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Edited by Boom Shalock: 4/8/2015 3:28:01 PM

The classes are unbalanced in PvP and Hunters are heavily OP (Proof inside!)

I always had the impression, the classes are not well balanced and therefore I went to and did some research. I evaluated several Top-100 rank lists (score, K/D etc.) on their site across all platforms and statistically counted the occuring classes. This is the result as a distribution of classes among the Top 100 lists: [b]63% - Hunters 23% - Titans 14% - Warlocks[/b] This leaves two conclusions: 1. Good players play Hunters. 2. Hunters are the most powerful class concerning the Crucible. Personally I doubt 1, at least in with this numbers. Hunters are the most played class, but the distribution in pure played classes is somehow like 38:31:31 (H:T:W). How would you interpret these numbers? edit: It's typical for these forums, how you get attacked and flamed if you open hypothesis like this. Don't get me wrong, kids, I'm not calling for a nerf or anything. I just want to discuss the numbers. And I expect Bungie to do a decent retrospective in the classes balance! edit2: It's interesting to see, how nobody seems to care about this thread but the the Hunter fanboys, who solely come in to cry and tell me to stop crying and to stop to critic their beloved Hunter. This community is really immature and childish. edit3: A lot of people start to argue with class skills or player skills, but can we please reduce to the numbers I posted and you can try explaining them?

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  • Edited by Chaddercheese16: 4/27/2015 2:15:58 AM
    I'm actually surprised it's not Titans up there. Between shoulder charge and FoH, strikers can be really powerful

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  • Edited by Gideon VI: 4/27/2015 2:15:57 AM
    Hunters are useless in PvE besides for hiding, running away, and using the sword on Crota, so I think that balances things out.

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  • A Hunter is easy mode for Crucible, however there is a balance with them being the hardest class to play as in PvE.

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  • Just wait for the third subclass, to balance the hunters they get a nice purple glow around them that does nothing in pvp and something in pve Warlocks get another radiance like effect that shoots arc lazers out of their eyes, 1 hit kill 5 shots minimum Titans get god mode for 8 seconds. Like to see the complaints surrouding such an addition and the class distribution of complaints

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  • Well..when I play a titan I think close combat ;) (get shotgun a lot so I'm not so good with them.) When I would play a warlock I also get some what close( for that strong melee and nova bomb) when I play hunter I normally don't get close. Play from range..(less death BC people I guess are better in close range.) I could play titan and warlock at long distance but I feel they aren't meant for long range. Do good players stay away from close combat? (To a void titan n warlock strong melee, grenade and super) I think yes. I feel hunters are best for that.(mid-far) that's why hunters can increase zoom on goldgun...have a range melee...and have placeable grenades. So are hunters op? I think not. I think mid-far range is just the best combat. Once seen a defender take down like 10 players in close range BC he had his bubble up. Does that make titans op? No they're just the master at close range. But most people know to stay away. So not always the best pick in PvP. Warlocks....they have a bad jump...can get killed easy if used at a bad time. Masters at...who knows but they can play close-far...doesn't matter. But they arnt the best for ether are hunter op? I say no..they're just best at the best(safe) way to play.

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  • Lets be honest here. This is how I see it. When I play noobs in whatever playlist hunter is number one in my opinion. Sweaties on the other hand, I only see three kind of people. 1. Bladedancers (roughly 60-70%) 2. Titan strikers 3. Sunsingers In sweaty matches where heavy is not used I actually think Titan striker is the best class. Lightning grenades and guaranteed super kills are amazing and any bladedancer hates facing a Titan. Any of those three subclasses mentioned above are the best three PvP side. Other subclass just cant compare but all these need a different playstyle. I just think most people feel most comfortable using a hunter. That being said, my favourite is a bladedancer. Super is not the best but I just love the blink and grenade combined with knuclekehead radar helmet.

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  • Water is wet. Hunters are the worst in PvE. They do have a chance to shine in PvP as their supers are good there and so's their melee (throwing knives FOR DAYS YO). So, yeah, if we don't take playstyle and personal preferences into account I'd say Hunters are, by default, best at PvP to make up for their weakness in PvE. Doesn't mean a good player can't use a different class, doesn't mean a great player has to play a Hunter to reach full potential, they just have plenty of good moves for PvP.

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  • Well, Hunters are, in my opinion, underpowered in PVE when compared to the other two classes.

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    • Edited by The Law: 4/26/2015 6:33:21 PM
      Stop beating this dead horse! If Bungie wanted to fix it then they would have. So just pls.

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    • Your just now catching on to this?

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    • I understand why. All the lore states how hunters are just naturally good at crucible. They are the fastest and have the most offensive supers.

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      • You can compare this to the use of autorifles in pvp because they are heavily used just means they are easy to use not OP

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      • Warlock grenades are easily the best PvP overpowered

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        • agreed I don't want anything nerfed what's truly beautiful about this post is people defending when all I read is nerf that weapon and nerf that one. Can't we all just stop and just enjoy the crucible. Exotic's that were once really fun to use now sit in the vault collecting dust, where is this getting us...closer to CoD ,Halo .....

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        • Hunters r made for pvp.

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        • [quote]I always had the impression, the classes are not well balanced and therefore I went to and did some research. I evaluated several Top-100 rank lists (score, K/D etc.) on their site across all platforms and statistically counted the occuring classes. This is the result as a distribution of classes among the Top 100 lists: [b]63% - Hunters 23% - Titans 14% - Warlocks[/b] This leaves two conclusions: 1. Good players play Hunters. 2. Hunters are the most powerful class concerning the Crucible. Personally I doubt 1, at least in with this numbers. Hunters are the most played class, but the distribution in pure played classes is somehow like 38:31:31 (H:T:W). How would you interpret these numbers? edit: It's typical for these forums, how you get attacked and flamed if you open hypothesis like this. Don't get me wrong, kids, I'm not calling for a nerf or anything. I just want to discuss the numbers. And I expect Bungie to do a decent retrospective in the classes balance! edit2: It's interesting to see, how nobody seems to care about this thread but the the Hunter fanboys, who solely come in to cry and tell me to stop crying and to stop to critic their beloved Hunter. This community is really immature and childish. edit3: A lot of people start to argue with class skills or player skills, but can we please reduce to the numbers I posted and you can try explaining them?[/quote] Or because hunter is the most played class.

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          • Edited by Fonzi: 4/8/2015 4:58:02 PM
            Hunters have the most offensive supers. But also are the most vulnerable when being used. You can still one shot golden guns if you wait for them around a corner with a shotty Instead of being dumb and rushing a golden gun. You can still kill blade dancers from a distance if you have good communication skills. And your team focuses fire. Titan/Warlock supers wont net you the most kills every game but will definitely kill the whole enemy group thats together due to shielded AoE. , where the hunter supers failed to do so. Each super is superior in there own moments. Its all Preferrence,Strategy, but most of all TIMING

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            • I love how these types of posts are made but then later on theres a post saying how hunters are so useless and suck at everything and everyone is agreeing to it. Smh

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              • I think the Hunter feels more natural than all other classes. The jumping is like in other games, you press X, you go up and gravity pulls you back. The other classes keep floating. More interesting is to look at the supers. Titan: ward of Dawn equals support and no kills. Fist of Havoc is often used in panic, is somewhat difficult to aim. Most of the time it only kills one person instead of a group. Good players plan it to take out a group. Warlock: Sunsinger, pretty easy to take out if you're with 2 or 3 people on a distance. No guaranteed multikill. Nova Bomb needs more strategy. You need to plan it, the animation takes a bit longer. Good players plan it. Hunter: Golden Gun, relative easy multikills, also easy to take out compared to Warlocks and Titans. There's no defense buff like for the Warlock Nova Bombing. Plan it, or you'll die. Bladedancer: extremely difficult to take down, but no guarantee for a kill, because you need to plan it carefully. Yes it's an easy multikill if you do it right, but you need to plan it. It is incredibly powerful, if you have the right gear and perk set. More interesting is that the Hunter's supers are [b]both[/b] more than a one button smash and you're done. You can run around and get kills around the corner. The downside for this is that once you're in the animation and you get killed you lose energy, which isn't the case for tje other supers. It SEEMS like strategically oriented players use the Hunter, since you need to carefully plan your move and is the most agile. The more agile you are, the better you can turn and shoot and use your super. But you know, that's just my take away ;-)

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                12 Replies
                • Cough*Titan Smash is OP, Gunslinger doesn't even get shielding in super as opposed to every other super*cough.

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                  3 Replies
                  • Why [i]cant[/i] Hunter be "OP" in PVP? Hunters are "underpowered" in raids and strikes. Don't like playing against Hunters in PVP? [b]Make a Hunter[/b].

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                  • Edited by Seraph Kupo: 4/2/2015 1:24:34 AM
                    People like to play as hunter, doesnt mean its op. Jumping is total crap for other classes in pvp and blade dancer has a better warp jump than warlocks due to the other abilities a hunter has. Weapons however are totally dif thing altogether

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                  • Hunters have clear advantages. Both supers are amazing! Gunslinger gives you gun perks and that can't be said for any other class plus it has a beast of a super. Bladedancers can go invis, blink jump and go hungering blade that makes them a ninja tank. Plus I believe guns handle better in a hunters hands in general. My first was a hunter and when I made a warlock and then a Titan the biggest differences I noticed were; 1) it's easier to stay alive as any other class, I was used to having to hide as a hunter but the other two classes seem to absorb damage better 2) guns like hand cannons, scout rifles and snipers were a lot harder to use on other classes. Just like exotics have secret perks I think Hunters have a secret stability perk for precision weapons. It's crazy easy to get headshots with my hand cannons on the hunter, pretty easy on the warlock and a bit more difficult on the titan.

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                    • Edited by Ace of Destiny: 4/1/2015 11:37:04 PM
                      I Main a Titan....Second a Warlock, and dislike my Hunter. I...*sigh* I am too tired to post this crap for the millionth time... I'll just say...they all have good points, they all have bad points. I think the reason more people play Hunters is....The Game Is Rated "Teen".

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                      • Lol are these threads still a thing?

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                      • 1
                        It's the warlock, nova bomb kills all. Sunsinger holds 2 one shot nads, or you can use the fire bolt nad and throw two and kill three people at once :/

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