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Edited by lowlines: 8/22/2015 11:51:31 PM

Updated List of APIs and Globals (Reference)

A while back, Sargo Darya put up a thread with a [url=]dump of all known APIs[/url] at the time, however as far as I know there hasn't been any updates on this for a while now, likely due to developments with the [url=]Official APIs[/url]. So, using, a website that unminifys scripts (to examine it) and some Regular Expression magic, here is an updated version based on the most recent version of the scripts file: [edit] I will create a new comment every time I spot new changes and will keep updating these Wikia pages whenever I spot changes, so treat them as your "master list". Endpoints: [url][/url] Globals: [url][/url] Note: Dazarobbo has also set up a Wikia script to automatically generate pages for each global. [url][/url] Just be aware that if you see an API that isn't in the Official APIs, it will likely require authentication and/or not public for a reason. Also if a new API is public and hasn't been documented, there is a chance it might be still in development and prone to change, so be wary about relying on them straight away.

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  • While the [url=]proposed changes[/url] haven't gone live yet, here's what has changed since I last did a check :p New Endpoints [quote]GetAdvisorsForCharacter GET /Destiny/[membershipType]/Account/[membershipId]/Character/[characterId]/Advisors/[/quote] New Globals [quote]"DestinyActivityModeType": { "Racing": 29 }, "UnitType": { "Milliseconds": 12 }[/quote]

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  • The one about bonds. New Endpoints [quote]RAFGenerateReferralCode POST /Tokens/RAF/GenerateReferralCode/[e]/ RAFClaim POST /Tokens/RAF/Claim/ RAFGetVeteranBondDetails GET /Tokens/RAF/GetVeteranBondDetails/ RAFGetNewPlayerBondDetails GET /Tokens/RAF/GetNewPlayerBondDetails/ BreakBond POST /Tokens/RAF/BreakBond/ GetRAFEligibility GET /Tokens/RAF/GetEligibility/ GetBondAdvisors GET /Destiny/[h]/MyAccount/Advisors/Bonds/[/quote] New Globals [quote]"NotificationType": { "SUPPORT_FORM_RECEIVED": 31, "RAF_NEWBIE_NEEDS_TO_PLAY_TTK": 32, "RAF_TTK_QUEST_READY": 33 } "MarketplaceCodeRegion": { "Global": 0, "USA": 1, "Europe": 2, "Japan": 3 }[/quote]

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    2 Replies
    • New Endpoints (disabled as mentioned in a [url=]theoretical post[/url]). [quote]BuyItem POST /Destiny/BuyItem/ RefundItem POST /Destiny/[e]/RefundItem/[/quote] New Globals [quote]"ForumMediaType": { "None": 0, "Image": 1, "Video": 2, "Youtube": 3 } "DestinyItemSubType": { "Mask": 19 } "RealTimeEventType": { "NotificationsChanged": 3, "MessageCounts": 4, "FriendCounts": 5, "Announcements": 6 }[/quote]

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    • 2.0.1 API Changes. The one about Vendors :p Also it looks like my script isn't returning the GET parameters anymore... New Endpoints [quote]OverrideMsgBanOnUser POST /Admin/Member/[e]/SetMsgBan/ GetPublicVendor GET /Destiny/Vendors/[i]/ GetPublicVendorWithMetadata GET /Destiny/Vendors/[i]/Metadata/ GetVendorForCurrentCharacterWithMetadata GET /Destiny/[e]/MyAccount/Character/[g]/Vendor/[h]/Metadata/ GetVendorItemDetailForCurrentCharacterWithMetadata GET /Destiny/[f]/MyAccount/Character/[h]/Vendor/[i]/Item/[e]/Metadata/[/quote] New Globals [quote]"NotificationType": { "USER_PROFILE_BAN": 29, "USER_MESSAGE_BAN": 30 }, "NotificationMethods": { "None": 0 }, "IgnoredItemType": { "UserProfile": 6, "UserPrivateMessage": 7 }, "VendorItemStatus": { "AlreadyOwned": 4096 } [/quote]

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    • 2.0 API Changes. New/Changed Endpoints [quote]UnmarkReplyAsAnswer POST /Forum/UnmarkReplyAsAnswer/[e]/ GetRecommendedGroups GET /Group/Recommended/ (was /Group/MyGroups/Recommended/[g]/) FlagItem POST /Ignore/Flag/ GetAdminHistory GET /Admin/GlobalHistory/[f]/[k]/ GetDestinySingleDefinition (appears to now accept a "version" parameter) GET /Destiny/Manifest/[manifestId]/[l]/ GetAllItemsSummary GET /Destiny/[f]/Account/[d]/Items/ (was /Destiny/[membershipType]/Account/[membershipId]/Summary/) GetAccountSummary GET /Destiny/[f]/Account/[d]/Summary/ GetVaultSummary GET /Destiny/[e]/MyAccount/Vault/Summary/ GetCharacterInventorySummary GET /Destiny/[f]/Account/[d]/Character/[h]/Inventory/Summary/ [/quote] New Globals [quote]"IgnoredItemType": { "GroupProfile": 5 } "Acl": { "BNextAdminHistory": 23 } "DestinyActivityModeType": { "Rift": 24, "AllMayhem": 25, "MayhemClash": 26, "MayhemRumble": 27, "ZoneControl": 28 } "DestinyItemType": { "Quest": 15 } "DestinyItemSubType": { "Sword": 18 } [/quote]

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    • Edited by lowlines: 8/11/2015 4:55:45 AM
      Here's some more changes. There's a bunch of APIs and globals that are part of a thing called RealTimeEvents, but looks to be mainly to do with getting more feedback during chat sessions (ie you can see someone is typing something). Clan founders might be able to transfer ownership of a clan soon :p Best of all, there appears to be a new character summary endpoint which after doing a quick test with my PHP API Tester might be returning ALL your items across all your characters in one call plus character summaries!! This normally takes 3 or more separate requests to do! [edit] And it is [b]PUBLIC[/b]! And there's an endpoint for changing the state of quests...So probably not useable at this point in time ;) New Endpoints [quote]UserIsTyping /Message/UserIsTyping/ GetRealTimeEvents /Notification/Events/[h]/[i]/ GetTopicsPagedSimple /Forum/GetTopicsPagedSimple/[j]/[i]/[k]/[e]/ GetPostAndParentAwaitingApproval /Forum/GetPostAndParentAwaitingApproval/[h]/ GetLikeShareAndForumActivityForUser /Activity/User/[i]/Activities/LikeShareAndForum/ GetMembersOfClan /Group/[h]/ClanMembers/ DesignateClanFounderForMigration /Group/[g]/DesignateClanFounderForMigration/[c]/[f]/ GetDestinyAccountSummary /Destiny/[f]/Account/[d]/Summary/ SetQuestTrackedState /Destiny/SetQuestTrackedState/ [/quote] Removed/Changed Endpoints? [quote]RateContent /CommunityContent/Rate/[h]/[f]/ AlterApprovalState /CommunityContent/AlterApprovalState/[e]/[i]/ (replaced with...) /CommunityContent/AlterApprovalState/[e]/ DownloadLocalCopy /CommunityContent/DownloadLocalCopy/[g]/[/quote] New Globals [quote]"ForumTopicsSort": { "MostUpvoted": 7 }, "NotificationType": { "None": 0, "COMMUNITY_CONTENT_LIKE": 27, "COMMUNITY_CONTENT_APPROVED": 28 }, "AffectedItemType": { "CommunityContent": 5 } "ForumFlags": { "CommunityContent": 128 } "CommunityContentSortMode": { "HighestRated": 2 } "RealTimeEventType": { "None": 0, "ConversationChanged": 1, "Typing": 2 } [/quote] Removed Globals? [quote]"DestinyExplorerBuckets": {} "CommunityContentMediaType": {} "CommunityContentApprovalStatus": {} [/quote]

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    • Happy Bungie Day, also new API changes! New Endpoints [quote]GetTriumphs - For keeping track of your year one triumph progress [url=]/Destiny/[membershipType]/Account/[destinyMembershipId]/Triumphs/[/url] [b]Note: There's a new service called CommunityContentService[/b] GetCommunityContent /CommunityContent/Get/[l]/[i]/[k]/ GetApprovalQueue /CommunityContent/Queue/[j]/[f]/[i]/ SubmitContent /CommunityContent/Submit/ EditContent /CommunityContent/Edit/[h]/ RateContent /CommunityContent/Rate/[h]/[f]/ AlterApprovalState /CommunityContent/AlterApprovalState/[e]/[i]/ DownloadLocalCopy /CommunityContent/DownloadLocalCopy/[g]/ [/quote] New Globals [quote]"Acl": { "BNextCommunityContentCurator": 22 } "CommunityContentMediaType": { "All": 0, "Video": 1, "Image": 2 }, "CommunityContentSortMode": { "Trending": 0, "Latest": 1 }, "CommunityContentApprovalStatus": { "Rejected": 0, "Unreviewed": 1, "AwaitingLocalFileCheck": 2, "Approved": 100 }[/quote]

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    • New Endpoints. [quote]GetCurrentBungieAccount /User/GetCurrentBungieAccount/ GetUsersFollowedByCurrentUser /Activity/Following/Users/ GetUserPostHistory /Admin/Member/[e]/PostHistory/[h]/ [/quote] New Globals. [quote]"DestinyActivityModeType": { "Eliminations": 23 } "DestinyTalentNodeState": { "Hidden": 13 } "DestinyItemType": { "Emblem": 14 }[/quote]

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    • Just realised my Regular Expression wasn't including Endpoints with Vn on the end. The [url=]Endpoints[/url] page has been updated to include these. Missed Endpoints: [quote]/User/SearchUsersPaged/[i]/[j]/[h]/ /Message/GetConversationByIdV2/[e]/ /Message/GetConversationWithMemberV2/[e]/ /Message/GetConversationThreadV3/[e]/[i]/ /Message/SaveMessageV3/ /Message/GetConversationsV5/[h]/ /Message/GetUnreadConversationCountV4/ /Message/GetConversationsV4/[h]/ /Message/GetUnreadConversationCountV3/ /Message/GetUnreadPrivateConversationCount/ /Message/SaveMessageV2/ /Message/GetConversationsV2/[h]/[e]/ /Message/GetConversationsV3/[h]/[e]/ /Message/GetConversationThreadV2/[e]/[i]/[f]/ /Content/Site/Homepage/V2/ /Content/Site/Destiny/V2/[h]/ /Activity/Following/V2/[f]/[e]/ /Activity/User/[e]/Following/V2/[g]/[f]/ /Activity/User/[i]/Activities/LikesAndSharesV2/ /Activity/User/[i]/Activities/ForumsV2/ /Group/Create/V2/ /Group/[e]/EditV2/ /Group/[f]/Members/PendingV2/ /Group/[f]/Members/ApplyV2/ /Group/[f]/Members/[e]/ApproveV2/ /Group/[f]/Members/[e]/DenyV2/ /Group/User/[f]/JoinedV3/[g]/ /Group/User/[f]/PendingV2/[g]/ /Group/[j]/MembersV3/ /Group/[g]/AdminsV2/ /Group/[g]/BannedV2/ /Group/[i]/MembersV2/ /Group/MyGroups/V2/[f]/ /Group/MyPendingGroups/V2/[f]/ /Group/User/[f]/Joined/[g]/ [/quote]

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    • Update: New forum api and of course the inclusion of the sidearm sub type. New API: [quote]FORUMSERVICE POST /Platform/Forum/ChangeLockState/[g]/[e][/quote] New Global: [quote]"DestinyItemSubType": { "Sidearm": 17 }[/quote]

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    • Update: Some more changes spotted. There is an API for locking/unlocking your items now. Though I haven't looked at it yet. My guess it that it will require similar post fields as the transfer item API, and it doesn't appear to be used anywhere on at this point in time. New APIs: [quote]DESTINYSERVICE POST /Platform/Destiny/SetLockState/[/quote] New globals: [quote]"DestinyActivityModeType": { "AllArena": 20, "Arena": 21, "ArenaChallenge": 22 } "VendorItemStatus": { "AlreadySelling": 512, "Unsellable": 1024, "SellingInhibited": 2048 } "DestinyItemType": { "QuestStep": 12, "QuestStepComplete": 13 }[/quote]

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    • [b]Update: [/b]There's a few new APIs since the last time I checked, the most notable one is obviously Xur now has his own personal Advisors API :D I have listed them out below and will update my pastebin shortly: [quote]CONTENTSERVICE GET /Platform/Content/Site/Publications/[h]/ FORUMSERVICE POST /Platform/Forum/ChangePinState/[g]/[e] ADMINSERVICE GET /Platform/Admin/Member/[e]/GetWebClientIpHistory/ DESTINYSERVICE GET /Platform/Destiny/Advisors/Xur/ definitions=[h][/quote] There are also 2 new globals too... [quote]"Acl": { ... "BNextPinTopics": 20 } "DestinyActivityModeType" { ... "IronBanner": 19[/quote] }

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    • Thanks for this list. I'm trying to get the whole inventory for a character with : /{membershipType}/Account/{destinyMembershipId}/Character/{characterId}/Inventory/ But only the equiped weapons/armors are listed and i want the unequiped one too. is it possible ? Thanks for your reply.

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      3 Replies
      • 1
        /Platform/Destiny/EquipItems/ ....very interesting.

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      • This is gold I tell you, gold.

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      • I will dig in immediately. The effort and sharing is appreciated.

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