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Edited by R_Sinister: 3/10/2015 11:23:28 PM

Dear Bungie. My experience and HoW's.

If you are listening. Some things should be implemented. A trading based system very simply rare/uncommon/common for glimmer/weapon/nothing, mark for marks/nothing/motes of light. Have the ability to trade/gift accommodations or gift any of the above, Sparrow races/timed trick attack. Earn marks Sparrow customization, please. I want to have the option to "trick out" my sparrow. More story released than TDB. To be honest this is your last chance to keep me as a loyal customer and I am not fond of the CoD style muiltiplayer. Weekly and nightfalls are different every time. Adjust the enemies placements change enemies guns around to be sneaky... Example give a vex a knight boomer gun. Give a Knight the captains gun. Keeps things interesting. [b]No micro transactions at all ever! [/b] I'm jumping ship, if this happens.... EA sports made that mistake. I don't need a new area to explore at the moment, but I am willing to give you credit for making an experience and launching a game that I've enjoyed despite the grinding. I am willing to forgive and forget the cut content. It would be hard to release a game when so many important coworkers left before the finished product. It's like working in a restaurant and your head chef walks out during a 5'o'clock diner rush. You have to serve something because you have a full house, but you can't serve what the head chef made. So congratulations on that accomplishment. I am excited to see what you have to offer and if any of these ideas make it into the game. So, please take the constructive criticism you've gotten and improve! You have a good foundation now build up to what what you promised us. Sincerely, Sinny.

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