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Edited by GribbyMcGrub: 6/8/2015 8:14:58 PM

Exalin (Thorisis)

Exalin has been destroyed. Details: __________________________________________________________________________ [u][b]Thorisis:[/b][/u] Hired by Del Fino Corporation the Exalin team is hired to clear planet Thorisis Headquarters of a specimen that escaped Exalin intact and is multiplying on this planet. Populated by 3 trillion people, the situation is dire as the entire HQ is overrun. Currently curbed within the HQ, the team must exterminate the creatures before they spread out of control.

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  • *Bardex beats up another Demon King.* "You think just because you live here you're better than me?!" "N-No!" "Wrong answer!" *Another Demon King is vaporized by Bardexs hand* "Still can't find the disturbance..."

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  • *freddy falls out of the portal and lands in a mound of shrapnel* Oh- *the 4 other guards fall on top of freddy* mmm.! *freddy gets up and brushes the shrapnel off his gear, luckily it didn't cut him* Freddy: where are we? *they look around and see nothing but jagged rocks, the blood-stained ground, and a red almost misty atmosphere* Guard 1: damn its kinda hard to breathe... Guard 3: put your oxygen masks on.. *each of us put out oxygen masks on* Freddy: Comms are most likely off so don't get off course* Guard 2: You think they followed us through the portal? Guard capt: I dont- wheres the portal? *Freddy and the others turn around and see nothing but a wall* Freddy: DAMMIT! *freddy raises his rifle* Freddy: lets try to get out of here.. there must be an exit somewhere... *freddy leads the group of 4 guards through the treacherous landscape of the underworld (hell)*

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    • Zara breathes heavily and clutches her side. Her wounds are not healing as quickly as they ought to. Holding back the desire to scream she sits against a gold wall in a Venetian style room. Her mind can hardly recall what all just happened only that there was pain and two more Immortals dead. The taste of blood dies to a commonality in her mouth. Snorting to breath she wracks with pain again and whimpers. A single tear finds its way from the bridge of her nose to the gold flooring, solid gold that is now marred with her blood. It will never be over though. The octagon room exits to a hallway where footsteps can be heard. As Zorr walks in he breaths a sigh of relief, but his face does not disguise the terrible news he must give his comrade for only a baby sitting in Zorrs arms accompanies him. Zara stares at him as the child in Zorrs arms whimpers softly. The mother did not make it and on Zaras side against a rogue Immortal, the father had died as well. Silence passes between the two for some time as the baby sleeps. Breaking the silence Zorr says, "She knew her, Lady Heather." By now Zara's eyes are glazing over and she leans her head against the wall. Sleep never sounded better in such an oddly comfortable room. "Wake up! I know where Heather is." Zorr kneels beside Zara and shakes her shoulder.

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      • *wanders around Sanctuary* So.... why is a place like this in Hell? *looks around* And where is the bathroom.

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        • Ginger continues to walk in the barren, red land

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        • Edited by GingerlyWalnut3: 4/11/2015 6:30:38 PM
          Ok, we should split up into groups. I think these would be best: Phantom and Jams (plus Minerva) Python and CJ Lethal and Exo. Vex, Zara and I can go with anyone

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          • The Leviathan went down easier than Ginger had expected. Apparently, physics worked the same in Hell as it did in his dimension, or, at least this section of Hell. He had brought it smashing down with gravity, and then sprayed plasma rounds at it until it dies. He collects it's bones for later.

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          • Ginger packs his bag, drinks one last beer, says farewell to the others, and then sets out to look for Radegast.

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          • *still sleeping in the corner of the sanctuary wrapped up in my blanket*

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            • Hey guys! What did I miss? Looks like your all in hell.. I actually haven't gone in yet

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              • *Wanders around Sanctuary* Well... This place is rather... ... Warm... Do our comms work here? I doubt it.... Do we have an alternate way to communicate?

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                • Ginger wakes up in the Sanctuary, snuggling with his blanket in a corner. He wakes up in a cold sweat, remembering the heart-jolting sensation of anti-matter, and the bright blue explosion of the Devastators. A world and its moon crumbling and scattering as if they were in a nonexistent wind. He does the most natural thing in this situation, and drinks a beer with his breakfast.

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                • *cam 004 is online* *freddy awoke with a start, not knowing how or when he got into a dark place..he only remembered the power went out and the portal ignited* freddy: wha- *Freddy was in a small compact place, barely big enough for him, a light flowed through at the top* Freddy: Professor... *no reply, but freddy slowly slid upward and noticed he was in a locker* Freddy: Professor.. *freddy attempts to opens the locker door, but it was blocked by something he could not see* Freddy: damn.. *freddy pushes a little harder and manages to free the locker door, a body falls to the side* Freddy: wah- is tha... *freddy takes a closer look at the body, mangled and torn apart, the body was unrecognizable.... but the clipboard and glasses confirmed the identity* Freddy:... *freddy looks around the room, the glass shield was broken, large footprints covered in blood stain the floor, wires and sparks of electricity dangle from the ceiling...a red alarm light blinks and gunfire along with yells and screams are heard off in a distance inside the facility* Freddy: The poor soul must have dragged my body and put it in the locker to protect me from whatever came through that portal... *freddy salutes, and tries to find his rifle in the almost dark room* Freddy: i have to get out of here and warn the city.. *freddy finds his rifle and powerful punch hits the door, bending it a little* Freddy: oh shi- *the door is almost broken down and freddy retreats into the testing chamber* *freddy turns on comms:* Comms: This is commander Freddy, evacuate the facility and the city at once, send teams down here to retrieve the wounded! *static is heard* Freddy: dammit! *the door is broken and a beast like no other he has ever seen charges into the room* Freddy: SON OF A BI- *freddy jumps out of the way as the beast stumbles and falls through the portal* Comms: security team I need backup in the observation room! *again static is heard, a voice appears in comms:" On route sir.."* *Freddy iss relieved to ear at least someone is alive* *4 figures appear moments later, flashlights on and rifle raised* Freddy: we nee- *several creatures block the doorway and charge* Freddy: DAMMIT, THROUGH THE PORTAL! *freddy jumps in along with the 4 other guards... the creatures stop to a halt in front of the portal and coward away, gunshots ring in the hallway and they run out of the room and down the hallway* *cam 004 is offine*

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                  • *Takes a nap and snuggles my blanket*

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                    • It only takes a second. Lives could be lost in exponential numbers and with great difficulty Zara and Zorr attempt to make their presence unknown in galaxies where humans are unknown. Yet, the challenges are ever increasing. In a desert climate Zara has found an amusing way to stay an alien enemy. Manipulating dunes she swathes the aliens in sand. They are quick to dig back to the surface, but the time gained is good. “Do you have it yet!?” She shouts to Zorr. “Nearly… patience Zara it’s not easy to see into other systems. You should know, the last three you chose turned up nothing.” She grumbles. “Bite me Zorr at least we re-established three more doors. These things are multiplying you’re lucky they aren’t a civilized race.” Zorr is silent for a second. “Then just kill them.” “No they don’t understand or know any better!” “Oh ho! If they are even decently smart they’d think us gods and… uh oh.” She looks up concerned then suddenly she feels it as well. At least two galaxies ago they had felt a presence, this time it was stronger. This time without a doubt someone or thing was following them. Zorr stops and teleports next to Zara. “I blame you.” “Yeah we’ll see about that.” She whips a massive wave of sand to the enemies. Together with a new galaxy in mind they pass through a doorway which seals and disappears once through. The armies left behind scramble to make sense of the disappearing aliens. As they do another figure shows itself. Seeing that its quarry is gone, the mysterious figure eradicates the life in the area. Then it goes about studying the stars similar to Zara and Zorr. Looking for a way to intercept the young Immortals that continue to evade its grasp.

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                      • *As Bardex snaps the 156th Hellhound neck and vaporizes the 84th Cyclops he comes to a realization* "I'm so damn lost."

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                        • *walks around with new shottie called "Hellfire"* (A 3 barrel rotating shotgun covered in hellish symbols and fire. Drum mag and another chainsaw bayonet)

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                          • *The Celestial leads the individuals through the rift, inside he waves his hand a and a base of sorts appears.* "This is the Sanctuary, you will not be attacked here." *It disappears and is back outside the rift, waiting for others.*

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                            • The Humanoid that appears to be composed of light, a Celestial, waits next to the rift.

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                              • What did I miss?

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                                • Altogether mourning the death of Murph a bright idea hits the team. Why not have Lethal resurrect their dead friend and Radegast. A hologram from Murph confirms their desire to at least try. Sadly something isn't right and Lethal is unable to summon Death or open a portal to hell to figure out what is going on. Luckily though Vex and Bardex find a rift in space that can take our characters to their desired destination... If even if isn't Florida. So there our journey begins. Find the usurper! Free your friends! Let the fun begin at the ninth circle of hell~! Everyone steps through the rift and....

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                                  • *Minerva waits for Exo to get to hell*

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                                  • *Minerva walks past Exo*

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                                    41 Replies
                                    • Sorry I took a little break Did I miss anything

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                                      • Cam 004: sector 12/ floor 6/ room 7-2b/ observation room- *the door opens and both the scientist and Freddy enter the room* Scientist: this....thing, hasn't reacted to any of our tests until's seems as if it was activated... Freddy: what's it doing exactly? *they both look through the glass and continue to observe an ancient stones, black and red, in the shape of an arch* Scientist: Well, from our observations, our theory is that it's forming a portal... Freddy: to where? Scientist: I don't know, it's just a theory... *freddy folds his arms and looks at the scientist* Freddy: how long do you estimate til it completes whatever it's doing? Scientist: we don't know exactly, sir... *a red light flashes on a control board next to them* Freddy: what's that? Scientist: it's nothing, it usually goes off every 30min... *the lights go out and the portal illuminates the chamber it's in and the observation room* Freddy and the scientist: what the? *Cam 004 is offline*

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                                        • Edited by Lord Genesis : 4/10/2015 10:32:40 PM
                                          *Lethal mentions the power to bring back the dead is no longer in his grasp. Later that day, The celestial appears to everyone in Bardex's crew 5 years prior, he tells them that there is a new ruler of the 7th Demon Realm and it has disrupted a fabric of the Universe, he gives them the location to the rift and he says he will be waiting for them there.*

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