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The Roleplay League

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    We are a group that primarily organises community roleplaying, but we are open to raids, nightfalls, etc. We pride ourselves on providing a fun, non-toxic community. We are open to all, Playstation and Xbox. Join the fun! To prevent the group from having too many roleplays, new roleplays can only be made if there is a high enough demand and at least two admins approve of it. If you are an admin, then another two admins must approve of it. As of August 28, 2015, we are's largest multi-topic Roleplay group!

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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Edited by overlordkualsi: 1/16/2016 12:41:00 AM

Law of the Jungle: A Destiny Roleplay (RETIRED)

[b]NOTICE: THIS THREAD HAS BEEN RETIRED. IF YOU WANT TO CONTINUE TO ROLEPLAY, PLEASE JOIN "THE ROLEPLAY LEAGUE".[/b] [b][u]Sign Up Before Starting![/u][/b] This is the follow-up to the immensely popular Destiny Roleplay, "Oh Brave New World." It is a complete reboot, so all events of that Roleplay have been disregarded. [b][u]Please sign up here before starting![/u][/b]: "His name is Oryx, the Taken King. And he's coming for you, Guardian. Can you blame him? You killed his son with his own sword." Crota's death was a sign to being a beyond our miniscule corner of the universe. Now, we face Oryx, Crota's father. Now, we take up arms against a god, and his trans dimensional army. So, think you can kill a god? [b]Rules[/b]: Do not violate the Code of Conduct. Do not kill other people's characters. No god modding. "One Liner" Roleplay is discouraged (i.e. *John walked up the hill*). These rules will update as the RP progresses. [b]Game Link[/b] "Game Link" a new feature that is being implemented in this Roleplay. By completing certain tasks within the game, you can earn rewards for your characters. There are two variations of Game Link. [b]Quests[/b]: Quests follow a pre determined storyline. To partake in quests, you must complete certain tasks in game. Completing Quests can earn your character rewards. Quests are available anytime once they are released. [b]Events[/b]: Events are similar to Quests, except they do not follow a storyline, and are available for a limited time. As with Quests, completing Events can earn your character rewards. [b]Admins[/b] Overlord_Kualsi The Internet Phlerox Storm Wizard Spicy Wolf Turbo1611 H 345 The Mute Button Vaaxius

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    • In the banks near the river in the ishtar sinks a lone warlock was sitting by the bank studying things she found. She seemed oblivious to everything else around her. (I rp in first person and open)

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      • I want to be King Jungle Dick and I ass-blam!- cosmos mom

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      • Edited by qwej: 10/23/2015 5:56:23 PM
        REDACTED (Ignore what this post said before)

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        • (Figured it's time to get back in the saddle.) The body of a Taken Hunter lay lifeless near the Ishtar cliffs. The acidic rain of Venus had eroded some of the rock around the corpse. There was a sudden twitch, then part of the Taken's shell started to peel. Fragments drifted off and burned in the air. The Hunter's skin burned with light. Not the false light of the taken, but true light. The Traveler's light. A ghost hovered above him, setting to work reviving his old friend. Korvic stood up slowly, slightly fatigued from the sudden transformation and resurrection. He slumped down and stared at his hand for a few moments, watching the last flecks of Taken skin burn from his armor. "Good chat Lupi... Good chat." (Opppppppen)

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          • *Sheila walks out of the portal only to remove her helmet and trow it on the floor not carrying where she was. She begins gasping.* Ghost: "Are you alright?" Sheila: "My head nearly exploded, so yes I'm fine." Voice: "Sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen." Sheila: *turns around immediately* "Who said that?" Voice: "I'll come out if you promise to not be freaked out and scream." Sheila: "Alright I promise, can you show your self now?" *A small transparent and young looking female appears on top of sheilas helmet.* Ghost: *In the background* "Great another female." Voice: "Um...I'm on your helmet." Sheila: *With a confused face she turns around only to be shocked.* "Um...who or what exactly are you?" Voice: "I'm an experimental A.I. created by the ones you call the "vex". Your not going to like the reason on why I was created." Sheila: *Jokingly* "I'm assuming it was to make my head feel like it was about to explode." Voice: *Looking at the ground* "Um...yes and no. I wasn't to make you feel like that kill you. To be more specific all of you." Sheila: "Well this is just amazing another thing that want to kill me can this day get-" Voice: *emotionally*"I won't kill you or any one. I just want to be friends. I learned much about what was happening around me. I know about the struggle of your people and how everyone wants you dead even my creators." *Starts to sob* Sheila: *getting closer* "I'm sorry I didn't mean... You look familiar, have I seen you before?" Voice/A.I.: *stops sobbing* "No we've never met before and if we had I would of remembered that." Sheila: " me when I was 15. How can you look like that if you don't know me." Voice/A.I.: "The only way that I could look like you would be if someone made me like this. Perhaps I was a memory of you?" Sheila: "The only one on this planet that had any memory of me father. He must of had something to do with your creation maybe that's why you don't want to kill us." Ghost: "Not to mention the crying." *Sheila gives a death stare at her ghost* Ghost: "What? Its true you're the only one that gets that emotional." *Sheila continues to stare at her ghost* Ghost: "I'll just go over here." *ghost goes where ever ghost go.* Voice/A.I.: "So you think that your father had something to do with my creation?" Sheila: "I'm positive of that. I don't think that you told me your name." Voice/A.I.: "Oh can call me Janet." Sheila: "Alright Janet I think we'll be good friends." Janet: "In that case I should probably warn you about the vex army thats going to invade the city." Sheila: *Surprised* "THE WHAT?" (Closed) [spoiler]How about that ending. Don't worry the calvary will arrive soon. It did take a while to make and I hope you're not disappointed.[/spoiler]

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            • "You sure you aren't forgetting something?" sputnik asked. "of course not", said a voice from the darkness in the corner. The figure sat up into the light to reveal a hunter who's armor was as black as the night and a cloak that had a strange snake symbol on the back. "come on, lets go" he said, "they will be ready soon." After a quick flight they landed in what used to be Washington state. They disembarked from they're ship and started to walk. "We need to go somewhere high so we can get a good look at the area." "how about there?" Sputnik asked while looking at a tall needle like building. "the good old space needle huh?" he said "Im surprised its still standing." After about an hour of climbing and fighting of devils they reached the top. "Sputnik, bring me the 1,000 yard stare." The hunter grasped the rifle and stared into the landscape. "Have you found them yet?" Sputnik asked impatiently "no not ye- wait yes i see them." About 1 km away he saw a group of fallen. "yup, those are definitely our guys." "Are you sure?" "Do you know any other fallen house with our symbol?" "Good point" "Ok, the begun the attack." "they've breached the devil's den" "should we help?" "No, they wanted to do this themselves" He said firmly "Besides, we should look for things the city needs or else they might catch on." "It would be bad" Sputnik said looking at the floor. "They wouldn't just exile us, they'd probably kill us." "They wont" he ensured his one and only friend. "we should get going" "I wonder what adventure will happen today." "Besides mourning the dead and picking up dead devil's?" Sputnik chuckled, "I guess so" They continued on into the wilderness...... (open)

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              • Edited by Kell in a Cell: 10/6/2015 10:27:45 AM
                [spoiler]This is simply an idea that came to me that will not be manifested for some time in the current role play. Think of it as a sort of preview, or perhaps an omake if you are familiar with that term. If not, then simply enjoy. :) By the way, the song is Guns N' Roses' Welcome to the Jungle, and the characters are the same ones as on my character sheet.[/spoiler] "Hold the line! Let none pass!" It was the worst battle any of them had ever seen. The Hive were assaulting House Kings with extreme prejudice, obviously seeking to destroy them utterly. As the Kell and his Archons organized the evacuation, some of the House had been issued orders to buy them time. Zavak kicked an Acolyte down, shredding it with a blast from his shrapnel cannon. "Give them no ground, show no fear! We will hold!" He turned at the sound of a charging Knight, only to see it vaporized by a wire rifle round. There was no time for thanks though, as there were just too many Hive. Then, a most peculiar happened. A storm began to gather above a nearby mountain, quickly growing in size. Soon the sky was completely covered, lightning striking ferociously from cloud to cloud. Then, for a moment, they stoped. All of a sudden, a strange sound was heard. A odd metallic screeching made itself known, before a voice like thunder was heard, as though the storm itself were speaking. "Are you ready to rock?" Boomed the strange voice. When it spoke, Zavak looked to the mountain, recognizing it immediately. "The hell...?" He said in confusion. He spotted a figure on top or the mountain, a robbed Eliksni holding a strange object. Then the music started, and all hell broke loose. With every stroke of the instrument lightning bolts struck in droves, decimating the Hive in seconds, but it did not stop. The odd song continued for several minutes. As it continued, even though most could not understand the words, the Kings found their moral greatly boosted by the epic chords and sight of their foes falling in droves. When the song neared its conclusion, the lightning stopped for a few moments. When the music reached it's conclusion, with one last chord. A great bolt blasted down like the hand of an angry god, blinding any who were watching for a few moments. When their vision cleared, there were almost no Hive left, even the Tombships having been blown from the sky. At the sight, the Kings stared for a few moments before they started to break out in cries of joy. Near him, Zavak's right-hand man radioed that the Hive had been defeated. When asked how that was possible, he turned to his commander, only to find him chuckling, before he broke out into great rolling laughter. "You crazy, Prime-damned son-of-a-Dreg!" He got out in between fits. When his lieutenant finally got his attention, he answered with great humor in his eyes: "A fool's gambit at redemption actually paid off!" Then he broke out in even more laughter, and his lieutenant could get nothing more from him. And that was the day that House Kings was saved by the power of rock and roll. [spoiler]Edit 1: some error checking and flow improvements.[/spoiler]

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                • Artemis feigned the surprise, having full trust in Leon. She flipped out her revolvers, her aim steady as she looked to the figure. "If you want the vanguard, you'll have to get through me."She stated. [i]and him.[/i]. (Open to Leon only)

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                  • Edited by Flamyng, Singer of Flames: 10/11/2015 2:54:28 AM
                    [i]She walks, and walks, the great Wall near her. It old, weakened, but still too strong. She looked, and saw, hole and hole. She laughed and walked, breaking it though. She walked through, looks around, and sees the great city, it's machine god above it. She jumps down and sings, and the hole breaks more, It stuck in that state as she walls forward[/i] *in hive dialect* Heheheh, welcome to death *some hive acolytes and knights start to go through the hole, the knights all having arc shields* (Open)

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                    87 Replies
                    • Ka'aar was on the dreadnaught. He was desperate for supplies, and needed something to repair his skiff with. But soon an Echo of Oryx found and trapped him, and he knew what would happen next........ [b]You are a Vandal. You slip through life like a thief. Trying to hide from everything greater than you — lest you be reduced, again, to a dreg. You have been taken. Come out into the light. You will never be diminished again. No one will ever rebuke you with a blade. What Captain disciplines you? What obedience has been burnt into your lungs? You do as your Captain commands. You wield the weapon you are given. You teach the Dregs and make sure everyone pays their share of the loot. But nothing is yours. You have no space to call your own. You deserve a place of safety. You deserve to be alone with yourself. There is a knife for you. It is shaped like [this place is mine]. Take up the knife. Make it your companion. Take your new shape.[/b] ((Open))

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                      • Alpha, an Exo Titan, crippled and lay down in Dreadnaught's transmat zone. His legs are amputated, His ghost are not working. Then, he was drawn into Oryx's transdimensional portal by Echo of Oryx. [b]"You are a-[/b] "Shut up you dumbass!" Alpha interrupts. [b]"Better be quiet, Servant of the Light."[/b] "Oh, shut up, you little tedious whiney asshole. You are being a little bitch about your son's death because it crippled your tribute or whatever hell it was. Most of your kind just laughable, isn't it? Ha!" Alpha says. "Well, i gotta go now, idiot." His body disappears, and reappears at bannerfall with shadow. (OPEN)

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                        • -Tritan was sitting on top of a ogre carcass whistling as he was bored, he took off his helmet and suddenly the ogre started rumbling and moving, he looked at his left hand as a strange marking appeared, he tried to contact Eris or Cayde-6 with no avail, so he channeled his power and then shot a void anchor straight in the air, and with that a huge portal opened, through came Eriana-3 his beloved girlfriend. His hand touches her cheek and then it turned a pitch black color as Eriana disappeared- (Open)

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                          • [b]A week after leaving Venus[/b] [i]Grant had felt odd leaving the planet he had hid on for......forever it felt As he pilots his ship he casually calls[/i] "Ghost, check and see if any guardian's need a hand, I just have this feeling" [b]He warps from orbit into tower airspace[/b]

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                            • Edited by Holy FirePriest: 10/22/2015 3:10:53 PM
                              A titan walks old Russia alone He does not wear a helmet but a wolf pelt where his helmet should be, his ghost lies lightless in a pouch. As he walks He holds the red death in his hands Killing any enemy in his path, But always assisting other guardians if he needs to. His armor black as night his mark is a Mark is that of the iron banner from long ago, it hangs close to the ground. It's gold and black color faded From the Climate of the earth. He walks the earth alone because the vanguard hunts him. They send the best assassins loyal to the vanguard to take him down. Why? They fear that he will use that red death like the weilder before him. But he never hurts the assassins He avoids them and they never can find him. Sometimes his stories reach the tower only to be met with disgust by most people. He holds a ring around his neck, a ring of a lost loved one Who never came back. He was a guardian who was shunned and almost hung for what he believed in and what he held in his hands. Not many have seen his face and those who do useally never talk about it, His name is Eclipse From the records the vanguard hold. But is he a bad person? Others who have worked with him may say not But it's useally those to see his red death that think so because fear is a powerful weapon. Those who seek him to end his life never find him but those who are in need He is in their life. Travelers believe he is a fallen angel. Others believe he's a demon. But only those who have been with him truly know. Maybe you may cross his path or maybe he will cross yours, Or you may never see him. Some people have also stated that when he is near Somtimes they hear the sound of wolves howl, But never see any. He sits now against the destroyed tail of an old world plane his red death Propped up next to him As he watches the rain pour down onto the earth of old Russia. ( Open )

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                              • Edited by Baby Soup: 10/22/2015 12:30:17 AM
                                A Hunter sits on a high up ledge, humming in a robotic tone, watching other guardians take on the court of oryx and swinging his legs back and forth, entertained by the sight before him. "ooooh soooo scary look at those monsters they're fighting", Egao-1 says in a sarcastic tone

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                                • Dante was deep in the bowels of the Dreadnaught, pacing impatiently in front of a Hive gate while flipping through the pages of Toland's journal. "Dammit Old Man... Can't make any sense even when you literally spell it out for me..." [b][i]Getting frustrated, are we?[/i][/b] "You. Shut up. Trying to think." After angrily searching through more pages of nonsense, Dante threw the old book at the frame of the gate. A few scattered pages were sent drifting about the dark chamber. As he went to pick up the dusty tome, something behind him caught his attention. (Öpen.)

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                                  • In the distant land of Caliros spire, Mercury. A group of mystic brand of sun breakers were causing trouble. Destroying property, stealing spire chunks, doing bad stuff. I was a member of the brand. Driven by infused darkness, and light. Confused and dazed. We wandered around Mercury until a the gang stumbled to a cave creating a white glow. The gang obviously walked aimlessly into the cave, witch above it lie a sacred spire. If we had known what futures lied ahead us we'd turn wright back. We walked into the cave to see a strange ball. We then started to mess up the place, suddenly one of our group members bumped into the relic we then ran out side of the cave to view the spire. The light from the cave grew darker as the light of the spire grew brighter. We had no idea what had happened. Be hind the spire cam a cloud of electricity. Suddenly the long forgotten Sol Prodgiy warped into existence. We didn't know what it was but it fallowed us back to the lighthouse. We called the house of life but I never payed attention to it. We got to the lighthouse to be brought to disappoint when Ouris. The grand master of the sun breakers. People looked at us with confusion as we ran at them. People then looked behind us as the Sol Prodgiy shifted in and out of time. The emergency hammers smashed anvils. As the enforcements took down the Prodgiy. Ouris plan an execution at the anvil to my fellow members, while I was sent to earth to die alone. The punishment day. Days later I was sent to earth do die alone in the cosmodrome, old Russia.

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                                  • Edited by WBU39: 10/23/2015 3:57:17 AM
                                    It was a beautiful morning. "[i]Another night, another shift done[/i]" Wade thought as he was packing his stuff and was getting ready to let the next Guardian take over. Even though he was a Titan, Wade appreciated the silence and tranquility of the nightshift. Especially now that Dead Orbit had scout teams patrolling near the southern wall, doing most of the work, which gave him a chance to just relax and enjoy the calmness of night. (Closed)

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                                    • Edited by EXPRESS_Tsunami: 10/18/2015 5:58:15 PM
                                      [i]As Trost lounged in some stadium seating at Fenway park, he felt truly content. But just as that thought crossed his mind, a fallen ketch marked as an unknown house materialized above the stadium. As the hunter pulled out his Omolon scout rifle, a skiff dropped down, releasing a party of vandals and Captains[/i] Well now, ten on one? Hardly seems like a fair fight. For them. CLOSED

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                                      14 Replies
                                      • *Cregan wanders in the Widow's Court alone waiting for his opponent to show up. He reloads his hand cannon and continues to roam the Court* "I wonder how taken haven't disturbed this place. Oddly quiet" [i]The Taken won't go to an empty place[/i] "I guess that's a reason ghost. I'm just going to sit down and wait" *Cregan sits down on the roof of an old car waiting* (Closed unless you're Ginger)

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                                        • [b]Ishtar Sink, Venus[/b] After picking up a peculiar transmission from Venus, a Guardian warps from the Frontier to assist. "Davian. This is Cain Quailor. Do you copy?" (Static)

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                                          • Edited by Ye_S_gamer: 10/19/2015 7:12:37 PM
                                            *inside the tunnels of venus* Sheila: "How did we not run into these tunnels before?" Ghost: "Perhaps its because there only seems to be one entrance. These are really old tunnels...they could be some of the first ones carved out. To answer your question its probably because these tunnels are connected to a different network that what we've seen before." Sheila: "Could be." *a shiver runs down Sheilas back* Sheila: "Something is not right here." Ghost: "How so?" Sheila: "I feel a dark presence near something that I've never felt before. Ghost is transmat still possible?" Ghost: "Yes, but the deeper we go the harder it'll be to transmat out of here." Sheila: "Let's watch out on how deep we go then." *she smirks right before she drops to a knee* Unknown voice: "Sheila get out of here it too dangerous for one person. A great evil is here and it will destroy everything if you're not careful." *Sheila gates up* Sheila: "Who was that? What great evil?" Ghost: "Great evil? Better be careful then we wouldn't want everyone to be mad at us for unleashing more enemies. *continues to walk forward* Sheila: "Yeah, we wouldn't want that." *enters a large underground cave filled with strange carvings on the walls and odd rock formations. In the center of the room was an inactive vex portal with a small pillar next to it* Sheila: "What is this and why is it calling me?" Ghost: "Don't touch anything Missy" Sheila: *in trance* "Yeah, sure whatever" *Sheila walks towards the portal and hovers her hand over the pillar* Ghost: "Don't even think about it Missy." *Sheila touches the pillar and is pelted with a bunch of images once the images stop the portal activates* Ghost: "I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH A THING!!!" *Vex begin to appear in front of Sheila just as she snaps out of her trance.* Sheila: "Looks like its hammer time!" *Sheila activates sunbreaker and begins trowing hammers at the vex. After one vex fell to the hammer it combusted into a fiery explosion. Causing a chain reaction that made anyone around it explode and continue the cycle. The cycle was stopped when hydras and minotaurs started to appear.* Sheila: "They had to ruin the fun." Voice: "Jump into the portal now." *Sheila begins to shot the vex with her messenger. Only to notice that they weren't getting hurt.* Sheila: "This is not good." Voice: "GET IN THE PORTAL NOW!!!" *A high pitched screech consumes Sheila* Sheila: *trying to block the screech* "MAKE IT STOP." Voice: "Get in the portal and it will stop." *Sheila walks towards the portal and steps in* (Closed) [spoiler]There will be another part that will be open.[/spoiler]

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                                            • Edited by Zalamiir: 10/18/2015 7:40:09 PM
                                              [i][b]INCOMING TRANSMISSION/ COMMANDER ZAVALA[/b][/i] "[i]Guardians, we've received a transmission from one of the Fireteams we sent to Venus forty-eight hours ago. They didn't make it. There last transmission stated that an Ahamkara that we have identified as Shovaroth, is on Venus. If he's there, then suspect that the Hive are too. Whatever the reason; be careful. This Ahamkara is unlike anything we have faced before. Zavala out. [/i] [spoiler]Open only to me, Red Spy, Garuud, Mega, Hawk, and Spyglass[/spoiler]

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                                              • Hunter Ralph Johnson Age: 34 Gender: Male Race: Human Subclass: Bladedancer Titan Jay-2 Age: Unknown Gender: Male Race: Exo Subclass: Striker Warlock Reja Davini Age: 23 Gender: Female Race: Awoken Subclass: Stormcaller Deep in the halls of the Dreadnaught Ralph: 3 tangos up ahead, 2 acolytes and 1 knight. Any suggestions for engagment squad leader. Jay: Get your sniper and take the knight. Reja throw a storm grenade once the acolytes get close. Ill finish anything left alive. Any questions? The fireteam is silent Jay: Good. Fire in my signal. Ralph turns invisible while Reja gets in position. Jay: 3.2.1.......FIRE! The sound of a sniper rifle echoed through the camber shortly followed by the sou d of lightning and peppered auto rifle fire. Jay: Good shooting team. Alright lets keep mooving. Ralph: Squad leader may I take point? Jay: Go ahead Guardian. They continue walking down the long narrow halls. Jay: You're awfully quite Reja. You okay? Reja: I.....feel we're being watched...... Ralph: *laughs* I think we're always being watched Reja Reja: No this is different. Ghost run scans for any life inside an 100 yard radius. Reja's Ghost: We're the only ones in here mam. Ralph: *holding up his hands, in a stopping motion* No, we're not..... The squad is still as death. No sound is made or heard. Jay: Ralph what did you he- Ralph: Shhhhh. Reja: He's here. Jay: Who' here. Ralph: Shut up! A single foot step is heard. Reja: RUN!!! To be continued Needs 10-20 likes for next section =)

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