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Edited by Colt1775: 5/5/2015 7:03:03 PM
You do realize for something to evolve it's DNA has to change completely right? DNA cannot change without being manipulated by humans, but it can gain endurance to certain things like temperature or pain. Fish didn't form from atoms and fish didn't turn to monkeys and monkeys didn't turn to people. If atoms just collided and built up you'd get some pretty ugly crap that's not living. For example: an ape will always be an ape, a fish will always be a fish, a human will always be a human. Therefore evolution was just proven with a fact to be a theory.

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  • Edited by CaliforniasGold: 3/19/2015 5:29:04 PM
    None of that is proof of God's creation, much less God's existence. Please do not assert something for fact when you have nothing to prove it. You're doing yourself, and people who share your beliefs, a disservice.

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  • All things which exist has to have been created correct? And don't argue the "law" that matter cannot be created or destroyed but only reused because that is a theory. If you want further proof look at the prophecies in the bible, put to test Acts 2:1-4 and Acts 2:38, if any of it lines up with what you expirence or witness then you cannot argue. As a matter of fact tomorrow in Tioga, LA around 3-4k people will be attending the biggest rally in the state of Louisiana, the POA is known throughout the nation for dynamic, services where God has moved in such a way the sound from the speakers blasting cannot be heard over Gods voice speaking into your life and God turning turning your world upside down setting everyone who finds Him on the right path. Exactly two years ago tomorrow a paralyzed girl got out of a wheelchair and started dancing, a deaf person was able to hear again, a person who was addicted to drugs had those chains broken, someone who was going to commit suicide was saved. No amount of medicine can do any of that. Only God can, and if you still forsake God because it can't be explained or simply because it seems implausible then you are missing out on the whole purpose to life.

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  • Sure a few instances of people surviving illness is great, but not everyone does. What does god have to say about the people he let's die, the people who are in car accidents or are born with with extra limbs or failed organs.

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  • Questions like that are questions only God can answer. I could say something, you wouldn't like it though. Ask that Britton guy. I tried being real with him maybe I was too real or something.

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  • No they don't, all man made things need a creator because they don't occur naturally. Try asking a tree, who created you?

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  • And it will tell you it came from a seed but to further back. Go to the beginning. The earth finally cooled down from being a molten rock in space. Life can't occur if a planet or ecosystem is void. At that time the whole universe was void of life. There weren't even single celled organism's. So how did they get there? Ah! Now you're wondering. The obvious answer is God. And no atoms didn't compound and build on one another because atoms are just bits of elements like water, sand, diamond. But trees are living , breathing things. God created trees, animals, people, insects, birds, fish, monkeys, puppies, cows, chickens, emus, ostriches, you name it.

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  • Then why is life constructed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen etc. These elements are found in nature. In the beginning god created as you say the heavens and the earth. He doesn't describe the earth as a molten rock, so how did you get to that conclusion.

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  • Actually He does. The earth was void and without form.

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  • And [i]molten[/i] rock fits in their where?

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  • When the earth was void and without form?

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  • Void=\=molten rock

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  • The way that's written has never made sense. Can't you just write it out?

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  • Void does not equal molten rock

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  • But void does mean lifeless. Without form? When rock is hot and melted down to liquid it's without form because it isn't solid.

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  • So god told you the earth was molten through his word. You just instantly knew he meant molten, there was no science involved.

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  • My mind collapsed earlier the simplest sentences aren't making sense. I'm done for the day.

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  • [quote]All things which exist has to have been created correct?[/quote]Created? No. Just the word "creation" implies a power or being that creates something with purpose. That is not the case. [quote]If you want further proof look at the prophecies in the bible, put to test Acts 2:1-4 and Acts 2:38, if any of it lines up with what you expirence or witness then you cannot argue.[/quote]Your argument is circular. You cannot use the Bible to prove the things the Bible claims to be true. [quote]Exactly two years ago tomorrow a paralyzed girl got out of a wheelchair and started dancing, a deaf person was able to hear again, a person who was addicted to drugs had those chains broken, someone who was going to commit suicide was saved.[/quote]...or it was all a set up to keep gullible people like you drinking the kool-aid.

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  • If you put something to test and get the same results then its not a fairy tale. Think of a science project and you desire to prove or disprove a theory which claims to either be true or false. What do you do? You put it to test of course! So why are you so resistant to try it for yourself?

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  • Like the earth being flat, how did you test talking snakes btw?

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  • Science said the earth was flat. As for talking snakes you and such things as that you would have to talk to God about that. Satan was an angel once who had a voice but Satan got proud and was a liar and booted out of heaven so started deceiving people he came to Adam and Eve in the form of a snake, he could come to you as the prettiest girl you've ever seen and you'd see her as just another face because satan plays on our weaknesses.

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  • But gods all knowing so he knew Satan would turn on him when he made him yet he made him anyway, so god created evil.

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  • Most over used excuse for combating God of all time. God didn't create evil, God created free will.

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  • So you are denying god is all knowing

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  • Edited by Colt1775: 3/19/2015 7:02:41 PM
    No, I'm not, I'm saying God created free will.

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  • Edited by Jack: 3/19/2015 7:10:50 PM
    But if he is all knowing he knows the choices you have made and will ever make, we may feel as if we have free will but your god being omnipetitant already knows what you will ever do.

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