Actually, the precursors and descendants are everywhere during the gatekeeper fight. That's what all the adds are in the room throughout the fight. Take a closer look next time. They are all either descendants or precursors. Easiest ones to notice are the Minos that come out of portal when both relics are retrieved, but even the gobs and hobs are too.
Has anyone tried to go through the portal at the last part of the gate keeper fight when defending the conflux with the relics?
They always looked more like precursors to me, never noticed rounds heads and that color tone on them when they come out of the portals or even when you go in them.
Just saw a vid, you are right the future is on the right side and the past is on the left. But that just gave me another theory, what if you only let one kind of time vex sacrifice themselves to the centre conflux. Do you think that might mend time? Like if you only fend off the future and past and allow the present minotaurs to sacrifice??