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Edited by GribbyMcGrub: 6/8/2015 8:14:58 PM

Exalin (Thorisis)

Exalin has been destroyed. Details: __________________________________________________________________________ [u][b]Thorisis:[/b][/u] Hired by Del Fino Corporation the Exalin team is hired to clear planet Thorisis Headquarters of a specimen that escaped Exalin intact and is multiplying on this planet. Populated by 3 trillion people, the situation is dire as the entire HQ is overrun. Currently curbed within the HQ, the team must exterminate the creatures before they spread out of control.

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  • Ginger believes that Her reasoning makes sense, and that she would make a perfectly good leader. He bows down... [spoiler]Spell ALERT[/spoiler]

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    • She grins, and Ginger wonders if this is what a Glamour feels like for someone, as he finds himself undeniably attracted to the woman in front of him. She speaks "Of course you must be asking yourself the obvious question: why did I steal the throne? Well, the previous ruler wasn't... Wasn't cold enough for the job. We monitored him, and he was becoming... Soft at the time he was needed most, for you see, everything is aligning. Your so called Coalition will be sent into anarchy, divided by war, and will implode upon itself. Your Empire will destroy Perth Varcoe, and then destroy itself. Galaxies away, Immortals are dying. Soon, there will only be one other race that can harness time: The Harnarthians. They will be consumed by their war, and urge Atlas to fire the Devastators. The decision will destroy the Impereorium, but the other civilizations will turn on Atlas. Atlas would rather destroy everything in that quadrant of the Universe than lose, and that would make 2 quadrants dead. The only remaining civilizations will be weak, and will collapse soon after they are founded. And then... Nothing. You see, we are at a tipping point, but we would need a strong ruler of Hell to go through these dark times. I was ready for this responsibility, so I took the throne. Is that so bad? Wouldn't you rather protect all those lives, then see them drift in the afterlife for eternity, without purpose, without motives. I will promise a new Universe... And I shall succeed..." [spoiler]Phew that was long[/spoiler]

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      • -The Team starts walking toward the Gate to the 4th Circle of Hell. As they walk, they are quiet over what they saw in the Sirens' illusion. They arrive at the Gate, and prepare to enter and face what ever horrors lie beyond to say Murph.- So, what did you guys see in your illusion? *cleans sword* *checks systems*

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        • Edited by RichardSalad: 4/16/2015 11:37:26 PM
          *sits down in a chair* ... We must leave to the Abyss. There we should find something, I don't know what, but I know it's dangerous, and when we kill it we will be one step closer to finding this Usurper. The way is down the Epsilon path. We need to gear up as soon as possible, because Murph's life is getting shorter every minute we waste. *picks up Mk.11* Lock and Load!

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          • *Super Bardex regains his composure. Shimmra stares at him, unscathed. Shimmra's army lay dead around the Cosmos, due to Shimmras own action.* "Your efforts are futile, with this power not even your divine superiors can challenge me..." "Arrogant as always, The Heart will consume you, you are but a slave to it." *Bardex charges his Stardust Breaker and waits for the opportune moment.* *As Shimmra begins to speak he throws it right into his chest, Shimmra's body seems to sparkle and the molecules implode.* "Is it slavery when you get exactly what you want?" *A humanoid hand plunges through Super Bardex's chest, through his armor and out the other side, blood gushers onto the floor, his eyes widen.* "H-how... No..." "You are nothing to me now... Live your last seconds knowing that you have failed." *Shimmra grants Super Bardex a glance of the future to come, blood poured down his body as he saw the unspeakable horrors. Shimmra drained the last energies from Bardex.* *Shimmra removes his hand and Bardex falls to the floor into a growing pool of his own blood, twitching. Shimmra giggles and kicks him into the source barrier, blood smearing the floor.*

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            • -The Team moves out of the 2nd Circle and enters the 3rd. As they enter, they notice it was not.... Hell like at all. There was a Golden Sky, trees, and birds flying. People laughed and danced, and it gave the Team the urge to join. But little did they know this was a another one of Hell's demons, the Sirens, casting a illusion with their songs as they drained the soul's of the Team. Each member was in a dream like state of their life wishes coming true. Each one was different for each member- *sees people sitting on bench* Person: August! Come on over! *walks towards* Mom? Thomas? I... how. I saw you die. *Mother gets up and hugs me* Mom: My Dear August, how could we ever leave you. Come on and sit with us. *sits down and starts to tear up* All this time... I thought I abandoned you... I'm so glad your safe... Mom: We'll always be with you.

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              • Edited by GingerlyWalnut3: 4/16/2015 11:23:20 PM
                Radegast screams in pain as my sword goes through his stomach, but continues to fight despite the mortal wound. He stabs me with a knife in my collarbone, and I feel my organic arm go numb. I wonder if what happens in Hell transfers to our dimension... But my reverie is stopped by Radegast slumping over, dead on the floor. The Usurper walls forward, silently "Now that, that was an entertaining fight!" I clench the fist on my prosthetic arm, tightening the grip on my sword. I begin to expertly twirl my sword, slowly moving towards her, until I lunge at her. My lunge was off balance, and the blade misses completely. She doesn't move a muscle, her short black hair rippling in a nonexistent wind. I slash at her, but she grab my arm and pushes me back with strength that she shouldn't possess, and I am sent tumbling backwards. "Why so quick to violence Centurion? I haven't even explained myself..."

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                • .................................................................................

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                  • Again Time makes a circle with her hand. This time what forms before Zara is a picture of the present. Holding her breath Zara eagerly watches as her eyes widen to take in everything. The present shows Freddy badly injured. Zara is pained by the sight. Her hand moves to her chest as her eyes fill with worry and concern. The frailty and emotion in her voice evident. "What have they done?!" A small fury rises within her. Unable to contain herself Zara rises out of bed and paces. "What have the done to even be in Hell!?" Forcefully Time chastises the young Immortal. "Calm down! There is little you can do now. What has already been done is done. Now I have one more to show you." Times straightens and eyes Zara critically. "There is still the future... Will you have it or not?" "Yes we are this far in. The future will not kill me." Time smiles. "Ok get back in bed and I'll tuck you in." Zara stops and stares at Time attempting to comprehend the oddity. "NOW." Time flips back the covers and motions. Looking at Time confused Zara complies. The motherly affection from Time throwing her off. The woman tucks the adult in and sits back down with a flourish. Zara watches. "Let's see.... The future."

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                    • Ginger engages Radegast, fully expecting to lose. He was a soldier, but Chorans (Radegast's species) were naturally stronger, and Radegast had far more practice as far as swords were concerned. He felt the blade nick his arm as he sluggishly went to parry the blow. Blood seeped from multiple cuts, while Radegast was untouched so far. Ginger ducked under a blow, and slammed his shoulder into Radegast's chest, feeling a rib or two cave in, and felt a renewed vigor surge through him. This was not his grave...

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                    • Ginger enters the portal to the pocket dimension that houses the Usurper... And finds himself facing Radegast. His face is contorted into a rage that was extremely uncharacteristic of Radegast, and Ginger knew that if it was really him, then he was under someone else's control. A slender figure stands up from the throne, her curves accentuated by the light radiating from the ceiling. She makes a gesture with her hands "What are you waiting for Radegast? Slay him."

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                      • Ginger feels his prosthetic arm crunching under the axe, the adamantium not holding up against the blade. He stabs his foot and runs away towards the wall. Morgorath follows him, and as he swings to decapitate Ginger, he pushes off the wall and jumps, stabbing the demon in the face, his blade sinking into the brain. Morgorath falls, dead. Ginger proceeds amongst the snarling demons, walking calmly into the throne realm.

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                      • -The Team enters the 2nd Circle of Hell. As they walk, the ground starts to rumble, and starts taking form. They form 5 Goliaths, creatures made from stone and the souls of those were loved, but betrayed that love with greed. As each takes a step, they send out a wave of coldness that seemed innatural in Hell. Each stood at 30ft. They quickly approached the team, freezing the landscape as they wen't.- Well. I got the..... *points to far left* That one on the left and you guys can have the others. Deal? *lunges at the legs of the Goliath, Grimm running next to me, melting the ice as we go* *slices into leg of Goliath* *Grimm breathes Hellfire on other leg*

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                        • The final fortress was guarded by the Demon Lord, Morgorath. He was quite the impressive figure, standing at nearly 15 feet tall, although Ginger suspected that he could grow larger. He stood in front of the grey, floating, metallic fortress, axes in both hands. Ginger drew his Atlas Plasmablade, and they engaged each other. Ginger, super soldier he may be, knew that he would be by far the weaker one in this fight, and stayed in close range to limit Morgorath's mobility. He would quickly boost in and out, sometimes wall jumping to get a better vantage point on Morgorath. The Demon was an aggressive, if not very intelligent fighter, but Ginger was weak and tired, so when he moved on the offensive, there was little that Ginger could really do. He placed his foot on Ginger's chest and prepared his axe's downfall...

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                          • Ginger goes into an all out sprint, memories that are not his own seeping into his head. An endless stream of insects. Ships crumbling. Cities leveled. Yuma destroyed. If Atlas thought that the Killiks were so bad that they make a truce with their greatest enemy to destroy a galaxy, then they were truly a force to be reckoned with. But what were they doing here? And were they real?

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                          • The Future shows Ginger leaving. It seems to be a melancholic scene and it is not in Hell. Time notices Zara's face sadden. "You realize you have horrible taste in men right?" With a start Zara's eyes meet with Times. The woman dismisses any continuation with the flick of her hand. "Doesn't matter. Tomorrow you leave. Get some sleep." About to protest Zara suddenly feels exhausted. She mumbles, "What does it mean?" Her eyelids become heavy and she lies back down. Time leans over and whispers into her ear, "It means.... He doesn't love you." Zara falls asleep to these very words as a sadistic smile plasters Time's pale face. She chuckles maliciously. "And you my darling dear are too innocent and young to realize that the future can be changed. Yet, you must learn somehow, right?"

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                            • Edited by GingerlyWalnut3: 4/16/2015 9:14:07 PM
                              Ginger runs through one of Theta's fortresses, snapping the neck of the Demon Warlord there. He had gone 4 days without food or rest, and strain was beginning to take its toll on him. He cloaked, and slept for 2 hours in a secluded ledge before continuing his journey. His goal: kill the Usurper and bring back his friends. As he opens his eyes, he sees a shimmering in front of him, and immediately recognized the source.... The Killiks were here

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                              • *still continues to slaughter more and mor imps and leviathans, because still stuck in rampage/slaughter/chaos mode, ice tears form in my eyes for I'm blind with rage, I bare the same ice rose design on my chestplate and eye pupils are glowing red*

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                                • [b][spoiler]HEY GUYS AND GIRLS! ITS TLT WEEKEND! (Torture Lethal Time). FEEL FREE TO step on his tail Burn him Crush him Trap him Bite him Hide from him (he can get mad) HAVE FUN[/spoiler][/b]

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                                  • [spoiler] something needs to happen soon[/spoiler] [spoiler] Im soo bored :'c[/spoiler]

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                                    • *opens all Comms* My Scouters have located the approximate location of Murph. He is being held in the 4th Circle of Hell. I am forming a team to go and retrieve him. Who wants to join?

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                                      • *Lays down on jams favorite rock and falls asleep*

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                                        • Hello everyone. I won't be on much.. In fact this is probably all you'll hear from me today.. I can't stop watching spice and wolf darn it... [spoiler]I hate you lethal[/spoiler] [spoiler]I'm addicted to it..[/spoiler] [spoiler]Why did you recommend it to me.. WHY?[/spoiler]

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                                          • [spoiler]is anybody still awake?[/spoiler]

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                                            • If you're still involved in this RP comment here. No extra crap. 24 hours. Anything later and you will be excluded. Unless you have an excuse.

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                                              • *Bardex heads back to the break, masking his presence. He hopes Shimmra hasn't fully recovered yet either, and plans to use that to his advantage.*

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