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originally posted in: Exalin (Thorisis)
3/27/2015 8:03:01 PM
So.. What exactly are we doing now?

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  • Resting

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  • We're in between stuff

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  • Okay. So, it's more of that waiting stuff? Glad I made this new batch of tacos. :D

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  • Edited by GingerlyWalnut3: 3/27/2015 8:07:44 PM
    Yum. [spoiler]You could step into the thread with me and Zara if you'd like[/spoiler]

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  • Glad you like my tacos. :D [spoiler]I might. >:)[/spoiler]

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  • I'll kill your tacos next time you make me angry

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  • You wouldn't! D: That's.. That's... That's cruel! Inhuman! Brutal! You should go to prison! No, an asylum! D:

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  • Edited by Forlorn Crow: 3/27/2015 8:21:31 PM
    I'm the King of Hell remember so I'm no where close to being human besides I can bring an asylum down in 5 minutes

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  • Okay.. Well then, we'll just have to do this the hard way. ^.^ *Pulls out shotgun* You will not be killing that taco. *Puts taco down on the table* Kill it and I'll kill you. >:) #ForTheTaco

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  • *grins demonically and sets the taco on fire* Shoot me damn it make sure I'm not coming back or I'm going to crawl out of hell and throw you in

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  • You.. You.. Monster! *Shoots you multiple times with muh shotgun, proceeds to switch to lazer gun and empty all of it's ammo on you, 360 no scope headshot you with muh sniper rifle until it runs out of ammo, and proceed to slash at you 967,000,004 times with my sword* HOW DARE YOU! *Takes out lazah cannon (It must be spelled like dat' or else it isn't the same weapon. It fires special highly explosive lazers that can evaporate almost any target instantly)* *Charges it, shoots you, and proceeds to repeat the process until I'm out of ammo* Are you.... Dead yet?

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  • No *rams you into a wall*

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  • Fufu.. Well, my armor can take that. Glad we're in the base! *Grabs some spare generator cartridges, and proceeds to put them on all my weapons* Okay. I'm ready to kill you more! *Runs up to you and slashes at your face with my sword, and proceeds to land a few punches and kicks on you, quickly gets in a shotgun round while I'm close, and then I pick you up, toss you around and slam you at the wall, then slash you with my sword right in your face, and proceed to land many punches on your eyes, nose, and throat* That enough? :T I kinda don't like fighting you.. :(

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  • Yeah you shouldn't like to fight me *grabs you by the throat throws you into the air and round house kicks you mid air through a wall* I'm holding back a lot

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  • Edited by FlamingoLamb7: 3/27/2015 8:48:35 PM
    Those really don't work.. My armor is made to take many kicks/punches. You gotta use real stuff to even scratch it. :D *Runs at you and punches your face, shooting you again with my shotgun, picking you up and slamming you into the ground multiple times, shooting at you with my lazer gun at the same time. I then Pick you up, slash at you with my sword and punch you directly in the eyes and neck, and I throw you into the wall. I then proceed to pick you up, and stab my sword right through you, keeping it there, until finally pulling it out, throwing you to the wall, and punching your face many times*

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  • Fight over. Cj wins

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  • I'm glad you agree with the obvious. :D

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  • Edited by Forlorn Crow: 3/27/2015 9:04:20 PM
    *grabs you shoulder and your armor starts to melt* Is it hot in here or is it just you [spoiler]I had to go eat tacos so I guess you win either way[/spoiler]

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  • Wha- STOP THAT IT COSTS ALOT! Well lets see.. You must reach at least 1,000,000,00F For it to even start to melt. To evaporate it must reach over 5,000,000,000F. So, if you can make it melt that's very impressive. :D Now, can you make it evaporate?

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  • Really you want to know *gauntlet begins to radiate and glow bright red and your armor turns to ashes* Next time don't try to fight me or your flesh is coming off *kisses you on the forehead and pushes you on the ground*

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  • Wha- Hey! My armor! D: You know how hard that is to make? And, I'm out of Tacotanium. D: (Don't ask about the crappy name. I was out of ideas the day I named it. :P) That stuff is only found in a few mines located near my hometown on earth. >:( The taco empire used to rule there, a couple thousand years ago. They mined this mysterious alloy and became the strongest kingdom to ever exist. Thankfully they were peaceful and didn't attack anyone or else the whole world would be ruled by the tacos to this day. Anyway, They had many mines for this stuff but many are collapsed, only a few remain. I use those mines to get my supply of it, but I'm out. D: So, how am I going to get this fixed.. :T

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  • Give me some of your blood and I can fix it

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  • But I like my blood..... You sure? My armor can't really be fixed any way but with tacotanuim, :T Fine, you can try, but I'm going to regret this...

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  • Ok give me a few minutes *draws blood from you then from my palm then I drip the blood into the ashes then light it on fire from the ashes the armor is repaired but has a hellish appearance* There you go all it requires is a small sacrifice for me *coughs up ashes*

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  • OOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well... There you go. Wha- Why does my armor look different?

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