And it will tell you it came from a seed but to further back. Go to the beginning. The earth finally cooled down from being a molten rock in space. Life can't occur if a planet or ecosystem is void. At that time the whole universe was void of life. There weren't even single celled organism's. So how did they get there? Ah! Now you're wondering. The obvious answer is God. And no atoms didn't compound and build on one another because atoms are just bits of elements like water, sand, diamond. But trees are living , breathing things. God created trees, animals, people, insects, birds, fish, monkeys, puppies, cows, chickens, emus, ostriches, you name it.
Then why is life constructed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen etc. These elements are found in nature. In the beginning god created as you say the heavens and the earth. He doesn't describe the earth as a molten rock, so how did you get to that conclusion.
Actually He does. The earth was void and without form.
And [i]molten[/i] rock fits in their where?
When the earth was void and without form?
Void=\=molten rock
The way that's written has never made sense. Can't you just write it out?
Void does not equal molten rock
But void does mean lifeless. Without form? When rock is hot and melted down to liquid it's without form because it isn't solid.
So god told you the earth was molten through his word. You just instantly knew he meant molten, there was no science involved.
My mind collapsed earlier the simplest sentences aren't making sense. I'm done for the day.