Too late probably for Destiny 1, but having the ability to assassinate enemies without making enough noise to wake everybody nearby would be nice. The Hunter ability to become invisible would be a greater asset if silent assassinations were possible. Get within a certain distance of the enemy without being spotted and then takedown the enemy troop without making enough noise to alert nearby enemies who are not looking at you as you do the assassination.
Hunters, especially Bladedancers, should be very stealthy players. It would be nice to have the option to be stealthy as the hunter tracks down and eliminates the enemy, at least enemies like the Fallen & Hive (smaller ones) as well as Guardians in PvP . Vex would be impossible, the moment you kill one, the rest knows it. And the Cabal are too big for stealthy kills. But sneaking around them...
Titans? Stealthy as a tank. Warlocks?
You r aiming waaay too high right now, let them come up with an actual enjoyable story and then talk about adding extra stuff