Damn I wish I was that tall! Though 5'10" is average im fine with that xD
I come from a very tall family, my mom is 6'2 and my dad is 6'5 and all my brothers and sisters are super tall as well
Wow that is pretty tall! Italians don't generally come very tall :P
Agreed! I'm not quite sure what I am lol, you could call me a mut I'm mixed with Irish, German, And Indian, and I actually think I have a small bit of Italian on my mothers side
Nice! My father is italian and my mom is a mix of a lot of things mostly European
That's an awesome mix, Italian families are soooo amazing I loving going to my family reunions on my moms side because of the food xD
Oh definitely :P the family meals are fantastic. And the company is lively ^_^
No doubt! I can taste the spaghetti, the ravioli, the bread and olive oil, I'm making myself hungry