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Edited by acia zemko: 3/7/2015 4:25:00 AM

Let Us Full Fill Our Destiny: Let Us Contribute Please....

Ill keep this clean and brief. There is an insane number of players and at least 40% actually look at the forums. This is probably way shy of reality. So bellow is a compiled list of things I see in my daily reading of the feedback forum which is near void of actual feed back. 1: Let us design weapon looks. Use the masses. Just imagine the mass computers across the world that hack super encrypted systems in minutes. Take this idea and imagine your design team can relax now that help is on the way. 2: Like number one but also let us do this for the ships. I know there are many of us that have better ideas. Yes this was not meant to be sugar coated. Though there are a few ships that are really cool. The raid ships is the biggest copy cat disappointment around. 3: Audio Mixer: This is simple we get to adjust environment, voices, sound effects like guns, music, game chat, and any other audio. Why this was not added when posted during beta is insane. 4: More of a recent request is a kill cam and final kill cam. This would be fine in normal crucible with radar but non radar variants would give away positions. Might balance out camping issue though. 5: Story content, I can not emphasize this enough. You literally have others including me trying to figure out the why and whats about the game. We were thinking the broken moon thing in CE was for a purpose and it was just thrown up instead. My theory was far better than that. 6: Strike Playlist not repeating which is still an issue. Along the same note you have a serious and legitimate issue with no players in the playlists just getting free loot without effort. Something should have been done about this. 7: Crucible rewards are another highly common issue talked about. I have lost count of the legendary and typically bottom two players getting the good stuff. They are the ones that need to blue gear maybe legendary. No way should they ever see an exotic drop for doing very poorly. However if all members are within 20% margin to average k/d then all is fair game. 8: I doubt this is a surprise at all to Bungie. Your raids are buggy as all get out. Especially the legitimate boss battles being super glitchy. Typically after the first or second wipes. Lately this is all the time. Maybe the game is not clearing all the buffers each reset or something. Surely it can be figured out. 9: Patrol variability, why not make things interesting. Have random armies just drop in and I'm not talking about public events. Actually have a random walker get dropped in or an spawn of wizards or yellows just happen to show up. Yes the various areas that have wars are alright if you feel like waiting an hour to even maybe see one. I for one would like to see lots of ancient vex show up or even regulars about 30 just appear. Give us surprise challenges. 10: We want to be able to upgrade our old armor and guns. Not that junk you did on CE drop where we had to start exotics from scratch. Make it experienced based where you got to rank it up with experience. Respect our time and dont waste it. That was seriously the biggest slap across the face times several hundred times. The fact you even thought this was ok is also insane. Ask yourself would you all as one mass group back up such a decision? The pros: You guys get a lot of heat which I believe is 70% warranted. This I want a Gjallarhorn or Hard Light RNG is crap is not what I am talking about or even Xur selling on an non randomized bases. The app transfer thing I will not say was ingenious as we pretty much wanted it and said so. Case in point to let us help you improve things. I'll give you some kudos for coming up with the new crucible mode, but this really is a rewash of something that should have been there to begin with. Finally some communication is coming our way with an occasional outreach for feed back by deej. I have one thing to say about this. We should not have to consolidate our feed back for you. Read the feed back posts just like others and I do. Walking in puddles and asking others to swim for you is not how a professional does a job. They put work and effort in. There are many of us who are highly active in the thread. I spend at best 40 minutes max over the day to do this. Oh and I typically leave feed back on yay or nay with possible better ideas to bloom conversation typically with at least 4 topics. Let the responses ensue and please lets try to keep it constructive. I know we are full of disgust at this point, but this may be a point of in time where constructive patience may be needed. Also anyone also have better ideas to put down lets do so.

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