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All That Will Remain

"Let the Darkness come. We Will Remain!"

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    Those who become Legend may join. We will be known. We will be feared. Lets Explore this Universe and all it has to Offer. Take us beyond the remains of dead fire-teams. Further than anyone has traveled. And return with Weapons beyond imagination.

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originally posted in:All That Will Remain
Edited by DarkSaint05: 7/2/2014 1:35:41 PM

How was Destiny?!

Personally, I loved it! It had enemies spawning constantly, large areas to explore, great music that really immersed you into the game, a legendary mode option that made things that much more fun, and a descent PVP set up. The enemies varied. Some were smart and would try to hide and dodge. Others were dumb and kind of out of it. The continuous spawn made sure you always had someone to fight... Just, be careful not to wonder off to far from your fire-team if you are exploring. I had a few times where I decided to check things out while my other fire-team members went after missions. I quickly found myself on top of buildings trying to avoid enemy fire lol. I did notice some issues with the enemies in the "Ship Yard". A couple of Fallen would spawn but not move. After shooting them for awhile their health would diminish but then they would have full health again and flash to another area... like it re-spawned somewhere else. It would then start shooting. After it was shooting and running around, my friends and I began killing it. But, every time we hurt it to about half health it would "re-spawn" and have full health again. This happened like 5 times before we killed it. Took us all blasting it with our special to take it down. The music was awesome! The first experience with "The Hive" was intense. Mainly because of being at such a low level, but the ambush set up with the music was a nice "O-SHIT" feeling lol. Thanks for that Bungie! The area was very big. Me and my Fire-Team explored for hours. We enjoyed a few side missions, lots of monsters, and a few forts of exploration. No major weapons found but lots of experience and glimmer. In the end we discovered we just made one EPIC circle. One dungeon led to another, that led to another, and eventually you came back outside. Once we got outside we played around, danced in celebration... looked around, and realized we were on the back side of the "Ship Yard" lol. Can't wait to see what else their is to do! As for Legendary mode... Alright Bungie you go me there... That was awesome. My Fire-Team and I beat Devil's Lair on normal mode. It was intense, time consuming and we were level we had a level 6, level 7, and level 8. Weapons were OK but nothing special. We made it through and found better gear and leveled up a couple of times. We all found our first HEAVY weapon and were excited to use it. Went back to the TOWER and geared up. After we finished are exciting exploration of the TOWER (which was nice) we returned to Orbit. I was curious as to what else we could do when we decided, "Hey lets do Devil's Lair again". I was up for it sense we could all use better weapons and gear. I really want to trade my HEAVY WEAPON Rocket Launcher for a LMG that my friend got on our last run through. (Will I be able to trade with party member in the actual game Bungie?) So, I chose the destination but this time I noticed a little difficulty tab... Hmmm Normal... or LEGENDARY... So, of coarse I chose Legendary. All of us were level 8 now, been through the mission once already, good gear, ready to go!... Not so much, At first the enemies were stupid easy. I was thinking "WOW, this is Destiny Legendary mode huh.... not impressed so far".... That was until we got to the terminal that we had to defend while hordes of "Fallen" and "Hive" rampage. It was like throwing rocks at a demon lol. Fire-Team Died twice and had to restart... And once you have to restart the entire defense a couple of times... Temper began to rise lol. The hardest part for me was the re-spawn. If no one revives you for 30 seconds you can choose to re-spawn yourself. Which in normal mode would put you down the hall and out of the fire... In Legendary mode, you spawned in the middle of a Fire-Fight! And, almost instantly went back down. Our Tactic? Our Fire-Team separated. I let them stay by the defense and I ran back to the hall-way entrance where you first enter the area. I would come out a shoot the leaders and bring them to me while my team mates killed the normal fallen. We had to be careful of the snipers though... they would mess you up quick if you were not careful. Let me tell you, those Leaders were a pain trying to kill by myself. They have shields that regenerate if you don't keep the pressure on... After a little while, we finally killed the bastards and moved on. Next is the Spider-Tank.... Another wonderful pain in the butt. Make matters worse, lack of ammo. lol... fun times. Luckily Fallen keep spawning. So, once we were all out of ammo, things became a little scary. I, however was smart enough to buy ammo replenish crates from the Tower. So now I am the only one with ammo lol. So, after I eliminated the enemies in the front, I tell my fire-team to go fill up... on their way to do so the Spider-Tank fired its main cannon lol... both of them were just destroyed... I revived them quickly and moved. Both had ammo so we bolted to different sides. Two took the right side and shot at the tank from the long hallway on the right, and I took the room on the left. (dead ghost there just FYI) We had that tank so confused on what to do lol. After another hefty battle we killed the beast. Then it is into the actual "Devil's Lair"! Giant freaking "SPARK"(Halo Reference). Damn thing Teleports all over, shoots giant energy blasts from its "eye", and if you are to close it does this "pulse" attack that just crushes you. Luckily there is plenty of cover. Lots of enemies to get ammo off of, and with enough patience the Giant Eye imploded back to hell! Felt like a Bad Ass. Finished Devil's Lair, at level 8, on Legendary Difficulty! Awesome! Unfortunately, the rewards were not all that great. I was hoping for something amazing. But, The gear I had was better, and the gear that was better I couldn't use because you can not pass level 8... Leaves you wanting more! As for PVP. It was nice, very little lag [UPDATE!!: Their is definitely some lag with snipers and shot guns! I just noticed I would shoot someone spot on and they would turn, shoot a few times at me, then just die... I would get the kill almost a full 2 seconds after the shot was fired. Hope this is fixed before launch]. Got some nice, throwing knife/ face blast kills. It was a little unfair in some cases. I mean, any level 8 with good weapons would kill anything less. We just over powered all the lower level characters. Even I felt cheated when some one with an amazing shotgun could blast me once and I was out. My shotgun was no where near that damage. My machine gun could do some work but I felt limited. As you use weapons you level them up and can do more damage as well. Some Weapons only level up so far though. Control is like Domination but it is a hybrid of Domination and Team-Death-Match. As you "Control" areas you get point multipliers. So if you have one destination, you get points for each kill. If you have 2 areas controlled, you get more points for your team. And, if you have all 3 areas then you get a lot of points for the kills. However, I have been in a close game holding down 2 areas almost the entire time. Enemy held down point [C] and Bunker down in their base. Couldn't really get any kills but they could kill 2 or 3 of our guys before we could get in. Good Team work on their part. The first map was in old Russia. I kept finding myself wanting to drop-shot but that isn't an option. The radars don't use little dots either, so no one knows "exactly" where you are. It is more like a motion tracker that just lets you know what direction the enemy is. Doesn't say if there is more than one enemy though. Ran into an ambush a few times. All together I had about a 1.5 KDR so not a bad run. 20 kills. Didn't say how many deaths. But, had fun running and gunning. Next was the moon... My not so favorite map. I only didn't like it because it is very vehicle based. If you didn't have a vehicle of some type, you couldn't compete. On very Rare Occasion you would get a Fire-Fight with another guardian but it was almost always broken up by his partner showing up with a vehicle, or mine. Very annoying for me. KDR was a .8 first time (no vehicle) and a 1.8 second time. (Vehicle almost the entire match) Warlock Grenades hurt vehicle a lot as well. All together, I loved it. Going to use a Titan today! Yesterday was Hunter. TWITCH will be live around 5:30 PM Central Time.

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  • It was great :) pumped for the Beta...Started off as a Warlock and never changed class :) Ima wonder how many GBs is the Beta and the Full Release lol

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    1 Reply
    • Edited by Shuticus: 6/17/2014 1:45:13 PM
      That alpha was torture because I kept getting amazing level 9 or higher rare gear, but the cap was still at 8. It was definitely a challenge to complete devils lair on legendary mode, but nobody in my fire team bought the ammo supplies, so it was a challenge using my grenades, throwing knife, and running around like Rambo with my knife and no gun to scavenge ammo. But we fought through it and beat the strike on legendary! As for PVP, I played about 25 games of control (the hybrid game mode) and came out with about a 1.4 K/D ratio. A higher level and leveled up guns was a huge advantage and lower levels didn't Stand a chance I agree. However, the super abilities were a great equalizer because they killed any guardian no matter your level. I definitely had an amazing time and now no game seems good anymore because all I want to play is destiny! See you all in the beta in less than a month!

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      8 Replies
      • Great write up. Glad you're able to share your experiences with us. Where would you say you're getting the better loot from so far?

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        • Another question. How is the party system? does it seem like a pain to get your fireteam together? Random people in the environment that you can see is there any griefing or anything like that going on or possible?

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          • wait you got to play destiny?

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            • It was legen........wait for it...........................................................................................Dary. Legendary.

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            • Really good summary of ur adventures. I havent even been playing games on my xbox at all, all ive been doing is literally been on twitch watching every Destiny stream I can, and the Devil's Lair really tests people on legend mode which is a very good thing. There is a vanguard bounty that can be completed by not dying in a strike mission, that could be done on brave mode probably but even that is uncertain from what ive seen, but on legend mode it looks almost impossible not to die at least 5 times and u wipe at least once.

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              6 Replies
              • Its 10am monday june 15th, im still on destiny on my ps4. iS epic

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              • Awesome can't wait to play

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