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The Roleplay League

"Have fun, in character and out."

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    We are a group that primarily organises community roleplaying, but we are open to raids, nightfalls, etc. We pride ourselves on providing a fun, non-toxic community. We are open to all, Playstation and Xbox. Join the fun! To prevent the group from having too many roleplays, new roleplays can only be made if there is a high enough demand and at least two admins approve of it. If you are an admin, then another two admins must approve of it. As of August 28, 2015, we are's largest multi-topic Roleplay group!

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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Edited by overlordkualsi: 1/16/2016 12:41:00 AM

Law of the Jungle: A Destiny Roleplay (RETIRED)

[b]NOTICE: THIS THREAD HAS BEEN RETIRED. IF YOU WANT TO CONTINUE TO ROLEPLAY, PLEASE JOIN "THE ROLEPLAY LEAGUE".[/b] [b][u]Sign Up Before Starting![/u][/b] This is the follow-up to the immensely popular Destiny Roleplay, "Oh Brave New World." It is a complete reboot, so all events of that Roleplay have been disregarded. [b][u]Please sign up here before starting![/u][/b]: "His name is Oryx, the Taken King. And he's coming for you, Guardian. Can you blame him? You killed his son with his own sword." Crota's death was a sign to being a beyond our miniscule corner of the universe. Now, we face Oryx, Crota's father. Now, we take up arms against a god, and his trans dimensional army. So, think you can kill a god? [b]Rules[/b]: Do not violate the Code of Conduct. Do not kill other people's characters. No god modding. "One Liner" Roleplay is discouraged (i.e. *John walked up the hill*). These rules will update as the RP progresses. [b]Game Link[/b] "Game Link" a new feature that is being implemented in this Roleplay. By completing certain tasks within the game, you can earn rewards for your characters. There are two variations of Game Link. [b]Quests[/b]: Quests follow a pre determined storyline. To partake in quests, you must complete certain tasks in game. Completing Quests can earn your character rewards. Quests are available anytime once they are released. [b]Events[/b]: Events are similar to Quests, except they do not follow a storyline, and are available for a limited time. As with Quests, completing Events can earn your character rewards. [b]Admins[/b] Overlord_Kualsi The Internet Phlerox Storm Wizard Spicy Wolf Turbo1611 H 345 The Mute Button Vaaxius

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  • Lieutenant Kovac sat in the towers medical bay his injuries being attended by a droid. His fireteam had nearly been decimated when confronting oryx before pulling out. Three out of the six members were killed, consumed by the darkness. The other two were so distraught that they volunteer to guard the tower for a while. "An entire fireteam gone in a matter of hours," Kovac sighing softly, wincing when the droid began cleaning a massive gouge in his left forearm. He couldnt blame the surviving members for wanting to be guards, we werent ready and we paid the price. Kovac sighed again as the droid finished with stitching the wound close "all done guardian you may go," the droid quietly spoke. Kovac leaves the medical bay heading outside towards main gathering area of other guardians. [spoiler]its open to all also sorry for having a crap opening[/spoiler]

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    135 Replies
    • Edited by Riven: 9/21/2015 3:00:09 PM
      [b]Location: Vault of Glass[/b] •Briefing: The Vault has been open for three days. It hasn't been opened that long. Get in there and investigate what's going on. •Objective: He Said to Get the Fuсk in there.

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      75 Replies
      • Edited by Psalm: 9/21/2015 6:20:38 AM
        It was dark. Kabr slowly peeked his head out from behind the rocks that were concealing him. No sign of Praedyth, only the inevitable fate that lay before him. He counted 36 of them. "I won't go down without destroying as many as these monstrosities as I can," he thought to himself. He readied his weapon. Never had he grasped the handle as tightly as he did now. 3........ 2........... 1........... NOW! Kabr charged the unsuspecting vex at full speed he threw his magnetic grenade at the nearest Minotaur and watched it shatter into a heap of steaming metal. He destroyed three others with his hand cannon before placing his bubble down. The vex, now fully alert, charged inside. One after the other, Kabr beat down the goblins inside of his bubble, but there were too many for him to face alone. He knew he would soon be overwhelmed, so he sprinted out and looked for another spot he could take cover behind. He ran and ran but found nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. Out of desperation and an acceptance for his fate, Kabr stopped running and turned around to face the corrupted machines that yearned for his destruction. As they came nearer he saw something out of the corner of his eye. It was a harpie, no, it was a Gorgon. Kabr had only heard legends about these conscious machines, and how they could bend space and time to their will, destroying fireteams with a single glance. Almost impulsively he ran directly at the beast. Before it had time to react Kabr grabbed it and with all of his mighty strength ripped the machine in two. Suddenly, a blindingly bright light surrounded Kabr, blinding his vex foes. Kabr felt a rush of energy through his body, as if he had become one with the vault, meshing with time and space. When the light had gone Kabr no longer stood there. In his place was a shield........... [spoiler]the shield was the relic[/spoiler]

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        • Bump for later.

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            i m th travlr i c ths i m disgst i kil evr1 gg qq plx delet ths cansirs k thx

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            8 Replies
            • Edited by BuckTeefKeef: 9/20/2015 11:12:47 PM
              John sat there, tears streamed down his shaking red face. Then with the sound like of The Last Word unloading in 2 seconds an explosive shit shot from his ass and echoed in the shit pan! He sighed loudly and flopped his head forward. One side of his mouth turned up into a crooked cheeky grin. He slowly raised his head and said ....

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              • Edited by KidWZRD8: 9/21/2015 6:21:32 AM
                Tainted Light Part.1 Location: Neo Babylon, South Iraq. Titan (sunbreaker): How long? Ghost: How long what? How long can we survive here? The A.I., Enki won't respond to my code. So, two nights top. Titan: The House of Water, successors to the House of Rain; I hear them coming. The titan arose from the wall be was sitting upon and grabbed his spear that he made out of his broken sword, Longinus' Burden. He grabbed his rugged cloak and walked out of the ruined building into a sandstorm. What awaited him was not the fallen, but a single kell, the Kell of Water, Sikis. He activated his hammer of Sol and started dueling Sikis to buy the ghost some time to open the Vault of Enki. The duel ensued for 20 minutes before the Kell put his top arms around the titan's neck. The titan bashed his head onto the Kell's stunning him for a few seconds, the titan grabbed his spear and thrust it to the right side of the Kell chest killing him. Ghost: Sinbad, I opened the Vault and received a signal from your two sisters, Voluspa and Yoga. They found the key to the Vault of Lost Seraphs on Mercury. Enki controls 250 warsats orbiting that planet. Sinbad: Tell them we'll meet them there when I get the Sin of Life from the Vault. It's the only clue we have from 'her'. The ghost intercepted a signal from Mercury. Ghost: Atheon is back. Sinbad: I thought my dad killed him? Ghost: Kabr could only do so much with a fire team of three. Sinbad: this time it will only take three message my sisters to come meet us in the Shrine of Sins. (Open to anyone)

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                • Edited by Void-Kell Lizard: 9/21/2015 2:05:11 AM
                  *With its new crew, House of light ketch Seriks-fel leaves the cosmodrome and reenters earth's orbit*

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                • One day XxxMLGNOSCOPERxxX was eploring the vult of gluss when he was going to get the scrub exutuc sest. But on his way he found a skelington, and he was spooked, then when he opened scrublord exutic chest he got the necfocashm, and when he looked at his character, he had hyper realistic blood, and hyper realist fingers. And his necrochasm was blood red, but then destiny servers gave him a babbon. Then when he was at the menu, instead of destiny the taken king it was deathisty, the taken skelington. He was spooked, and when he went to the tower, all the npcs ( including the kisoks) were replaced with the cryptarch, and XXXMLGNOSCOPERXXX had 1 exotec engrem and when he turbed it in he got the knhostov 1337spookrr then he died de end liek if u crh every time

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                  7 Replies
                  • Edited by AlonValdemar: 9/21/2015 1:41:59 AM
                    (Zavala) we have a situation on the dreadnaught the taken are making a push on the the cabal ship while I dont like cabal they keep the taken busy and away from the city they are being led by what looks to be crotas brother rexor he is smaller and weaker but ztill a large threat (kileen) please I killed crota and atheon what can he do you had a fireteam then. Whatever I better get going

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                  • Edited by AlonValdemar: 9/20/2015 11:14:37 PM
                    Kileen waited for the taken scouting party to come over the crest, he could feel the light coursing through his veins then there they were completly oblivious to him one of them clearly the comander he said something in the takens garbled langauge after he finished kileen came from behind the pillar and allowed the light to flow through him its was times like this when he knew his calling as a gaurdian. He blasted them to pieces with his lightning. Great job nolan/dinkle bot said. The taken king will miss his Lutinents now lets go talk to zavala ( is it dinklebot on nolan bot?) Open

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                    • Xander say on a stool in the hangar, watching the droids as they tinker with his jump ship. He thinks of the night before, picturing Jessica in all her beauty, shaking his head before accessing the data terminal beside him. "Check.. Check.. Check aaaand check" He closes down the list and stands to feel a warm palm on his back, a familiar touch. ((Open to Jessica and anyone wanting to go up to the dreadnought))

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                      14 Replies
                      • "You know, I don't hate the Darkness for what it is." Ginger strolls down the Tower Path with his companion as he speaks, sounding remarkably calm as he does so. He is adorned simply in an under-armor mesh suit, overlaid with dark gold and black colorings. "Well, let's take the Hive; primordial, uncaring, unfeeling. They are the antithesis of the Light, the closest we've seen to utter Darkness and in that sense their actions are respectable. They are simply doing their duty, arbitrated by their nature and their gods, just as we are, and because of that they need to be stopped. The Vex are similar, and the Cabal..." He pauses, considering what to say next. "Well, we don't know too much about them. What I've been meaning to get to is the Fallen. The Eliksni are a broken race of thieves, scavengers, and murderers, and they are a scourge upon this land. Unlike the other races, they made a conscious decision to destroy our civilization, and served as the chief perpetrator for the Collapse. After all this, the billions of lives and hundreds of years they cost us, they expect us to forgive them, to allow their splinter groups to work alongside us. They could not have changed their nature, for the Traveller would have seen the good in them before it left. No, I have, and will always despise the Fallen above all else." (Open to Corra, Striker, or anyone else.)

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                        25 Replies
                        • Hey let's roleplay, you'll be a hammer and I'll Be a nail you can flat out bang me.

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                          • Edited by Mr z MillZzY: 9/19/2015 12:59:49 AM
                            Xander walked through the garden plaza of the main tower, the area was lush with trees and flowers of all colours and scents. The fresh air helped his brain whir, making sense of the words Ikora debriefed him with and soon after briefed him of the taken threat "Oryx... I didn't even know we killed Crota.." As he rubs his chin in contemplation his ghosts appears, the white shell and blue accents matching the colour of his feathered robes. "[i]Crota was slain by a fire-team of guardians after the revelation of Eris morn to the tower, a survivor of a previous fire-team, the same fire-team one of our mentors, Toland, was tempted by the darkness[/i]" "That's sad to hear.. Toland I mean.. The Crota thing however may have brought upon us more bad than good.." He sits on a bench, still grasping at the strings of information in his head, drawing them together as he pieces the whole picture in his analytical head. ((Open rp.. Terrible opening I know but I'm rusty at this ^-^))

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                            63 Replies
                            • Edited by A Purple Ball: 9/20/2015 4:46:43 PM
                              The crackling sound of gunfire breaks through the icy silence of night in the cosmodrome. Three fallen, all vandals lie on the floor of what was once a command center for space exploration. Slowly, a young guardian in training crawls from his hiding spot, a broken rafter on the ceiling, and begins to search the cadavers in front of him. [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                                • Aweseman wakes up suddenly to the sound of Fallen and Taken fighting in the European Dead Zone. They haven't seen him yet, as he was hidden away in a secret room (as Hunters typically are) in an old church. Usually, he could sleep through Fallen patrols of the area and even some minor battles between various smaller factions, so long as he didn't snore too loudly. However, this time was different. The Fallen were fighting the [i]Taken[/i]. They had no hope, and Oryx was Taking them, one by one. Aweseman had to help the Fallen, just this once. Besides, he was on good terms with the Fallen in the area. He managed to trade Ether with them, using a Servitor his Ghost managed to pick up. But that's not the point. Aweseman had to end those Taken, right then and there. Better against Oryx, and better for his reputation with the House of Fire.

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                                  • John walked up the hill.

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                                    • The Tower... The home of the Guardians... The protectors of the Light... The last thing standing between The City and the ever tightening clutches of The Darkness. Guardians... Chosen by the light, resurrected by a Ghost, these warriors of The Traveler fight The Darkness to their last breath. Guardians are people of honor and morality, truth, and good will. Many Guardians names have gone down in fame, true legends. Saint-14, Kabr, Jaren Ward. All prime examples of what it is to be a Guardian. Yet some... Some go down in infamy... Their names used as warnings. Toland, Osiris... Dredgen Yor. New Guardians are told the stories of their names, told not to do what they did. It seems the bad names always are spoken about more than the good ones. Yet there are always legends in the making. One of those, is Rex. Rex sat in the bar of the Tower, having gotten done with a patrol in the swamplands of what used to be a place called 'Chicago'. He had been sent to investigate a possible new Fallen House on the rise. Damned Fallen, always up to something. Rex drank his shot, for an exo he could hold his own, humans or awoken generally looked at him weird when they saw him drinking, although he could taste it and could become intoxicated just like everyone else. Being modeled after humans have him the ability to taste.... Sometimes a curse and sometimes a blessing. He smiles as his puts the glass down. His head was always going... Calculations and notes and thoughts swirling around, never stopping. "Another one." The bartender quickly pours him another shot of whiskey and he downs it, quickly asking for another, the bartender complied, a little hesitantly. Rex downed it with a sort of relish. Three. He usually only had one, sort of his after work treat. His vision began to blur a little. He smiles and giggles a little. He walks it if the bar with a slight gait as his vision was a little blurred. Eventually he reached the railing out front of the Tower, it was a beautiful night, the moon was full and it was a nice 68 degrees. Rex smiles as he stared out across the city he swore to protect. He wouldn't let it fall... Not on his watch. He just sat there alone, thinking. Thinking of what could have been and what was now. He thought about what an Exo really is, and what all this fighting was for. He just.... Thought. [spoiler]Open to anyone, easy way to meet people[/spoiler]

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                                      109 Replies
                                      • Edited by Inquisitor Vaax: 9/20/2015 1:00:32 PM
                                        [b]xerox walks along the forgotten shore, she was enjoying the day when some taken appeared, she sighs and readies her sword, but there are so many of them, if she doesn't receive aid, she will surely perish[/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                        235 Replies
                                        • *Cregan is in a bar in the reef looking for work. He was in a shady corner. Only his sword was producing light. It was the exotic Raze Lighter. His Jewel of Osiris seemed to have a small light on it from the scope. Stories have said he was incredibly skilled probably the best at the crucible. Stories also said that he was exiled then he wasn't on the top of the leaderboards anymore. Stories also told of murders. Most of them were just taking crucible and fighting guardians too seriously. It seems he has been trying not to speak about that anymore. At least that is what some guardians said about him. A mercenary in the bar was attempting to sneak up on him* "I know where you are hunter" *Cregan fires at the hunter and grabs his ghost and crushes it. The awoken in the bar don't pay much attention to it as if it was normal* (Open)

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                                          10 Replies
                                          • Edited by Void-Kell Lizard: 9/19/2015 3:17:50 PM
                                            *Krelik sits on his Ketch as it docks in the ruins of old Russia, trying recover from his losses and wounds* (Open)

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                                            70 Replies
                                            • In the tower archive sits a curious sight: an Exo Titan siting, reading old reports on Fallen history and culture. Not to look for weaknesses, as on-lookers might assume, but out of a curiosity and a search for familiarities. However, the search must be put on hold for the moment, as his Ghost speaks. "Message from the Vanguard: report to The Hall for briefing on a new threat immediately." The Guardian sighs - or, as close to one as he can get as an automaton - and gets up. "Get my gear. I have a feeling we aren't going to be able to come back here for a while." [spoiler]Any advice for a complete noob?[/spoiler]

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                                              6 Replies
                                              • *Kira sits in the cosmodrome, unmoving, unseen. The snow gathering on her ghillie like cloak, her long range ballistic masterpiece aimed on the valley below, waiting for something, anything to shoot.* *deep breath,*

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                                                4 Replies
                                                • *Shrek watches the stars from the safety and comfort of his swamp* "I need to peel some onions" he says as he grabs a basket with handfuls of onions. *Ogre hunters burst in* *Shrek throws some of his onions at them in an attempt to make them back away, but he is unseccessful* *He uses his onionzooka and bippity-boopity-blows them up* "Not today"

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