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originally posted in:Thee Warriors
Edited by bobcast: 5/23/2014 1:06:58 AM


Might be hard to revive this thread with the format. But I'll try. I think that if you make a wish, people can destroy it all they want in the sub thread, all new wishes can be new replies. We'll see if it works. [quote][/quote] Note: I found this game in the group "Council of the Sangheili". This game is simple, you wish for something, I'll grant your wish, but corrupt it in some way, then I wish and so on. -EXAMPLE: Me: I wish... I was rich You: Granted, but you have to work on the corner to do it I wish... for a copy of Halo 3 Someone else: Granted, but the surpreme awesomeness of it makes your head explode I wish... for a pet grunt And so on. I'll start: I wish... I was a super action hero.

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  • Granted, but it melts before you can eat it. I really wish that I could feel love and affection... curiousity is a hated thing. Then again, I could stay like I am right now. Or maybe I should try the love and affection thing, ah hell I'll try anything that isn't completely retarded at least once. Hmm, I wonder what it would feel like being devoid of all emotions including my lust for blood and anger, well I think I'll try that now, it is quite possible and much easier for me to do than the love and affection! Emotionless here I come! ..........

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  • Granted, but its terrible. I wish for a popsicle!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Soul drinker108 granted but i take it and smash it on ur head. i wish i had more money and saint i know this, just well idk its kinda scary and i acknowledge that[/quote] Granted, but you spend it on what I say. I wish Headlong got a remake. [Edited on 07.09.2008 8:33 PM PDT]

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  • Well, in that case you should also know that I am a bald 17 year old with a goate, and for my senior prank next year I plan on crushing those wintergreen mints into powder putting it into a little bag, and taking it to school and well you know in the middle of class... ITS GOING TO BE SO AWESOME! First day of the second week at school hell yeah!

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  • granted but i take it and smash it on ur head. i wish i had more money and saint i know this, just well idk its kinda scary and i acknowledge that [Edited on 07.09.2008 7:25 PM PDT]

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  • Granted but I grab it and shove it up your ass! I wish soul drinker would understand that I like skinning things and killing them in horrible ways.

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  • Granted, but now he talking about loving and sexing you up all the time. I wish for some root beer.

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  • Q WHAT THE -blam!- DID I DO???????????? granted but as soon as u open it fizzes all over and u only have a microscopic drop left i wish saint didn't talk about skinning me and killing me in unimaginable ways

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  • Granted you get kittens which are ravaged by wild animals thus giving you your death, blood and gore. you should consider therapy =) I wish I had another cold coke, that wasn't filled with poison or anything else that will kill me, or lead me to a crazy chain of events leading to my untimely and grizzly death.

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  • Granted but he pushes you off the side of a cliff. You spent two minutes with him... OH NO WAIT WAIT! Robin is Leonydus in 300 and pushes you into the death pit! THIS IS SPARTA!!! I wish for death, blood, gore, and kittens.

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  • Granted, but it shoots a healing suave that cures all ales. I wish I had an evening alone with Robin Meade.

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  • Granted, but you suffocate in the softness of your bed, but not before thieves come in and break your legs and arms so they can steal your furniture and T.V. Oh, I wish I had a pistol.

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  • Granted, but your body can no longer handle the ingestion of aspertame, and you develope whatever medical condition in associated with that, and die. Possibly painfully. I wish my bed gave me better back and neck support. *cracks neck* Ahh, better.

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  • Granted, but you become sick with the ebola virus and die. I wish for a diet pepsi. I am often found with Human commercial liquid products, I am truly ashamed because I know water is better for me.

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  • Granted, but since he's a deranged psychopathic supremacist, his views that he teaches incite a riot, causing your eventual raipe and slow death. I wish for green eggs and ham

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  • Granted, but he gets runover by a car... in which case he is barely still alive and gets dragged off by a pack of wolves, then the remains of that are eaten by eagles and vultures. The ants gets whatever is left. I get the leg bones! Making a necklace I am. I wish Hitler was my U.S. history teacher.

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  • granted but you realize than even without it ..... you have no appeal i wish souldrinker was a chihuahua

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  • Granted, but you blow your arms off, so you cant have your "alone time". I wish that i could never get acne.

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  • granted but u now have some other problem. I wish for the hardware store to sell explosives

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  • So your going to wish :( ?????.... Granted, but that frown is forever plastered on your face. I wish for no cramps!!!

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  • granted but it is counterfit and you go to JAIL!!!! ive wished all that i can think of, so im going to wish :(

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  • granted...people read about it in china...and are scared...... I wish that I made $100/hour

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  • I understand your point, but most people dont want a two paragraph long shpeal unless they ask for it. So granted.... but not. I wish for my pregnancy scare to go far far away..... :(

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  • Granted but now no one wants to make out with you. I wish there were less retarded people in this world who would understand the point of my wishes.

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  • Granted, but I didnt understand the point of that so, you get pwnz in the -blam!-. I wish, that I could be a master of makeouting.

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  • Granted, now you have no head. I wish to be free, not bound by some social order with laws and citizenship and morals etc. To me I should be walking the damned mountains and forests of the world, I was never a fan of cities or settlements they just keep one tied down unable to feel what is the 'actual' freedom of mankind. What a pity that fate has other plans for me, I certainly can't just walk off while I'm in the Marine Corps and being a politican is an all around job. Stupid species co-exisnting instincts, I hate you all for this. Oh and if you were wondering why I want to be a politician the answer is quite simple, to bring the Human race closer to Human unification. This is why I'm willing to set down my 'freedom' in order to achieve a greater goal, and that is why releasing an extremely contagious and lethal virus on the world is Plan 2, if Plan 1 fails and I am unsatisfied with the progress of Human unifcation, nothing is a better parting gift than 3 billion Humans dead. Less humans less reasons for wars, thus making it easier to unite :p. Now you know my grand goal. [Edited on 07.08.2008 9:12 PM PDT]

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