originally posted in:Logic of War
So most of you probably know, but the weekly reset is in effect. What does this mean? Well simple the weekly heroic and nightfall strike have now changed and if you did the raid and got rewards you can do it again. Smart idea on those people that hit the raid yesterday. Anyways, I'm looking to do the weekly strike on 3 characters. Now I do enjoy the struggles of the highest difficulty, but 2 of my chats are only lvl 25 so I'm really just going to shoot for the lvl 24 strikes for them. My highest char at lvl 28 is the one I'm willing to do all lvl difficulties and the nightfall on. So with that feel free to invite me to join you. Probably better if you message on here or on xb1 about which you're interested in doing (it's just for me to shuffle around my weapons).
Well tonight me and you are doing the raid on normal