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Edited by Boom Shalock: 4/8/2015 3:28:01 PM

The classes are unbalanced in PvP and Hunters are heavily OP (Proof inside!)

I always had the impression, the classes are not well balanced and therefore I went to and did some research. I evaluated several Top-100 rank lists (score, K/D etc.) on their site across all platforms and statistically counted the occuring classes. This is the result as a distribution of classes among the Top 100 lists: [b]63% - Hunters 23% - Titans 14% - Warlocks[/b] This leaves two conclusions: 1. Good players play Hunters. 2. Hunters are the most powerful class concerning the Crucible. Personally I doubt 1, at least in with this numbers. Hunters are the most played class, but the distribution in pure played classes is somehow like 38:31:31 (H:T:W). How would you interpret these numbers? edit: It's typical for these forums, how you get attacked and flamed if you open hypothesis like this. Don't get me wrong, kids, I'm not calling for a nerf or anything. I just want to discuss the numbers. And I expect Bungie to do a decent retrospective in the classes balance! edit2: It's interesting to see, how nobody seems to care about this thread but the the Hunter fanboys, who solely come in to cry and tell me to stop crying and to stop to critic their beloved Hunter. This community is really immature and childish. edit3: A lot of people start to argue with class skills or player skills, but can we please reduce to the numbers I posted and you can try explaining them?

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  • Someone's been blade danced a few too many times...probably just as frustrated as I get when I'm nova bombed or titan smashed.

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  • It's not just the class it's the people that know how to play them. They're in the top 100 for a reason

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  • I respect you and your views. You are not attacking hunters in anyway, so everyone, lets just be considerate yet open with our words, mkay?

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  • Hunters are better for crucible in general due to high mobility and the supers are more suited for crucible. The pvp of destiny is very very fast paced with little focus on much that speed. So a class that revolves around speed is much better for it than a space wizard with a slow jump or a slow moving tank. Ofc skilled players can play with either but the hunter is easier for crucible I think. In pve however... It's different. While disregarding supers, I feel all are more or less balanced in pve. Though personally (and its a matter of taste really) warlocks grenades are in general better for pve than the others. But when you put the supers into the equation... Hunters suck in pve. Lol. Well, not suck but... Blade dancer in any end game scenario is a liability and golden gun doesn't do enough damage to make it stand out against a pooping grenade Phoenix, a hulk smash, your own personal protection bubble or a blast of space magic. Still, I think you tend to find the style that suits you the most. You ll see expert players on all classes getting the same results. But when it comes to being easier or harder, I think warlock and titan are easier to use in pve and hunter is easier to use in crucible. My two scents.

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  • Hate all you want, hunters are not op. Our supers are the most vulnerable, sometimes leading to no skills. Many a time I've blade danced then been shotgunned. Golden gun can be taken out by a single sniper shot. Our melees don't have as much range or the perks to be better than the titans or warlocks. Striker titans are pretty much invincible while supering and carry those lightning grenades which they can have two. So stop calling it op when you're not good enough to kill them. ;)

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    • That's so funny you think hunter is op, there really not. Sunsinger is the most op class in pvp there survivability it way higher than the other classes and there perks benefit pvp better than the other classes. The reason the top players use hunters is because of the playstyle that class represents. I don't understand why people keep thinking hunters are op there not at all :p

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      20 Replies
      • Incorrect. Hunters are useless. Just ask everyone.

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      • To correctly theorize this you need to know how many of each class has been created across the board. Then if hunters are more plentiful.... Problem solved. My theory.. Hunters have increased movement speed and better jumping making the learning curve of the class lower.

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      • Edited by 1-800-DIRT-NAP: 3/31/2015 11:44:06 AM
        I can only play hunter and I'm sure most that play hunter are the same due to: the movement of the hunter is your classic FPS style that everyone is used to. It's all about speed and accuracy because the armour is low. The jumps are actual jumps not floaty jet pack flying. Good agility, grenade throwing and melee are the same across other shooters. I tried a Titan but I just can't get over the movement, I like to be fast and I cannot play with a jet pack style jump. Doesn't mean it's OP, just way more familiar to everyone.

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      • Wah wahhh wahhh!!! +100 tears

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        4 Replies
        • People mainly bought this game for pvp....they base it all on supers....warlocks have 1 PVP ...and 1 PVE....Titans....I guess they have both sometimes bubbles aren't useful on some maps....and last hunters have both PVP....that's pretty much my opinion on it

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        • Don't even have to read because I will report this anyways.

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        • The idea of PVP is not to get the classes balanced. Hunters are not OP they are just better for PVP.

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        • Edited by SiIver K: 3/31/2015 11:27:58 AM
          Hunters allow for high potential at a learning curve where your class abilities dont do everything for u Best gun perks + best jumps = solid class to deal with adaptable opponents If u want to talk about supers only, which is pointless as they don't net u most of the kills, ask urself what supers can be countered properly & take into account your skill as a player to deal with fairly? It'll surprise u...

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        • Really good players play gunslingers because of of golden gun, triple jump and perks that buff reload and stability. Average players can perform well using blade dancer because of blink and arc blade. It's already understood hunters are the best for pvp.

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        • Edited by Combo164: 3/31/2015 11:08:01 AM
          Hmmm I'm not all too surprised by the numbers. Actually the more i think on it, i kinda am. As someone who started as a hunter and then starting spacing out with the other classes, the best thing the hunter has over other classes, in my opinion at least is the supers, too an extent of course. While other classes are one and done with their super, the hunter is capable of picking off enemies separately with golden gun and bladedancer, this is excluding sunsinger. Ideally, golden is the deadliest pvp super since you can kill multiple yet separated targets, you can also take out groups in control from shots and combustion, all from a safe distance. Not to mention you can shut down blade dancers, FoH titans before they're close, sunsingers, novabomb guys and a titan bubble. Bladedancer is less effective against the other supers, basically the opposite of gunslinger in terms of effectiveness, unless you catch others off guard. Perks, grenades and melee perks are about even for each class, all having their own uses. I think where people are getting the rage from, aside from typical keyboard warrior mentality, is because you said the hunters are op and unbalanced, heavily so, and when anything is labeled op, people usually group that with calling for a nerf of some kind. Super wise, golden gun and bladedancer are timer based supers, which if not used right can net less to no kills. Not to mention dying without a kill with either super will be a wasted super since you can get your super back. Not to mention i personally find the melee of the hunters less effective (especially blink strike) than sunsinger shield, damage of storm fist and shoulder charge, perks on void walker melee and other things. Unless you're skilled with a throwing knife. Also the hunters grenades are good but....they're ok. Lightning grenade has netted me more kills not to mention hunters can't have 2 grenades. I've basically contradicted myself when i said other abilities were even. But then again, this is my personal thought on hunter abilities compared to others. Supers everywhere.

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        • It's true hunters are more powerful in pvp, I made a hunter specifically for pvp.

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          15 Replies
          • Hunters appeal to the better fps players more then the warlock and titan do. Its just that simple

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            1 Reply
            • Umm I play has a hunter and nothing makes me panic more than a Titan charging at me! Fist of havoc is far more over powered than a hunter because Titans have a perk when if they are using fist of havoc they are basically invincible

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            • Hunters are high risk/high reward. They have the ability to rack up the most Super kills per match, but they can also lose their Super when they die during it. The other factor that comes into play at least in some regards is the ability to go invisible and snipe. Can hunters be devastating? Certainly. Are they hands down better than the other classes? I don't think so. I would go so far as to say that the top 20% of the player base would probably do just as well with any class.

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              • Edited by OldeSkoolKool: 3/31/2015 10:21:35 AM
                Stop. I do best with my titan and kill more hunters than any other class. I guess you're wrong. /thread

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                • Hunter is just more fun to me. I actually do better with the other two, but find myself enamored with the sneaky little pricks.

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                • I killed 5000 warlocks before 5000 hunters...

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                • Why are the numbers suggesting hunters are OP? Maybe it's the class of choice.

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                • It's not the class, it's the person behind it. Most choose Hunter b/c it's an instinct to go for balance. Not raw strength and not raw wisdom. Balance

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                  4 Replies
                  • Titans are never chill

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