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Edited by bobcast: 5/23/2014 1:06:58 AM


Might be hard to revive this thread with the format. But I'll try. I think that if you make a wish, people can destroy it all they want in the sub thread, all new wishes can be new replies. We'll see if it works. [quote][/quote] Note: I found this game in the group "Council of the Sangheili". This game is simple, you wish for something, I'll grant your wish, but corrupt it in some way, then I wish and so on. -EXAMPLE: Me: I wish... I was rich You: Granted, but you have to work on the corner to do it I wish... for a copy of Halo 3 Someone else: Granted, but the surpreme awesomeness of it makes your head explode I wish... for a pet grunt And so on. I'll start: I wish... I was a super action hero.

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  • granted. but you die from alcohol poisoning. (That was easy as hell dude.) by the way, as long as the chicks that dont care dont have gential herpes, AIDS/HIV, or just plain herpes. i belive id be OK. those are pretty much the only serious STD's i belive. To advance on my last wish, i wish i had the foreskin restoration stuff, TLC tugger. i also wish i knew what the HELL TLC meant! (sorry if 4skin disturbs anyone here.)

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  • Granted, but hot women who don't know what you know about circumcision won't sleep with you. You're stuck with the chicks who don't care, and you get their diseases. I wish I had more alcohol.

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  • Granted. but you spend that 400$ on the right to use "Open letter to a landlord" by living colour. but the effect rocks. unfortunately. that doesnt pay him/her so you get kicked out. AT LEAST IT RAWKED. I wish i was unsircumcised. (by the way, having foreskin DOESNT cause any dieases. its just another way for the man to get youre money. if you clean youreself downthere, youll be fine. if you dont clean youreself down there. youre a blam.)

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  • Granted, but your sleep is so good that you don't wake up for a month, missing the news that you have somehow won the Lottery, with a jackpot of $620 Million, and you're the only one who hit. I wish I had $400 to give to my landlord.

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  • Granted, but it provides poor support for your neck so you end up with neck pain and headaches. I wish for some good sleep.

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  • granted, but our country is in debate with all the other countries, making a third world war i wish for a very fluffy pillow

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  • Granted, but now flies become an endangered species, throwing off our entire eco system. I wish our country wasn't in debt any more. (For me that would be the US of A) [Edited on 07.03.2008 1:43 AM PDT]

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  • granted but its mine :-P I wish that I had the power to instantly destroy any maggot I saw( don't ask)

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  • granted but everytime you play, the biggest guy is on left and u get owned i wish for another wish that wouldn't be corrupted :D

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  • Granted, but it's so good that God smites it from the face of the earth. I wish for left field. [Edited on 07.02.2008 6:44 PM PDT]

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  • why me? and where the hell would u find kantana granted-but they asplode in your face, decapitate u while i come back to life i wish that freaking bungie favorites was better. I HOPE someone doesn't corrupt this....

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  • Oh crap! You forgot to grant and corrupt a wish! Now the whole chain is broken! The wonly way to atone for this travesty is through blood. *decapitates Soul drinker with Katana* Granted, but I cut off you head. I wish for 75 pellets of mescaline.

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  • i wish for a bionic hand that nothing would go wrong and couldn't explode OMG I AM POST NUMBER 2222!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEEE [Edited on 07.02.2008 5:11 PM PDT]

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  • Granted. I wish Micro5 was less of a -blam!-.

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  • Granted but you have to listen to Whiny protest songs from the 60's for the rest of your life. I wish the below poster can't corrupt this wish.

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  • Granted, but your new hand explodes....Somehow. I wish I was immortal.

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  • but it is cardboard so u die i wish i had a new hand from the one that i lost and that something else wrong would happen not to my body O.o

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  • Granted But you do it to 90 year olds. I wish i had mark V

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  • Granted but it explodes in your hand. i wish for lovemaking haha

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] timmyj_15 Granted, then it blows up because GoW2 sucks. I wish this gum I am chewing wasn't t3h sux0rzz.[/quote] Heretic! gears campaign rocks, xbox live is crap.

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  • granted, but it is infested by little fur eating daemons! i wish for a hand grenade

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  • Granted, but now that's the only server you can use for any game. I wish I had a really cool beard.

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  • granted but you get to close and they scrape you and you get a nasty infection from all the dirt under them.....(I knew what you meant but how can you corrupt a nine inch nails concert and still get into heaven ? :-P) I wish I would stop getting dropped from EA servers while trying to play BF:BC

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  • Granted, but you wear a cape, which gets sucked into a jet engine and you die. I wish I could see Nine Inch Nails live.

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  • Granted, then that explodes too. I wish I could fly.

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  • Granted, so you decids to switch to Stride gum. and it's so good you don't want to move on to another piece. In an effort for Stride executives to get people to chew more of their gum, they send a Berzerker after you so it can make you spit out the gum you have in your mouth. I wish for a DVD decoder on my pc.

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