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3/11/2015 6:12:07 AM
Ever heard of Charles Darwin? Dickhead.

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  • Edited by Tempest26: 3/11/2015 3:12:17 PM
    Yeah Darwin was a main writer and discoverer of evolutionary theory. He established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors. Im sorry I don't agree .... I didn't come from an ape .... Or a lizard didn't evolve into something else, or a rat turned into a small cat etc .... His scientific theory that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process that he called natural selection, in which the struggle for existence has a similar effect to the artificial selection involved in selective breeding. Was also not his idea but Alfred Wallace's main idea ... Darwin just branches off of it. They believe in natural selection which is the gradual process by which heritable biological traits become either more or less common in a population as a function of the effect of inherited traits on the differential reproductive success of organisms interacting with their environment. Or as others would call it adaptation! In summary, life "arose" by pure chance from the non-living primordial soup; it then became diversified into the multiplicity of plant and animal species that we know today through the avenue of pure chance and "natural selection." What this means concerning the origin of man is stated succinctly by leading evolutionist G.G. Simpson: "Man is the result of a purposeless and materialistic process that did not have him in mind. He was not planned. He is a state of matter, a form of life, a sort of animal, and a species of the Order Primates, akin nearly or remotely to all of life and indeed to all that is material. Or, from still another angle but with the same disastrous results, there is the approach of Darwin himself: "But then with me the horrid doubt always arises whether the convictions of man’s mind, which has been developed from the mind of the lower animals, are of any value or at all trustworthy. Would any one trust in the convictions of a monkey's mind, if there are any convictions in such a mind?" Here the sword has swung full circle, for man's mind cannot be trusted for anything, not even for the theory of evolution itself. All knowledge slips into the void and "man" passes completely out of existence. Thus, twenty-first century humanistic man flounders hopelessly in the net of his own folly. It is a net of self-contradiction, self-frustration, and self-condemnation. "I will be free," he says, "free from God and all His restraints; free from the outmoded morality of the Bible; free from the 'unscientific' 'myth' of creation." "Free to know all and be all; free to shape my own destiny." "Free to determine for myself what is good and what is evil, what is true and what is false." And so the journey begins in high-handed self-sufficiency. Man declares his independence from God. He owns no Creator and he owns no Lawgiver. So is God's image stamped indelibly on your heart. However far you may have drifted from the morality of the Bible, still you know that right and wrong exist, that you are a sinner and stand condemned by even your own poor standards of goodness. And, however much you may try to suppress it, there still comes welling from deep within you the cry that you are not an animal, nor a machine, but a person. You didn't get this from the dinosaur; you got it from the God who created you and calls you to Himself. Why not throw down your arms of rebellion and return to Him? To serve Him is true liberty and to know Him is life eternal.

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  • Oh and by the way many birds evolved from dinosaurs. The chicken and ostrich are examples.

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  • Oh gosh .... Seriously? Your one of those!?!? Adaptations are what individual organisms have, like longer beaks, darker fur, lighter skin, better oxygen carrying capacity, etc. Evolution is the change in a population over time. Many ad

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  • What I'm talking about aren't adaptations though. Define what you call evolution.

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  • 1. I just defined it to you 2. Evolution is a change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift.

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  • You must have forgotten about the crusades and that thing called the dark ages, where your so called saints, none other than Christians, killed whoever stood in their way of conquest, all in the name of your God. And don't bring up the whole "they repented for their sins" bullshit because first of all, how can a man appointed priest do the work of you all mighty god and pick and choose who they can "save"? Your religion is a joke so stop trying to force your stupid decision of believing down other people's throats.

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  • God appointed those apostles and disciples .... So man didn't save himself from anything. It was all divine power granted from God. And yeah the crusades and everything were bad .... Mistakes made by fallible man .... Who can and will chose to work in his own accord and try and be his own boss ... Which leads to failure and greater sin like the examples you mentioned. Anyone can say they are Christian and are doing the work of God when in reality are working from their own accord and are not doing the will of God.

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  • Edited by UncleDaddy: 3/11/2015 3:30:00 PM
    Ha so you believe all 7 billion people came from one guy and his rib? And they were punished cause the girl are an apple? And that some lady gave birth to a child while being a virgin? (Without the process of insemination, that is.) I don't see why you defend so hastily a religion that is known for oppression and mass genocide just because "eye witnesses from over 3500 years ago" wrote a book, which has been proven to be manipulated by man on numerous occasions. Your "religion" is nothing more than a mere form of control over weak minded people who cannot think on their own. Christians are some of the worst, close minded people I have ever met in my life. How you guys pick and choose what to believe from your bible is disgusting and no less disturbing. The entire bible and religion are outdated and hinder the progress man can make as a technology advanced species.

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  • Sorry you have had bad experiences with christians .... There are fake christians out there .... But those that believe the bible don't pick and chose what to believe. Those who actually follow Christ follow the entirety of the bible. Which by our standards we cannot .... We can only hope to be like Christ and in turn he by his grace loves us and saves us. Prove to me where and when and show me proof that the bible has been proven wrong and false .... In fact many people have tried to prove it is false in 2000 years and none have done so. In fact some of those that set out to prove this have actually turned to God after finding they were wrong and that he does truly exist. You can say all you want and bash me or christianity .... But the truth is God exists and is alive .... You'll find out one day but until then you can by free will chose to ignore him and follow your own path. Nobody can stop you .... I'll pray for you and hope one day you'll see the need for salvation. And the apple actually has nothing to do with the first sin .... It's just symbolic .... The reason sin entered into the world was because satan .... ( the serpent ) deceived Eve into thinking God lied .... God said don't eat from the tree for you will die. Not physically but spiritually. Satan said you won't die which in turn Eve wanting to have knowledge " like " God ... ( just like lucifer did in heaven and then was cast out and is now satan ) the fruit in which she ate only gave her knowledge and since then humanity has chosen to rule itself and walk in sin thinking man could save himself instead of relying on his creator and the love, compassion and grace he has for us. I'll be waiting for that example of where, how and when the bible was shown to be manipulated and wrong. Because yeah the bible has different translations; NLT, KJV, NASB etc .... Which are all worded differently .... But the message NEVER changes .... christ died for you, God loves you and you can't save yourself .... We are all sinners in need of a savior and by Gods grace he sent his son to die for you so that you could come back to his eternal plan and have eternal life. THATS IT AND THATS HOW SIMPLE IT IS! I just love how you try SOOOOO hard to prove the bible/God are wrong and don't exist. If he doesn't exist why try so hard?

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  • So I have a question, I read the bible (in jail, cover to cover) I want to know if #1- the Old Testament is considered to be as true and important as the new? #2- if the answer to #1 is yes then why is God so much different in the 2 books? It occurred to me that God was vastly different, that forced me to wonder if He realized he was flawed and decided to change (therefore rendering Him just as bad as the people He was guiding), or if he was just a flawed character written in a book by men? God didn't write those words, the bible as a whole is contradictory to itself.

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  • #1 ... Yes he's the same, God NEVER changes otherwise he would be a liar therefore not perfect. #2 God’s wrath and His love are revealed in both testaments. Read that link and answers it perfectly.

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  • I read the link, for me it raises more questions than it answers. I'm not a bigot, I'm not gonna try to stomp all over your beliefs because truthfully, I respect what the New Testament teaches. The story of it all is what I cannot allow myself to trust. Being written by the race of men it isn't worthy of my trust. A book that powerful needs to be criticized harshly. Thank you for answering my question though.

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  • Edited by UncleDaddy: 3/11/2015 5:47:26 PM
    Oh so you follow the bible entirely? So you don't wear " cloths from different threads"? Is it safe to assume you don't eat swine either? And you actually condone public stonings of those who break those rules? Since the bible has instructions for purchasing slaves I guess that's okay too? Get the [b]f[/b]uck out of here with your nonsense. Clearly the bible is outdated and should be tossed aside. Do you think half of the rules still apply to modern day? No? That's because it is not meant for modern day man, yet you blindly follow the blind. I hope you don't shave either, because Leviticus 19:27 "Neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard." Jackass.

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