on their weapons' triggers just as Tempest rushed forward, preparing to meet the oncoming maelstrom of steel and fire. Now continue on to Chapter 4

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  • Edited by AK: 3/31/2015 1:28:32 AM
    And here I thought you were gonna kill off my favorite class. Tempest sounds like an ultra badass. I must know, is he a Voidwalker or Sunsinger? Edit: Never mind, I just read through it again and he burnt off that Vandal's face off with Void energy.

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