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originally posted in:Seventh Conflux
Edited by Fashion Lizard: 9/10/2015 5:16:58 PM

Bungie Community Humpday Supdate! (March 18th, 2015)

We’re back! This is the [b]Third Bungie Community Humpday Supdate![/b] Since my benefactors demanded more [url=,0,214,317_AL_.jpg]NPH[/url], this Supdate is going to be pretty… [url=]Well, you know.[/url] [b][u]Spring Break![/b][/u] You all may have noticed the absence of a Supdate last week. Well, I apologize for that. I may or may not have been [url=]enjoying paradise[/url] with some [url=]good[/url] [url=]friends.[/url] Fear not, though. [url=]We’re back![/url] [u][b]Bungie Community Podcast![/u][/b] We were going to have a community podcast last night, but things got [url=]a little confusing.[/url] We’ll have it up for next week’s Supdate though, so don’t worry. You’ll be able to make fun of how stupid we look soon enough. [b][u]Game Night![/u][/b] This week, we’re teaming up with #gaming to play some GTA V Online. Well, “teaming” up with them. No one’s ever really [i]that[/i] safe in that game. Unfortunately, there isn’t a thread up for the game night itself up yet, since that’s “Thursday work.” I’m just letting you all know because [url=]I love you all.[/url] Our March 7th game night, hosted by [i]thee[/i] [url=]Makeshyft[/url], presumably went off well. I wouldn’t know, though, because they never tell me anything. [u][b]Group Spotlight![/u][/b] This week, we’re taking a look at [url=]The Collective Anomaly,[/url] a group of storytellers made by the wonderful [url=]ChorrizoTapatio.[/url] They may be new, but they’re already flooding the forums with some [url=]good stuff.[/url] [u][b]What’s Going On?[/u][/b] -[url=]Well, the thread’s nothing special,[/url] but not everyone can be beautiful. -There’s a census being made. [url=]Give in to Big Brother.[/url] -Yay! We’re not all [url=]lonely![/url] Right?! Right….? -We’ve got a new daddy! [url=]Welcome Jason to the World![/url] -Ragnorvax’s brother is the man. [url=]I, personally, thank him for his service.[/url] [u][b]Wrap-Up[/u][/b] The Supdate this week was a bit short this since no one really did anything. [url=]It’s ok, though.[/url] We’ll be back with more great tales next week!
#Community #BCHS

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