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2/11/2015 5:10:18 PM
If they could improve their RNG system people would not complain so much. I mean RNG is the perfect choice for developer to extend the life of a video game, but bungie went overboard with. I think they should improve some aspect of RNG. Do not make every item achievable by RNG. For example, i consider ridiculous the fact that i got my first new monarchy faction shader at lv. 22 of that faction and my friend got the exact same shader when she reached lv. 8. I mean seriously RNG in a shader?? Bungie needs to start establishing requirements to specific items just like they did the exotic bounties. With current situation of Destiny the only way that bungie can make people keep grinding for items is setting some goals to achieve them. Bungie's mistake(although their minds were in the right place) was trying to make a game that tends to every type of player(hardcore/casuals) using the same loot system for both types.

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  • Bingo. I remember when The Dark Below launched, I was so looking forward to the Eris quests. I had expected there to be new quests every week. Boy was I wrong. Why are there not new bounties added regularly? Where is Queen's Wrath? At least remix the strikes with different spawn locations/enemies, or SOMEthing. Come on...

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    I think Bungie gives out gear way to easily.

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  • I get what you mean and your kind of right. Leaving everything to RNG is taking the easy way out and reflects laziness on Bungie's part.

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  • Wrong I have all the exotics I'm burned out. Make RNG harder.

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  • Edited by WorkadayLemur72: 2/11/2015 8:14:31 PM
    That's because you are one of the few lucky ones that RNG has blessed and thats exactly my point. They are trying to create balance in the game nerfing this, buffing that, but they do nothing about the most unbalance thing this game has...the loot reward system. Its obvious that the RNG loot reward system is not working for destiny in its current state(either because you get things too easily or you never get anything at all) so i think that for the next installment they need to improve it or take it out of the game completely or destiny 2 will die before destiny 1.

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  • I still disagree. Take for example my raid group the RNG is more favorable during crotas end. As of last night 3 of the 6 have gotten every weapon and armor and 2 have crux (others don't care) . Therefore no one cares to run the raid anymore. That's completely bs

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  • I can't argue with you about that one. Crota's end rewards were too easy to obtain. Add the fact that the Crota fight on hardmode has too many gamebreaking glitches and you have a raid that its not worth doing anymore after you get what you want from it. That's why i'm saying that RNG system on destiny need some serious balancing. Also they need to focus on fixing all the glitches on the raids so people can keep playing them for fun after they get everything they want.

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  • The problem with taking out RNG and going to a direct reward system is that once you have acquired everything the game is effectively done for you. I finally got around to finishing the Platinum trophy for Assassin's Creed: Unity last weekend and I have absolutely no desire to go back through the game again. Other than DLC, most games of this type are put aside and never picked up again once you have reached whatever level of completion you are satisfied with, whether completing the story or getting all of the trophies, etc. All of the rewards are achieved directly. For a game like Destiny, which is meant to be a living, breathing world where you interact with other players and engage in an evolving environment, that approach simply doesn't work. Players acquire the gear they want and quit. Part of the problem with Destiny has been that there are not enough new or unique things going on every day/week/month to keep things fresh. If PVE events happened more than the one Queen's Wrath we got, or public events were more varied with new ones added every week people would have reasons other than "I still want a Gjallarhorn" to log in and play. Destiny certainly isn't the only game to employ a random loot system and there are some very successful examples of this type out there. However, you do need to decide if this type of game works for you. I played Diablo 2 for YEARS looking for Unique and Set Piece items I hadn't found yet and loved every minute of it. But it isn't for everyone.

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  • Edited by WorkadayLemur72: 2/11/2015 11:45:30 PM
    And you are right. I mentioned taking out RNG completely as an extreme measure but i honestly think that the RNG system in destiny could use some kind of balancing and not base 95% of the rewards on it. Makes us work for the best weapons and gear in the game. Establish quests for getting them(and i'm not talking about a two or three hour quest), as they are suppose to be the most desirable end game rewards on the game. Keep the RNG loot base system, but take the best rewards of the game out of the RNG loot table and make them harder to obtain. Make specific quest for them, make challenges for obtaining those exotics. Almost every exotic has its own story. Why couldn't they make a quest and list of challenges to aquire that exotic base on its story? If they would have done something like this with every exotic in the game i bet there would be a lot less people with every or almost every exotic in the game, thus extending the life of the game and making it more appealing for every audience; newcomers, casuals and hardcore players alike.

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  • That's an interesting approach. Take the Exotic Bounty idea to a higher level. Its certainly worth some consideration at Bungie central. We'll see if Destiny 2 takes this idea and runs with it.

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  • Yeah, I think you put your finger on it. They tried to create an RNG-based loot system that would work for their entire audience, so someone can play for three hours, or a half hour, and feel rewarded. The problem with that is that they touted creating our own legends. Not only is that not the case as most high-level Guardians are clones, but to randomize shaders ensures that even if you do look different, it's due to luck, not your own accomplishments. Although, ranking up a faction to 22 is pretty damn impressive. That dedication though.

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