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2/26/2015 11:45:57 AM
Why don't I feel the urge to get up In the morning anymore? In the past two days I missed school , I didn't mean to , I did wake up early enough woke up at 8:00 class starts at 9.... First thought that comes to my head every morning is "oh fuk..." Then I think of the essay that i still have to do some tests I haven't prepared for then I'll ask myself "can I just skip today?" Then "no I can't if I do it'll be harder for me next week" then I close my eyes for a bit wake up sooner or later it's already noon "fuk" Then at night I wouldn't be able to sleep even though I'm thinking I gotta wake up early tomorrow Cuz I gotta do this and that. Maybe I'm just whining about life , then I'd realize it gets harder after that. If everyone says "stop bitching you're just a kid it gets harder" it doesn't really help since it makes me think, if this is just easy mode for everybody how do Yall expect me to keep up in hard mode? Now it's 5 am I thought that maybe if I just stay up for the whole night no way in hell Id be late for school but once I get there Id be tired as hell. I haven't responded to my friends or my girlfriends messages and calls since I don't really feel like it .... It doesn't really make a difference they'd just ask "where are you?!" I'll reply with "I'm at home, sick " , "ok cool" they'd say. I'm not suicidal or anything , I'm just ... Not as excited as normal people. Idk TBH

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  • I had the same kind of problem when I was in his. See if your school offers night classes. From the sounds of things, you will fit right in, and I mean that in a good way.

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  • I think most people have this feeling a lot of the time at school. Just deal with being tired and sad but dont stop going. Motivation comes and goes for me

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  • You probably fap too much. [spoiler]lololol[/spoiler]

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  • Lel everyone goes through this. The secret is to not act like a bitch.

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  • Sounds like you just need to calm down. Don't worry about things as much as you do for when things get older. The older you get usually you'll start figuring things out more and it won't feel like so much. Just take things one at a step and try to enjoy life when you can. Make sure to give yourself a break every now and then.

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  • Those damn feels man. I know how you feel. Just don't push your self to hard and work at your own pace, your mental health is more important than like a missed test. Because if you don't like have a healthy mindset now you'll probably like be much worse when you're older. Which would make all your efforts useless really so worry about you right now and worry about the school work when you're okay.

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  • I know them feels bro. I kinda skated my way through the second half of Highschool and once I graduated I realized how stupid I was. All I can really say is it gets better. Once you graduate and either move on to College or a job, or both, cut it the negative influences in your life. If that means cutting all ties to past friends, then so be it. It will get better, trust me. I was in your exact situation and now I can honestly say that my situation has gotten better. There's been bumps, but what's life without a little challenge?

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  • Easy mode and hard mode :P reminds me of Crota. It seems life is just like destiny (in a way XD), you coöp with everthing that destiny throws at you, at first hand Crota was hard on normal and now that hard is available and you look back at normal you realize that it was easy. When life gets harder you coöp with it as best you can.

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  • Tbh honest with you I was like that through school and afterwards and I'm not taking the piss I used to feel separated from everything and I mean in a big way to the point of cutting myself just to know if I'm alive ( don't do it no point and you can't get tattoos on scars ) But it gets better might not be today or the next or the one after but ever since finding someone who genuinely cares for me I've in most eyes I've become a better person yeah I still hate everyone untill I talk to them but it works just sit and think to yourself what do you want out of life and just go for it :) And if all else fails watch some anime seriously people may find it weird or stupid how someone at 21 can watch anime but some of the stories are relatable in ways and do tend to cheer you up so if you or anyone else needs some advice feel free to ask Joe.A - aka TheZombieXP

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