Royal Kill Order
"Play hard. Have fun. Get some nice weapons and don't be a d!ck."
originally posted in:Royal Kill Order
Hey all, I am going to be running a contest for all of our members(besides current admins) for recruitment! I will keep a scoreboard here on our forums for all to see.
So, from now on until July 1st. Whoever recruits the most new members will be our 5th and final admin. We will not be adding any more after that!
Contest Rules:
New members must meet the clans guidelines. (See our homepage for info)
New members must also STAY in our clan and wear our clan tag on PS4. If we recruit someone, and 2 days later they are no longer in our clan, your admin status will be revoked and whoever came 2nd will receive your spot as an admin.
To make it fair for all, current leaders may recruit as well. They may then distribute new recruits to count for points toward new members. This must be done fairly without favoritism.
Last but not least, the winner will also receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card or $25 via PayPal from myself.
Look in open world, crucible, iron banner, etc. be aggressive! Everyone could use an extra $25!