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originally posted in:Thorny Guardians
10/28/2014 10:49:03 PM
Lots of good info, except the part about not even trying if you can't dedicate hours to a single run. While the majority of people who frequent the forums are of a younger demographic and have the kind of time you're demanding; the vast majority of GAMERS, at large, are in the 25-40 male demo. This means we have jobs, families, and prior obligations that may not allow us to always spend hours on end doing a raid. I played with a group of randoms the other night and we all took a break because one guy's baby woke up. Then about 20 minutes later, my 1 year old did the same. You know what? Everyone was cool with it. We all had kids and we all knew that the game isn't that important. And get this - we still had FUN. Three of those guys are now on my friends list, and we even picked up where we left off the next night. You should amend your "rule" to say, "Find players that are willing to invest the same amount of time per run." Because saying you shouldn't even try if you can't do it in one go just comes off as dickish and makes you sound like the kind of person who desperately wants to be that group leader you were talking about, but no one wants to follow because of the aforementioned dickery.

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