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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by \Protocol\Phoenix.exe: 2/11/2015 5:38:31 PM

To all the players who complain about RNG:

Why is it that you feel that the RNG system in Destiny is bullshit? I mean seriously! Why? I've seen so many posts lately about how you want this changed, or that its a retarded system, etc. Don't you guys understand what Random means? Random doesn't give a flying shit about how good or bad you did in a game of control. It doesn't care that you got the most kills in a strike, or that you generated the most orbs. The loot system in in place, not to reward you for how well you did, but to reward you for simply doing it, whatever it was. If you finish a strike, or raid section, or PvP match, you get a reward. If you don't complete it, no reward. That is as far as it goes. The RNG is there simply to keep you from getting the same thing every single time. If this game were like many others, then every boss/mini boss in the game would have a very specific loot table with a very small amount of items it could drop: just like how the raids work. But that would apply to all the rewarding activities. Imagine if you knew that killing sepkis gave you a 1/3 chance of getting Suros Regime every time you killed him...everyone and their mother would just grind out that strike til they got it. That's boring and limits the replay value of the game by a lot. Now let's look at how RNG is more commonly used in games, and why this way is smarter. Traditionally, RNG is used in calculations for damage and defense in games. Imagine if you were in the crucible and you threw a nova bomb and landed it square on someone's head, but the RNG system rolls its magical dice and says " your damage for this attack is zero"! How frustrated would you be knowing that it wasn't that guys skill as a player that beat you, but a roll of the dice in the game mechanics that did? You'd hate the shit out of that, wouldn't you? I know I did, when I played games like that. Sometimes it worked to your advantage and you'd roll a critical on someone by sheer change and they'd drop like a fly, but you still knew that it wasn't you that made that happen, it was the games RNG. Be grateful bungie didn't implement RNG in this way. Lastly, its all about replay value of the game. If you had a system that only rewarded you with items you'd never gotten before, the time it would take you to acquire everything in the game would drop dramatically. Bungie is a company. A company needs to make a profit. In this industry, one of the factors that plays into a games profit potential is replay value. If they can't keep you playing, there isn't a profit to be made. How many times have you gone out and purchased a game, sat down and played it nonstop for like a week, beaten the whole game, then never touched it again? Offline games are notorious for this. Online games cannot be played in this manner because active accounts over time are the deciding factor on weather or not to keep the servers up. You can't validate the cost you a paying to run servers if no one is on them. So companies like bungie NEED to put mechanics into the game that keep the player coming back, even it if means doing the same thing over and over hoping for, but not getting, a different reward. In that aspect, Bungie has essentially taken that one singular concept for replayability and sprinted to the finish. The basically made the whole game around this one idea....worst part: it worked flawlessly. Everyone kept playing just long enough for the first DLC to come out. Now were all still playing well into where DLC2 was supposed to be (pushing back its release was not planned). So in earnest, they have found exactly the right amount of content to put into the game to keep people chasing the carrot long enough to see the next carrot and begin chasing that one. Its an amazing businesses strategy. It just makes for a terrible game. But so long as the consumer (you) keeps giving them money, they will continue to use strategy's like this that make a profit. So in closing: RNG works exactly how bungie wants it to work, for many reasons. Some of those reasons actually DO benefit the players. But mostly its to make the games replay value much greater than the games content allows for. They aren't going to change it until we all stop playing. I'm not gonna stop playing, because I enjoy the grind. Its what I live for. But I'm an old-school MMORPG player, not a self entitled teenage hipster duchebag kid who thinks stuff should be easier to get because he doesn't want to waste time getting repeats.

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