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Edited by Jasondurgen: 3/16/2015 3:45:28 AM

--Archaeus-- Of the Stars Above/ Chapter 4

--Archaeus-- Of the Stars Above [i]Chapter 4 -[/i] A Grand Discovery with Grand Questions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I stood there in a complete whirl of marvel as I gazed upon the seemingly heavenly light that graced my eyes. I was frozen entirely, unable to move from my stance, even as the ground shook relentlessly around me. I watched as the machine continued to spin in a rapid speed, emitting the blue light from its peak. I knew this was not just a light that these extraterrestrials decided to shoot into the sky. There was meaning behind it. I believe it was a beacon. If my grandfather had seen this great construct many years ago in a completely different country, I knew that this wasn't just a coincidence. Before my grandfathers discovery, there had been countless more just the same as his. And now, here I am making a discovery of my own. These aren't your average UFO sightings. These specific ones indeed have a purpose. I don't think that purpose is a positive one, either. After I watched the machine for about ten or fifteen minutes, the shaking of the ground stopped, and the machine was left as a simple projector for this beacon of sorts. After waiting another hour for something else to occur with the ship, I decided it was time to head back home and inform my wife of this discovery. Excitedly, I rushed to my car and began my way back to my house. By the time I got there, it was about five o' clock in the morning, and the shaking of the machine surely woke my home city up. Sure enough, once I pulled into my driveway, there my wife stood, very shocked, very surprised, and very unhappy. "What in the hell happened out there? How long were you away?" she asked. "Just a few hours. But enough about that, did you feel it? The ground shaking?!" I screamed with eagerness. "Well yes, that is what I was primary coming to ask you about. What was it?" she spoke. "It was the machine! The ship! It made the shaking you felt, it made those men who were surrounding it leave, and it is making that beautiful light!" I exclaimed while pointing towards the light. "You need to stay away from that thing! If it scared away a governmental suit, there's no way in oblivion you should be staying near it! If I catch you going there again, wow, I will not be happy at all." said my wife in anger, yet fearful as well. I knew she wouldn't understand like I do. She lacks the conviction to explore this great mystery, unlike myself. After our little fight, we soon went to bed to sleep off the remainder of the day... well, morning I suppose. When I awoke a few hours later, I heard my wife screaming for me. She told me to get up and turn on the local news channel. It was a breaking news report on the machine! I wasn't surprised, though. I knew this would happen. That beam of light isn't exactly hard to miss, nor was the shaking caused by it. "Here we are, standing right next to what it seems to be a large, unidentified flying object, which is hovering directly above this large crater on the ground. It is currently spinning on its center axis, and is releasing a kind of blue light into the sky. Officials aren't sure what this thing is, and have neglected to tell us more about it, but... Wait... It looks like the city police are coming in. There forcing everybody to move back away from the machine... Until we move away and get situated, here's Lacy, back at the station." spoke the news reporter. I then turned the channels to another news channel, which featured an interview with an expert on extraterrestrials and UFO's. "How would you explain these findings, Michael? It's not exactly a normal thing to have not one, not two, but SEVENTY FOUR UFO discoveries within twenty four hours." said the interviewer. "Well Sam, I would say that based on the clear evidence we have at hand, these UFO's aren't here for sight-seeing. Large earthquakes within the radius of the ships effect line, and large beams of light, reported of being shot up out of our atmospheres and into the depths of space. I don't think these things are here for a positive reason at all. In fact, it almost seems like these ships are sending out a signal to others in space, almost like a beacon. It's easy to assume that if these creatures were here for a positive reason, they would have directly greeted us first, not probe our planet and shake the ground incessantly. Whatever their motivation may be, I doubt it will be beneficial to us." said Michael. "Well, what about the fact that these things were apparently sighted before now? Could those single ships have been scouts used for some purpose?" said the interviewer. I quickly shut the television off, walked onto my back porch patio and just looked at the beam of light. I can't imagine these things being here for a negative reason. And the fact that there are seventy four of them that have been discovered since they landed last night? That is crazy! I never would've expected something like this happening in my time! But the question that reined through my head from that interview, is why would any intelligent life immediately want to destroy another intelligent species upon its discovery? It makes no sense. But this might be what my grandfather was trying to hide from me. The fact that these ships could just be here to destroy us and our planet, for reasons only those committing the destruction could know. But even then, how would he know of this information? They never exactly said the reason of why they are here. They just started to dig, and that is it. It's still quite foggy for me, at least for now. I went about my normal day after watching the broadcasts. I knew something was going to happen soon. I knew it. I waited for that something.

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