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originally posted in:Thorny Guardians
Edited by Shadow wolf: 10/24/2014 10:22:21 PM
Another thing is when people use rude language. I know it is annoying when you die but please don't swear like there's no tomorrow because of it. At first on Wednesday no one said anything rude but the moment we got to templer the language went down hill from there. I couldn't believe how many just swore because we all died. I think that should be added to not do list. All I'm asking is to lower or control the way people swear and use rude language.

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  • This game wasn't made for 10 year olds. It's rated Teen, (which I think is weird) but the game is made for older people. Let's be honest, most 8-13 (or so) year old kids don't have the patience to actually grind Destiny for higher levels, e.g. The Vault of Glass. It's mostly going to be adults doing the raid, and guess what? Adults use explicit language. That's just how it is. If you expected anything different from Xbox Live/ Playstation Network, then you're either stupid or inexperienced. I honestly hope this post is a joke.

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  • Nope it's not a joke. Yes I know It was made for older people but guess what kids manage to play it still. I never said to completely get rid of the language but control it to an extent. I am smart enough to know that bad language can never be completely gone but even the slightest bit of control would help on myself and others. I am sick and tired of all these people posting and personally abusing me with their thoughts. I don't care and what you guys think is funny to abuse me, is not funny to me. Any wonder why people commit suicide from people. I now know why people would commit suicide after Facebook because they can't handle the abuse everyone says about one thing. In this case my post on language. When you think about it Facebook and is very similar.

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  • Edited by CrocsWithSocks: 10/24/2014 9:41:27 PM
    Oh darn! That sub-average gentleman just wiped us! That surely chaps my hide! Gosh dang it! [spoiler]OH MY -blam!-ING GOD YOU SKRUBS -blam!-ING SUCK! -blam!- ME RUNNING.[/spoiler]

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  • So when I went in the tower and I was alone. I realized I had won! I killed you all and made lvl 30. It was cool. I just cruised around and nobody jumping around doing stupid shit. I hope you all go to COD or something with star in it. Bye

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  • I get this one, i mean i dont agree mainly because i cuss like a sailor but i understand. Mine is not necessarily the words they say but how they say it. You can tell when someone is being rude and offensive My pet peeve is when someone takes something way to seriously and lashes out in anger all the time. Like if im playing pvp with them and they constantly complain and yell when things dont go their way. It just gets grating. Same thing with a raid, i get it can get frustrating and believe me i have been very angry but thats when you take a break not take it out on your team mates.

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  • I guess I can understand if you're being offensive towards your Fireteam, but the OP made it sound like he was talking about explicit language in general. Anywhere you go on the internet, if there's voice chat, there is always gonna be profane language. Especially when you're doing something as frustrating as The VoG. You can't honestly expect perfect language from a bunch of dudes struggling to do a Raid that takes like half a day. Haha

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  • I have to ask, is your name a 49ers reference?

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  • Haha, Jim Harbaugh? No. I made my Gamertag before I knew about him. It was before he started coaching the 49er's. I don't know if he was even coaching back when I made my Gamertag. That's funny that you'd think of him when you saw my name though hahaha

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  • I thought of it because Harbaugh had this one funny quote about the media around thanksgiving one year. Went something along the lines of "that's all just gobble gobble from jive turkey gobblers" Add Jim and I had figured I'd found a fellow 49er fan.

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  • Haha that's a funny coincidence, but no. Jim Harbaugh is one of my favorite NFL coaches right now, though. Him and Bellicheck.

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  • I guess I'm never going to get to raid then. [spoiler]Note to self: include the fact that I habitually swear in my raid invites/applications.[/spoiler]

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  • I never said that swearing was completely out because if I tried that it would like trying to do VOG in hard mode with a level 25, and the result would be impossible. What I am saying in my first post is to use it in a appropriate matter. Not saying it every second word said. I don't care if someone says it every now and then but if I hear it constantly it just draws the line.

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  • I doubt you would enjoy my company on a vog run :-/

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  • [quote]Another thing is when people use rude language. I know it is annoying when you die but please don't swear because of it.[/quote] Oh my..... don't ever play with me then because I have a filthy mouth.... I swear like a drunken sailor.

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  • Same...freaks me out when I get grouped with someone who sounds too young. I have to force myself to act like I'm in front of a grade school teacher the whole time, and that's for simple stuff. It's so painful...

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  • I don't agree with the commenter, but I'm not going to tell him his wish is stupid. He'd prefer people not swear, what's wrong with that? I personally couldn't care less if people do, but I'm not going to tell him he's stupid, or a pussy, etc. I really think it's sad when people try to tell one person "don't push your morals on me" while also telling them they're wrong/stupid. Do you not see you're essentially doing the same thing?

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  • It is impossible to get people to stop swearing I am just asking to lower the amount from every second word to once in a while.

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  • Sure, I understand, but I think that comes down to who you group with. Attending public events IRL or in a video game generally melds a lot of different ideas of proper etiquette. It's generally very ineffective to expect/demand those who don't conform to our ideas of what's proper to do so simply because we are present. It's much more useful to find others who are like minded and spend your time with them.

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  • Most people in same clan as me are actually quiet nice actually. So far with my experience they rarely swear. That is one thing I like about thorny guardians.

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  • This is funny, I kept messing up the jump with the disapearing platforms, I told my team I was muting my mic while cussed my head off.

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  • No offense is intended here but language is only offensive because it is perceived that way. It's English and there are no effective alternatives to punctuate and enforce an emotion in our language than words considered "bad". It's actually people that are offended by certain words (sounds that have an intended meaning) that make them offensive and give them a power beyond a simple sound made by a mouth. The entire concept of a bad word is just.. silly.. Is it evil? Are there good words? Profanity has it's base in religion which means we don't all need to abide by it. It's common in this Country to forget that. I'm a disabled combat Veteran and I use words considered profane by some for emphasis in situations where I wish to convey a strong sentiment. I have the freedom to do that and it is not a crime nor does it have any impact on you whatsoever, negative or positive. It's a sound, that is all and contains no power on it's own. Really to be offended by "profanity" is no different than being offended by gay or interracial couples, you are offended by a concept or action of others which has no physical effect on you nor does it incite any or express any reference to you at all for that matter. I do not use "profanity" to criticize or debase anyone (without cause) as I consider myself a kind and considerate person. If I asked you to stop using particular words that are offensive to me, even though you have no idea why I am offended by them and it makes no sense to you, is it I who am being inconsiderate? Is showing acceptance for the behavior and culture of others by either ignoring it or excusing yourself quietly not more considerate than you asking a stranger to alter their behavior because of the way you perceive it, regardless of whether or not it is intended to be offensive as you interpret it? To me the manner in which a person behaves is far more important to me than the language they use while doing it. -You can be a wonderful person who uses unpopular language. -You can also be an asshole who speaks like a saint. I know who I'd rather have on my team. I'm so tired of this archaic argument. It's a remnant of a time long ago when reason was a crime. It's not against the poster by any means, it's just a response to what I consider an affront to my freedoms. (Not that we have freedom here, in Destiny we live by Bungie's laws, check your Bill Of Rights at the tower.. lol)

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  • Yeah well I'm sick and tired of it too. I never said to completely get rid of the language because it is impossible to completely get rid of it. I was just saying to lower the amount of it. I ignore it pretty well myself. But hearing it constantly in my ear it crosses the line for me. I never wanted this to explode like this and most people who post on here are not in Thorny guardians.

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  • One of the regular guys I play with is incredibly cool. I realize I'm completely generalizing and stereotyping here, but I'm pretty sure at this point he's Mormon. I've never heard any type of swear out of his mouth; he always seems to be able to find a very relaxed way to vent his frustration. The rest of us in the group swear like sailors though and never once has he acted taken aback or offended, nor has he asked us to stop. For my part though, I try where I can to tone down my language as it's obvious that he's probably not into swearing much.

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  • Edited by Desso Studios: 10/24/2014 3:02:53 PM
    I gave up on PVP in any game a long time ago after being called a "stupid ni8er kunt" amongst other even worse things by CTF teammates no less. And I'm a college grad in aerospace technology, Caucasian male. LOL I say my share of cuss words and trash talk, but nothing's worse than kids being disrespectful to adults. I'm 54 and have always respected people who have been on this planet longer than me. I still give up my seat to an older person. Any time any where. And thank you very much for your service! I'm a retired DOD employee that was in QA of weapon systems and support.

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  • Yeah, there's swearing/trash talk, and then there's being straight up offensive/disrespectful. I'm fine with swearing. I'm not fine with racism, sexism, etc.

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