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The Roleplay League

"Have fun, in character and out."

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    We are a group that primarily organises community roleplaying, but we are open to raids, nightfalls, etc. We pride ourselves on providing a fun, non-toxic community. We are open to all, Playstation and Xbox. Join the fun! To prevent the group from having too many roleplays, new roleplays can only be made if there is a high enough demand and at least two admins approve of it. If you are an admin, then another two admins must approve of it. As of August 28, 2015, we are's largest multi-topic Roleplay group!

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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Edited by overlordkualsi: 1/16/2016 12:41:00 AM

Law of the Jungle: A Destiny Roleplay (RETIRED)

[b]NOTICE: THIS THREAD HAS BEEN RETIRED. IF YOU WANT TO CONTINUE TO ROLEPLAY, PLEASE JOIN "THE ROLEPLAY LEAGUE".[/b] [b][u]Sign Up Before Starting![/u][/b] This is the follow-up to the immensely popular Destiny Roleplay, "Oh Brave New World." It is a complete reboot, so all events of that Roleplay have been disregarded. [b][u]Please sign up here before starting![/u][/b]: "His name is Oryx, the Taken King. And he's coming for you, Guardian. Can you blame him? You killed his son with his own sword." Crota's death was a sign to being a beyond our miniscule corner of the universe. Now, we face Oryx, Crota's father. Now, we take up arms against a god, and his trans dimensional army. So, think you can kill a god? [b]Rules[/b]: Do not violate the Code of Conduct. Do not kill other people's characters. No god modding. "One Liner" Roleplay is discouraged (i.e. *John walked up the hill*). These rules will update as the RP progresses. [b]Game Link[/b] "Game Link" a new feature that is being implemented in this Roleplay. By completing certain tasks within the game, you can earn rewards for your characters. There are two variations of Game Link. [b]Quests[/b]: Quests follow a pre determined storyline. To partake in quests, you must complete certain tasks in game. Completing Quests can earn your character rewards. Quests are available anytime once they are released. [b]Events[/b]: Events are similar to Quests, except they do not follow a storyline, and are available for a limited time. As with Quests, completing Events can earn your character rewards. [b]Admins[/b] Overlord_Kualsi The Internet Phlerox Storm Wizard Spicy Wolf Turbo1611 H 345 The Mute Button Vaaxius

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  • Ir Latuut, the death priest is coming to avenge her king a message has been sent to all guardians

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  • Oasis walks around Venus, watching Vex. Well... The Hive Mind Vex. The ones without sentience. She observed them, seeing what they were up to. ((Open))

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    72 Replies
    • Edited by RadiantPotato: 10/24/2015 8:49:15 PM
      Maelstrom's task was simple. Stop House Devils from running supplies to the crippled House Winter on Venus. Like most Fallen encounters however, things were bound to not go as planned.This has been a problem ever since Oryx arrived(More specifically his Taken). It was recommended by Cayde-6 that Maelstrom should investigate.(He chose him because he was one of the last original Nightstalkers.) The Devils' supply run would go like this, A Devil Skiff would touch down at Campus-9 with a team led by a Reaver Captain. They would make their way to the Shattered Coast and deliver the supplies and then leave. (Open)

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      15 Replies
      • Edited by Xeno: 10/25/2015 4:08:04 AM
        [b]Earth,Old Russia,Cosmodrome[/b] Ethan looked over the hill with a broad smile on his face, his faithful companion, Charley, a female lab mix, sits patiently next to him, tail wagging. He never got a ghost, he wasn't resurrected, and when given the offer he turns it down. Most of the time other guardians give him weird looks when they see his "pet". He hates that word, "pet" all it is is the word "slave" sugar-coated, "best friend" is more accurate. "One captain, 3 dregs, 2 vandals, and 4 shanks, hmph, this isn't even a challenge. Ready Charley." Her ears perk up at the mention of her name. "Now!" They both slide down the hill, Ethan picking off the two vandals with quick, easy, shots to the skull with his prized hand cannon, The Last Word. A first glance at Charley and she seems like an average dog, but on the battle field, she's nothing short of a wolf. She dodges fire from a dregs shock pistol and tears it's throat out with ease. Ethan ducks behind cover and vaults over surprising the remaining dreg and blasts him with his shotgun. Then he throws a knife at a shank, then a trip mine grenade killing a total of 3. Charley jumps on the other and rips it to shreds. And only the captain was left, he curses in his native tongue "Oh yeah? Well -blam!- you too!" Ethan replies. Charley replies with a simple but viscous bark. She charges at the captain and sinks her teeth into its arm. The captain curses again and swats Charley away. She produces a heart shattering yelp, and that set Ethan off. Charley's been hurt many times but Ethan strangely never gets used to it, he loves her and she loves him, he raised her since he was a child and since she was a pup,cared for her,nurtured her,loved her. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!" He yells as charging at the fallen captain. He unsheathed his sword Sol Edge and stab the alien in the gut and held his hand cannon to its chin. "Yours,not mine you dirty scumbag. BANG! Blue blood splatters every where and reduces the captains head to nothing. He goes to Charley and gingerly picks her up. A rib is broken, he could tell and he hurried to The Tower. [b]Earth,The Last City,The Tower[/b] He teleports into The Tower and sprints to the infirmary. Guardians are giving him worried or perplexed looks, but he didn't care he needed help fast. It was pretty quick. She was fully healed and bouncier than before thanks to the warlock who nursed her back to health. He pays her extra glimmer as a sign of gratitude. He sits down near the tree with Charley calmly sleeping at his side as he reads the book "10000 Leagues Under the Sea" ((Open to anyone))

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        • Can I get an approval please?

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        • Have you stopped accepting or something?

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          • [b]Tower, Last City[/b] Lucky never touched the dark- Never modified his power to ruin the Crucible. Hell, he didn't even have a Graviton Forfeit! And yet, here he stood, being judged by Titans and Warlocks. He hated this. He hated his comrades who made him just another "douchebag" Hunter... Ever since the modification reached guardians, he soloed everything. An announcement comes on the tower intercom. IT HAS BEEN DISCOVERED THAT YET ANOTHER VOID EXPLOIT IS PLAGUING HUNTERS. Those damn guardians who spread the news to try and get it patched, but rather make it far too widespread. He hated them too. DPJ, the worst offender, was spreading this one. Lucky was sick of it. He forced his ghost, Codsworth, to hack through the Tower's no weapons transmat program. The knife he uses to clean his nails and kill aliens... It was soon to gave another guardian's blood on it.

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          • (Written by Thrax, copied/pasted by me for easier access) [b]Meanwhile, deep inside the Vault of Glass[/b] Grixis and his Blades entered huge expanse that once belonged to the mighty Axis Mind, Atheon. Now only the broken machines of past, present, and future lay here. Men'kaar and Calvik broke off and went to the left of the room, while Vôlik-Dal and Stronix went right. But he went forward, jumping across to the small platform and onto the other side. He landed on the stone ground. He looked up at the two collections of crystals that arched upwards to make, along with the floor, a triangle shape while he walked up the steps. They seemed to have lost their glow over the year. But that would change. The Blades came and took their places at his sides. All the while, they looked at the giant, broken frame before them. "[i]This is the Times Conflux[/i]?" Spoke Calvik, breaking the absolute silence of the chamber. "Indeed, it [i]was."[/i] Grixis responded. Then he walked forward toward the broken Vex. He ran his clawed hand down the arm of it's glistening white body. He continued until he was standing where it's head was. Such a shame, a once mighty being, brought down so low. His train of thought was interrupted when Vôlik-Dal spoke. "[i]My liege, the guard that we placed at the entrance are speaking of four Guardians forcing their way into the Vault."[/i] He was quick to respond. "I know. But they cannot stop what happens next." He knelt down and placed a hand on the white chassis, before his entire arm took on an ghastly shimmer of Light and Darkness. "Let us begin, shall we?" At his touch, the Vault responded. It knew what he was trying to do. And surprisingly, it did not resist. All around, Vex units that resisted the Hive now took their side with them. The crystals above him now glowed with the energies of Light and Darkness. "[i][b]You were once a force to be reckoned with. You once held the title of Times Conflux, and kept the balance of time in check. Now you lie broken, shattered, destroyed by the warriors of Light. Take back your mantle. Rise from your slumber, claim the Vault of Glass as yours once more, take your revenge on the world!"[/b][/i] At his words, the giant frame began shift, it's left arm that was no longer there, now replaced with Light and Darkness in the shape of its original appendage. It grasped it's weapon, and rose to it's full height. It looked down at him, and bowed. "[i][b]Welcome to the world once more, Atheon, Bane of Time[/b][/i]." (Open to Max, Alice, Garuud, Thrax's Hive Characters, and me)

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            34 Replies
            • Edited by Deathly Reapz: 10/27/2015 3:36:29 PM
              "This is a S.O.S for any....(static)...that are in dreadnought. We being......(static).... can't hold out! The darkness is to...(static)...cannot revive ourselves! We are at hanging crypts oh god watch out..........(big explosion and screams of agony)" The message ended. [b](Open)[/b]

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            • An Exo hunter who only goes by "Panda" is in the cosmodrome ... building a snowman.

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            • A Warlock was wandering the cosmodrome. His helmet was golden and reflecting the sun. His sword reflected the same amount almost blinding anyone watching He seemed quite advanced in his technique. The blood of his enemies seemed to disappear in his red armor. He began to speak in an awoken-like voice "Ghost what's the mission?" [i]The New Monarchy wants you to kill a high value taken target. A Zealot[/i] "Well ghost stand by resurrection" The Awoken Warlock chuckled as Taken began to appear. He started to fire at the taken (Open)

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              • Hey guess what. [spoiler]You look cute today.[/spoiler]

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                • [b]Taken's Touch[/b] [i]So, turns out there's another Fallen house in the system. A somewhat peaceful one, believe it or not. Apparently they study and develop technology, a lot of which has been found inside guns that we've been using for a while. A Distress call from this new house, House of Applied Sciences, was received on Venus, within the Vault of Glass. Reports say that a party of Fallen were seen entering the Vault. Get in there, look for the party, and rescue them.[/i] (The Signups for an event.)

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                  • I also like potatoes

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                    • I like potatoes

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                    • There once was a powerful Warlock, so powerful and attuned with the storms of chaos, his very being surged with arc energy. He carved his helmet from the skull of a taken war priest he killed by himself. He then bitch slapped every cry baby bitch hunter on xbone and ps4. Made them realize the error of their ways in choosing such a pathetic class that they all deleted destiny, and went back to call of duty. He married a sun breaker Titan who was an awoken princess. 10 years later he became king, and locked the universes doors to all who aspired to be the class known as the puss class (hunter)

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                    • Edited by Rimidalv Nisom: 10/22/2015 1:23:44 AM
                      [spoiler]This introduction will be rather short, more character interaction though. And I won't cut off mid session. [/spoiler] [b][u]Seven Nation Army[/u][/b] [u]Cosmodrome, Rocket Yards, 12:00 A.M[/u] "Tell me the reason behind your mere existence, and I probably won't blow your head off so quickly it stains the moon red with your blood." [b]Sevastyan stared coldly at the injured Guardian, his words carrying no mercy at all, just intimidation. He raised his left hand which held an all white Vex-like handcannon, Imago Loop, a Hobgoblin's eye acting as a side-mounted flashlight on the weapon, the light burning itself into the fallen Guardian's retina.[/b] "[i]W-why... Are you doing this?[/i]" [b]The Guardian coughed her words out with fear and panic, her tattered Hunter armor reflecting her inexperience, a simple mask with a few engravings on the mask made by a knife, makeshift by appearance. [/b] "Well for one, if you didn't exist I the first place, there would be no war, no bloodshed, no violence. But you think that fighting is the only option." [b]Sevastyan scoffed at the Guardian, glancing to his left momentarily while doing so before continuing the stare.[/b] "How big is your ego? Well you won't know, neither will I." [b]He raised his other handcannon, Fatebringer, having the same design as the Imago Loop but brass with bits of metallic railing as opposed to the latter's black on matte white design.[/b] "Tell the traveler I said 'hi'." [b]He pulled the triggers of both weapons, sending 2 bullets into the Guardian's head and splattering viscera along with brain matter onto the walls, the gunshots disturbing the otherwise quiet locale.[/b] (Open)

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                      131 Replies
                      • Sheila: "AGAIN WHAT?" Janet: "Yeah so you kinda unleashed a vex army capable of destroying the city with very little effort." *Sheila begins to laugh hysterically* Sheila: "Isn't this nice. I have just single handedly doomed the last city. Janet: "Well you haven't exactly. Or at least not yet." Sheila: "So what you're saying is that I have doomed the last remnants of humanity?" *Sheila continues to laugh hysterically* Ghost: "Don't even try to snap her out of it. Just giver her some time to calm down." Janet: "Are you sure?" Ghost: "You forget that I've lived with her for quite some years now. So I'm pretty sure of it and if that doesn't work then I have a backup plan." Janet: "Um...Okay. *with a smile* let's wait then." *one hour later and Sheila is still laughing hysterically* Janet: "She's still doing it." Ghost: "Ugh. I'll take care of it just stay back." Janet: *jumping excitedly* "OKAY." Ghost: *sighs* "Why are you all crazy. SNAP OUT OF IT MISSY. STOP THIS AT ONCE. ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO LET ALL THOSE PEOPLE DIE BECAUSE YOU ARE JUST SUPER EMOTIINAL AND CANT CONTROL YOUR FEELINGS. WE HAVE A PLAN THAT CAN STOP THE INVASION BUT YOU NEED TO STOP THIS AT ONCE. DO YOU UNDERSTAND MISSY?" Janet: *with a poudy face* " And you said we were crazy." *ghost looks back at Janet and stares at her just as Sheila stops laughing* Sheila: "One who are you calling Missy, two I'm not *blushes* emotional and, three what do you mean that you have a plan." Ghost: "Okay your back. Yeah about that plan-" Janet: *happily* "You need to fuse your parts together." Sheila: *offended and heavily blushing* "Excuse me." Ghost: "You need to fuse your elements in order to become stronger." Sheila: *even more red* "What?" Ghost: "UGH YOU NEED TO FUSE YOU VOID, ARC AND, FIRE." Sheila: *Stopping blushing* "Oh okay then. How do I do that?" Ghost: "How should I know it was only attempted by a group of warlocks a few years ago and no one knows what happened to them." Sheila: *sarcastically* "wow thanks for making me feel better about doing something that sounds dangerous. Janet do you have anything to say about this?" Janet: "Um...good luck I guess." Sheila: "Wow thanks. You never told us how large this army is." Janet: "I don't know the exact number because it could of grown but I can tell you something about their initial numbers. So do you remember that cave where you found me?" Sheila: "How could I not you almost killed me there." Janet: "I'm sorry. But the vex you fought were 0.00000000001% of the initial army." Sheila:*surprised* "That's a big army." Janet: "It is and that's why you need to fuse yourself." Sheila:*blushes* "I'll do it but don't say it that way again." Janet: *with a smile* "Okay...Missy." *Sheila reaches for Janet but her hand goes right through Janet. Mean while ghost is giggling.* Sheila: "You guys are a perfect match for each other." *Ghost and Janet look at each other* Ghost and Janet: "Um" *Janet jumps on ghost and sits on him* (Closed) [spoiler]Next one is open.[/spoiler]

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                        • Edited by BlindSwift: 10/27/2015 4:33:18 AM
                          [i]Ex'illias after recieving a haircut goes back out to the wilds without his rebreather in what used to be europe sitting in an old church's bell tower[/i] (Open)

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                        • I'm still -blam!-ing confused as last time on what you're trying to do here.

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                          • [b][u]Earth,Old Russia,Cosmodrome[/u][/b] All is normal in the Cosmodrome,fallen stalking,snow falling,wind blowing. Then CRASH!!! Something hit the ground with enough force to cause a small crater around it. It's Gold, the fearless human titan with her custom shotgun gauntlets and for some reason never wears a helmet,maybe to show off her crazy long,golden curly hair? No one knows. She gets up almost instantly and says:"Ow I think I bruised my shoulder." Her Ghost appears by her:"You fell from the Dreadnaught. You broke the SOUND BARRIER!! AND YOU REACHED TERMINAL VELOCITY!!! AND YOUR SHOULDER IS BRUISED?!?!?!?!!" She's dusts off her golden dusk render armor and re-adjusts her ammo belts around her chest:"Yup pretty much." Her Ghost sighs:"You're unbelievable." ((OPEN TO ALL))

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                            • In the Cosmodrome, snow falls from dark clouds, layering the ground with fresh snow. Fallen verse hive all around Russia, the Taken leaving this area be for a while, leaving the Fire-team Breaker standing alone in the middle of the Mothyard Plane wreckages. They stand in a line, waiting, each one preparing themselves for a fight. All three are Guardians, each one a different class. One a NightStalker, with a Dead Zone Revolution cloak blowing in the Snowy breeze. Her name is Alice Long. One a SunBreaker, with two Grenades being juggled in one hand. His name is Quinn-2. One a StormCaller, with lightning bouncing around her gloves. Her name is Tellio Taynt. They stand there, waiting for a challenge of three to approach for single combat. [spoiler]Originally posted by megabeast simply reposted for easier access[/spoiler]

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                              • Edited by YerSpookyGrandad: 10/25/2015 8:42:22 AM
                                <Fallen Laughter And Shouting> [b]NONE OF YOU ATE GETTING MY CLOAK[/b]

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                                • [spoiler]Side story.[/spoiler] Cyber was walking down the path of an overrun town. He heard groans, non like the Hive. "Check it out?" Cyber's Ghost said. "Why not?" Cyber agreed. He hears someone yelling. In horrid pain. He felt unusually sad, more sympathetic. Cyber turns the corner and sees bunches of people in ragged close. "What are these things?" Cyber quietly asked his ghost. His ghost doesn't reply. Cyber wait. For the bunches of people to move. They see a corpse. Mostly Asian. Cyber collapses. He starts sobbing, and throwing up metal bits and screws. This is the end. [spoiler]sooooooo... Saaaaaad....[/spoiler] [spoiler]#TheWalkingDead[/spoiler]

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                                • [b]A Touching Family Reunion[/b] The Trenchworks, Dreadnaught, Rings of Saturn. Dante walked along the open walkway on the side of the Dreadnaught. His robes drifted in the windless space, along with the various banners of Oryx hanging from the ship. He was expecting someone. The footsteps behind him signaled the arrival of this someone. A someone that he hadn't seen in a [i]very[/i] long time. He turned to face this man, his signature grin plastered behind his helmet. "Been a long time, Brother." Another warlock stood before him. Blue robes drifting behind him, and a Dark-Drinker on his back. He sneered at Dante. "Don't give me that." Dante laughed. "Ah, come on Vergil... " As if on cue, the two brothers drew their respective blades. "... Come give your big brother a hug." [spoiler][url=]Cue epic music[/url][/spoiler] (Open)

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                                  • Edited by CorvynDragon: 10/25/2015 3:44:06 PM
                                    Draco walked throughout the tower watching people and remembering what it was like before the incident where oryx "took" him. Now no one can see him except guardians with exceptional light... Even his ghost died and he is lost... His ship burns with the same taken flames as he now does... Sometimes wavering to and from the dimensions... Waiting to find at least one person who can help him find the way out. Rarely he will see someone who sees him... But when they do, they see him for a second while he wavers between dimensions and then they shake off the feeling that they saw someone... He waits and waits as xur comes and goes along with the people... ((((Open to anyone))))

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