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2/11/2015 8:10:00 PM
I agree with pretty much everything he said. At its core Destiny is an incredibly fun and addictive game to play. The lack of content has however led to some burnout amongst most of the hardcores. One of the regular members of my raid team announced this week that he is pretty much done with Destiny until the next expansion. My friends list used to have two or three pages of people playing Destiny, now its down to about half a page. And that was yesterday, a reset day when usually everyone is online doing the Nightfall and/or Raid. I myself am at the point where all I am really concerned about doing are the Nightfalls and Raids. I do have some guns that need leveling, but they are not ones I use regularly so I don't have a whole lot of motivation to do more of the same bounties I've been doing daily since September. Once I get the Fang of Ir Yut and enough Radiant Energies to fully upgrade all of my Raid guns I won't have much interest in dealing with CE's glitches and overly difficult enemies. However, having said all that, I also agree that I will be back the instant new content is available. Because at its core, Destiny is an incredibly fun and addictive game to play. Being able to run my characters through new missions, strikes and raids, with new guns and gear to chase after and upgrade will always interest me. And there is nothing quite like hooking up with people that you've been gaming with for months to run through a Raid and amuse each other with banter and shenanigans. Hopefully Bungie will actually have listened to a lot of our complaints and addressed some. Sure, a lot of the complaints are of the entitled brat variety but some of them are actually legit and should be addressed. And not just the ones that "unbalance" the Crucible.

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