To anyone who believed Bungie saying Xur was randomised and out of their control.....
This community needs to wake the F up to the cornucopia of disappointment and lies that is Destiny so that we can pressure the devs to take it in a direction we all would like it to go; Infighting over their PR lies get's us nowhere. Enough of them catering to PvP stats for their Actiqueef overlords.
This post will probably be removed due to it's lie-shattering, truth bomb implications. Share the word tho
You can find out more about this story by googling megamanexe4..
Good grind gahdian
P.s.> Ignore posts by Wholeshizer, verified troll.
So because some random dude who may or may not have inside information says that it is not, it is not? I'm not saying you are wrong, but I do have a bridge I could let go with a pretty good discount.