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originally posted in:Dark Ishtar Nation
Edited by Overly Hyped: 3/26/2015 7:05:10 PM


Please leave your Xbox One gamertag in a reply down below so others can add you! Add a little information about yourself if you'd like!

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  • AngerxBlitz & I try to play during the day, but mostly free at nights

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  • GT chaddbx I mostly play weekdays after 4 up to about 9 est. Also play weekends whenever I can. Like raiding and doing dailies/weeklies and always willing to help out others.

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    3 Replies
    • Gt: NatesFayt, 21 year old college student, live in California. 3 lvl 32s, one of each class, looking to hopefully meet people I can run PoE and ToO with when they come out

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    • Gt: TOP3 FuSiionzZ Everybody feel free to add me I enjoy doing raids and helping anybody out. All my characters are Lvl 31 and looking to quickly rank up once house of wolves comes out.

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    • Edited by Havana Slama: 5/11/2015 10:51:40 PM
      Level 32 warlock from the uk (Scotland). I raid at least one day over the weekend but most of the time Friday night to Sunday I'm on and do the weekly nightfall and heroic during the week. If you like a dependable player then give me an add and we can get a good strong team together! Gt Havana Slama

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    • GT: Ferrell710 Lvl 30 titan haven't started any of the other classes yet.

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    • Edited by Overly Hyped: 3/29/2015 5:31:32 PM
      GT: Overly Hyped Feel free to call me Tony! I try to host raids on the weekends and help members when I'm online with anything Destiny related. My main focus is Destiny but let's be honest, we're all gamers here, I play just about every game that I can get my hands on. Invite me to a game whenever and we'll play!

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      7 Replies
      • Still me. GT is the same. East Coaster and older than my light level... lol

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      • GT: Y0NZ (0 in the GT is a zero) 25 and from Australia, so making raid times can occasionally be a little tricky. Cars and work keep me busy most the time, but whenever I'm bored/have time to kill I'll be online. No stranger to PvP either

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      • Gt: Gabe Daniels I'm twenty years old and yes, that is my real name, I use toga be various names as my gamer tag (just for the fun) until I decided my own was better. I play a mix of games but I try to invest some time into destiny when possible, I also do PvP when I'm done with all the weekly stuff and bounties. Message me if you ever want to chat or body some people in the crucible

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      • Edited by Theazn627: 4/20/2015 10:27:35 PM
        Gt Theazn627 I'm 16 almost 17 I have been a gamer my life I tend to raid when i get a chance with my friend we basicly play every day and our one issue is that there is a chance that we will lag out and if wanted to call my name call me by either shawn or asian(which is "azn" in my gamer tag)

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      • GT: CaTaSTrOphiK v2 I am 32 years old have been an avid gamer most of my life. Being older I don't have as much time as I did in my younger years to play. But I still get on Destiny just about every day. I am on the east coast in NYC and typically play nights as I work and have my gf to tend to during the days. So I am usually on around 1130pm to 3am or so. I have all 3 classes level 32 have all raid weapons and every exotic weapon except Thunderlord. I am willing to help out in whatever way I can I can swordbear, relic hold, solo a gate on hard. Recently I am trying to get into the crucible more so if you want to form a team for that I am definitely down as well. Thanks for letting me in and I am looking forward to playing with as many of you as possible.

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      • WNG ZER0 32 on all 3 classes, 2545 grimoire score atm Down to do any game mode and love raiding. On most of the time and am always down to help out with raids, etc. Add me and i'll add you back. Lets do this guardians

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      • Edited by bRev93: 4/12/2015 6:24:50 PM
        Gt: bRev93 You can call me rev, b.rev, whatever.. But, for Thor's sake, don't call me brev. Feel free to add me. 32 on all 3 classes At this point I'm only running weeklies/nightfalls and crucible on the regular. (Gotta grind out them DO packages for shaders). Also trying to learn sword here and there and possibly even run some HM VOG just to say i have the sniper and fusion rifle.

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      • GT: ATPerez91 Level 31 Hunter (almost 32), and a 31 Warlock. Down to play pretty much any game mode. Add me on xbox. I'm on pretty frequently

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      • GT: Cory 29991 Daily player lv. 31 hunter. Need more shards and one last gear from crota raid to hit 32. Done both raids and nightfalls a number of times, dont mind redoing for anyone that needs it

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      • TE Sams12 lvl 25 plays mostly weekends had the game for about two weeks now. Trying to get gear.

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      • Get is same as above

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      • Gamertag's Derp Norris, I have a 2370 grim score atm, love to raid and play pvp. Add me if you're trying to get any clan achievements!

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      • I've got all characters at 32. Grimoire is 2785 atm. Love raiding. I like pvp, and usually average a 1.5 kd. Add me! Still looking for that clan raid achievement!

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        1 Reply
        • GT BSB215 Im on almost everyday. I have all 3 classes 32. Know all roles of raids. Been playing since beta. I also enjoy pvp. I am average between 1 and 3 kda. Grim score 2830.

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          • GT: brownthunder502 New to destiny, have had it almost a week. Still tryin to figure it all out. Not new to FPS's and gave caught on pretty quick, I hope. Anywho, hoping to learn a lot and see all of what destiny has to offer. Thanks in advance for helpin me out :)

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          • Gt: halfbreed2597 you can call me "H" "Half" or anything that's easier for you . I have a level 31 hunter that's my only character cause I got the game a month ago I have a level 11 warlock that I'm working on and I'm usually on destiny around 3pm to 10pm Eastern standard time . I help anyone with anything so feel free to send me an invite or message .

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            • SPADERHINO117

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            • PoisonVendor Feel free to invite me for whatever you need! I'm on quite a bit.

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            • tanis109 hi everyone i just joined im 18 and need people to carry me jk i do need help though

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