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2/20/2015 12:26:27 PM
I wonder how this will work level wise. I loved soloing the weekly or have a lower level friend join just at the end or just for fun. If I do it on lvl 30 will I only be matched with 30+ ? Or will I be matched with a 27? Don't get me wrong I'm happy for those who needed matchmaking. It's a good addition. It's just those who need matchmaking have a different play style than those who prefer solo. I don't want to be put together with randoms. No matter the level (just had this thought how it will work) it would annoy me if I had to slow down/rush through if the other player chooses to do the opposite of how I want to play that day. I also don't want to annoy some random if I choose to challenge myself to go sniper only on a weekly. It was the only thing I could do solo if I wanted to. Why can't there be an option for solo/matchmaking? I think I will stay away from weeklies for a while...

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