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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Hidefininja: 2/12/2015 3:11:44 AM

Kotaku sums up Destiny player burn-out This is not a bash. It comes from someone who, like many of us, really likes Destiny but is reaching a point of burn-out. The things that popped out to me are the lack of carrots and poor communication from Bungie. If you trawl the forums, you'll find many threads dedicated to each point made, but this is a handy summation of the frustration hardcore Destiny players are, and have been, facing of late. I'm no hater, and like Kirk, the article's author, I know there's an unbelievable game inside Destiny. I'm looking forward to HoW, but until then, it'll just have to be a strike now and again. Edit 1: You guys all rock. It's been a very clear-headed conversation in here so far, aside from some weak trolls. And thanks for the bumps! I think it's good to read what a lot of us have been thinking. Edit 2: I'm pretty sure the forum ninjas have buried any Kotaku-related posts so they don't trend. That's their prerogative, and somewhat understandable despite the normal levels of vitriol you can generally find on these forums. Feel free to bump if you think others should read it but, after over twenty-four hours of pretty constant replies from you crazy, magnificent bastards, it's fair to say that we don't need an article to spur healthy discussion about one of our favorite games. [spoiler]You guys are -blam!-ing killing my phone.[/spoiler]

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  • I am a big mmo'er wow, eve, swtor, rift, elderscrolls, final fantasy ,Everquest,guild wars1 and 2 ,lord of the rings,warspear. Been thru it all with my trusty Alienware and naga and nostromo mouses.cant stand clickers drives me nuts.(pet peeve) but anyways damn man 2 raid instances after half a year And 40 weapons and 1 or two usable armor sets. Public events like ... Kill this guy.. Or destroy the walker that doesn't walk... Or my favorite protect this ball that they cant destroy and wont attack anyway ..lmfao!! I just think they came in to a gunfight armed with a spork! Bungie wasn't prepared for this at all

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  • I do agree with this article as well. I am starting to hit that wall and I really only jump on for Tuesday resets and weekend Xur shows. It got a lot of fun when my buddy and I would do the Nightfalls and Heroics as a team and beat them. He started into the game a little later but well before Christmas hit. Lately my time as been going into Titanfall or the Ninja Gaiden games. I am still looking forward to the DLC though. There is one item I still crave and it's Red Death. I don't have Gjallarhorn either but I just personally would like Red Death more.

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  • Bump. The article is spot on in almost every way. I want to love this game, but I can't. Crota hard mode and the heavy ammo bug was the final straw for me. Also, played the vog 40+ times on hard, still no fatebringer. I lost count how many vog newbies I take through and they get it first try. Just plain annoying.

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    • This is spot on. 3 32s (each class), I haven't played for about 3 weeks, and I got everything except ghorn and hardlight. Just started playing Warframe and while it certainly doesn't have the polish and smooth gameplay of Destiny and follows a traditional co-op matchmaking, it does every rpg element right. It's still a grinder with rng but it feels balanced in a way Destiny is not. The economy is balanced. While rng governs resource drops, rarer items are typically linked to harder difficulty, rewarding team work and skill. Everyone in the game gets the same loot (as long as they pick it up). Certain bosses or timed event guarantee a drop toward a certain item so while you are still farming, you are farming toward a particular goal. It took about 10 runs, but my squad got all the parts to build the Nyx last night. Now we have to farm materials for the 3 pieces, wait 12 hours for them to build then farm more and wait 36 hours for the new character to build. Once built you could spend 30-60 hours invested to rank up the character and mod it to your playstyle. This sounds painful, but it is a logical and extremely rewarding progression. Oh, did I mention that the environments and enemies are procedurally generated? While you will conquer the same room many times, the battles rarely play out the same way (other than the horde/survival maps which are pretty consistent). And oh, did I mention it is free to play?! You need to invest money if you want to have space for lots of weapons and warframes (characters which there are about 15 with unique abilities), but you can acquire everything in the game without paying a cent and the space they give you is enough for about 50 hours worth of grind (more than enough to decide if you should spend money) If you are fed up with Destiny, I would check it out.

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      1 Reply
      • I find it odd that this thread is not trending with all the comments that it has received.......

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        2 Replies
        • Agree entirely.

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        • You know Crotas End raid is 100 times more fun that VOG. Heck I run with groups to help them beat crota just for the fun of it.....I never would have every considered doing that in VOG. It was a hassle to play.

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          9 Replies
          • Check this out

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            3 Replies
            • I wish I would have never started another character... The grind is manageable on one character, but becomes draining with two or three. Just spent a week in Maui and don't have the same desire to play as before I left.

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              4 Replies
              • bump bump more bump. everything i feel in one article

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              • Edited by The Fallen: 2/11/2015 8:51:40 PM
                1000% yes to everything written in this article. It's also annoying that Bungie / Deej seemingly just ignore or brush off every concern we have. I'm tired of their vague responses and half-hearted "solutions". Or lack thereof.

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              • I read the article last night and it pretty much hits the bail on the head. In regards to the section about 'The Carrot', my big fear is that in future expansions Bungie will make Exotics harder to get since the quest for loot is the only thing that keeps gamers playing. Unfortunately, in my case I've logged in over 200+ hours into this game and I have yet to get a single bite of this elusive carrot, if it weren't for Xur I'd have nothing and after 6 months of gameplay my sanity has finally snapped. This game has taken to much ( time ) from me and given me nothing in return and between this and burnout I I cannot carry on any more.

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                • Saw this article linked on another thread by some guy trying to use it to support his ridiculous hyperbole and nearly didn't bother reading it. I'm glad I gave it a look though as it's one of the more balanced opinions I've read and does a good job of highlighting the bigger issues and why they are issues in the first place. I still think there is a lot to be said for differing mentalities towards the game as a large part of the complaining on these forums as well though. People with an MMO background like myself are used tithe ebb and flow of these kind of games. I actually kinda look forward to the point where I am able to get most content done in a day or 2 as it means I can player other things. When new content hits I'll be first in line to do it! Other gamers with different backgrounds seem to want a constant deluge of content and having to do something more than a few times bunches up their panties. Doesn't seem to bother them when they are playing the same 6 maps over and over on battlefield or CoD though which seems strange to me. Ultimately if you enjoy the game your gonna play it and if you want the game to improve because of that love you'll get well though out articles like the above. If you just don't like it and want to hate you'll end up with half the posts on this forum!

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                  4 Replies
                  • I can definitely relate to being burned out. Tired of grinding for glimmer, tired of Hard Mode Crota frustration. Even the Nightfall solo attempts aren't fun anymore. The only reason I have to log in now is to do the Nightfall in group on my 3 characters and see what Xur sells every Friday morning.

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                  • Didn't read the article but I haven't played in a couple days. It feels good to get away. I used to log in almost every day to complete bounties but have since found other things to have more fun with. This week I probably won't raid and I may log in for an hour on Sunday to complete the nightfalls. At this point I am missing 2 things and the chances of receiving them are pretty low. Moreover if I do end up getting them, I'll probably play even less. Right now I can't bring myself to grind out 3-4 hours for another faction level only to be disappointed. My titian is the only one who could use a few raid pieces but I don't even care that much. Full scale burnout. I'll be back for HoW because I paid for it and it might have potential. But honestly looking forward to not caring about this game for 3 months. Feels good. Still click on the app when I'm bored.

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                    4 Replies
                    • Totally acceptable to play the games worth and then take a break for a month or so to enjoy other games. Especially considering that's how games, console games specifically, are meant to be played. This isn't wow. It's not mean to be a grind you base your life around. Play some dying light, evolve, or whatever else comes out in March/April. Whenever HoW drops, people will come back, regardless of how good or bad it is. And that's okay, because that's normal. And bungie knows that.

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                      4 Replies
                      • I hit it a couple weeks ago... After 1 full Crota run I have 3 of the 4 guns, and not much to look forward to. But hey, another Iron Banner is coming... up.....zzzzzz Yeah, carrot-free

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                      • Great article. I agree with everything he says. Since beating Crota on hard, getting the Crux and getting 3 bods to 32 there isn't much to keep me coming back. I'm actually looking forward to the next Iron Banner! And maybe playing some other games.

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                      • I've got 90-ish hours and I feel burnt out. Just wasn't the game for me I suppose.

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                        3 Replies
                        • I agree with pretty much everything he said. At its core Destiny is an incredibly fun and addictive game to play. The lack of content has however led to some burnout amongst most of the hardcores. One of the regular members of my raid team announced this week that he is pretty much done with Destiny until the next expansion. My friends list used to have two or three pages of people playing Destiny, now its down to about half a page. And that was yesterday, a reset day when usually everyone is online doing the Nightfall and/or Raid. I myself am at the point where all I am really concerned about doing are the Nightfalls and Raids. I do have some guns that need leveling, but they are not ones I use regularly so I don't have a whole lot of motivation to do more of the same bounties I've been doing daily since September. Once I get the Fang of Ir Yut and enough Radiant Energies to fully upgrade all of my Raid guns I won't have much interest in dealing with CE's glitches and overly difficult enemies. However, having said all that, I also agree that I will be back the instant new content is available. Because at its core, Destiny is an incredibly fun and addictive game to play. Being able to run my characters through new missions, strikes and raids, with new guns and gear to chase after and upgrade will always interest me. And there is nothing quite like hooking up with people that you've been gaming with for months to run through a Raid and amuse each other with banter and shenanigans. Hopefully Bungie will actually have listened to a lot of our complaints and addressed some. Sure, a lot of the complaints are of the entitled brat variety but some of them are actually legit and should be addressed. And not just the ones that "unbalance" the Crucible.

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                          3 Replies
                          • I thought it was a great article really, and agreed with the writer on almost all points. However I would like to point out that there has already been a couple threads posted on this. Not trying to be a dick or anything, just thought I'd let you know :)

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                            3 Replies
                            • Bump this. ......READ THIS

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                            • The people that are burned out have 500 plus hours do u expect.

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                              14 Replies
                              • Edited by ghettobrawl: 2/11/2015 3:51:35 PM
                                If you've spent +400 hours (10 solid work weeks btw) on it and there is nothing left to do, then move on. Are people really that desperate for new content? Are they really that desperate for more vault space and heavy ammo? I mean, how long was that article? Someone actually took the time to write a damn dissertation on how he no longer wants to play a video game. Like seriously? Calm your tits

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                                32 Replies
                                • Read the article and agree with everything the author points out. This game really has hit the proverbial wall. The same everything for 5 months now is getting a bit old. I've gotten 2 guardians to level 31 and 30 with only the Titan remaining. I'm not sure I have it in me to grind another character all the way past 30....

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                                • Bumpity bump bump [b]BUMP[/b] [spoiler]bump[/spoiler]

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