I've finally made my third character on Destiny and I've found that leveling up to 20 this time is a lot harder and I'm not getting much XP at all for anything. I can't do strikes and hate Crucible. I've gotten all the way to Mars on campaign but can't play it cause it's to high of a level. I have nothing left to do besides Bounties. Help? Thanks. the_WIZARD_kid [PS4]
Edited by xSnakeSlayerx: 2/16/2015 3:13:03 AMYou almost have no choice but to play a bit of crucible, or wait everyday to do bounties. I crucible until 10-12, then go story, I'm usually 20 before Mars evens opens.
Honestly, I play crucible (I know you said you hate it) from like level 3 to level 12, then between bounties and the x you get from doing the strikes, story missions and side missions get you to like 18-19. Then you just grind out the last few levels the next day. Doing the dailies and weeklies help too. If you can get someone to drag you through