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    The LionsGuard 9th Division - Rogue Light is dedicated to building a community of talented, respectful adult gamers capable of taking on Destiny's greatest challenges on Xbox One. Minimum level 24 Must be 21 years or older Minimum kill/death ratio of 15 in Strikes [u]or[/u] 1.4 in Crucible. If you do not meet [u]ONE[/u] of these requirements, your application will be denied. To officially be a part of the LionsGuard clan, you must apply in three places. First, apply here to be accepted into the LionsGuard ranks. Second, go to [url][/url] & apply to our main Division so that we can track our total clan numbers. Lastly, go to [url][/url] & apply to the 9th Division's clan page. It is through our clansofdestiny page that we organize our clan events (RAIDS). I look forward to fighting the Darkness with you! -JJames Inc, Division Commander

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originally posted in:LionsGuard Rogue Light
Edited by Lord Aglarel: 10/4/2014 10:57:57 AM

Vault of Glass - Raid Guide

This Guide was borrowed in its entirety from F8L Fool on Playstation Trophies. I've added some minor addendums and formatting, but the bulk of the effort was made by him. I've read through a variety of guides, and his is by far the best. The link above goes to the original, for anyone interested. [i]This section contains the bulk details everyone in the fireteam should know prior to even attempting the raid:[/i] [b][i]Recommended Level[/i][/b] - The best level to fully clear this dungeon is 28, but 27 is still very effective. Although the raid says that it is level 26 the enemies in the final room are actually level 27 and [b][u]28[/u][/b]. This is unlike any other content in Destiny, which never scales above the level required to participate in the Strike or Mission. For every level you are beneath the enemy you are fighting, you will take amplified amounts of damage while suffering an outgoing damage penalty. Being level 25 or lower will result in a [b][u]one shot[/u][/b] from virtually all enemy attacks in Atheon's room. Because of this, I suggest being no lower than 26 when attempting to fully clear through Atheon for the first time, otherwise you will be a huge liability to your group. [i][b]Fusion Rifle[/b][/i] - Each player should bring with them a good Fusion Rifle to deal with the heavily shielded enemies. It is the best weapon against Major and Ultra tier enemies, as well as anything that has a shield or high armor. Although it can’t critical (precision) on weak points it will pierce enemies and is effective from all angles. This is a big deal especially against Templar due to his “Detain” ability. It may be beneficial to secure one rare or better fusion rifle of every damage type to be prepared for every shield type you come across. All three shield types appear in the Vault of Glass. Purple shields are weak to Warp damage, Blue shields are weak to Arc damage, and Orange shields are weak to Solar damage. [i][b]Special and Heavy Ammo Synthesis[/b][/i] - This is a big deal and can really save the raid when you get in a bind. Some encounters a well placed rocket can set the tone for the entire attempt, or save you from a wipe. Being able to continuously use your weapon of choice is invaluable, especially when the ammo drops are in an inconvenient place. Don’t worry about the cost; you’ll make thousands upon thousands of Glimmer during the raid. Easily enough to hit the cap (25,000). [i][b]Coordinate Supers[/b][/i] - This is huge and not enough people take advantage of it. If you use your Super effectively with the rest of the party, you can have a steady stream of them going, using the Orb’s of Light that drop whenever a Super is used against the enemy. Communicate ahead of time when you plan on using a Super. As the fireteam will usually be divided into three groups of two, coordinate closely with the Guardian who will be nearest to you. If you can collect orbs safely without deviating too far from your position of responsibility, do so. Lastly and most importantly… [i][b]Communicate[/b][/i] - Every boss has a mechanic that requires a special amount of attention. If you are near death and can’t fulfill your role let people know. If something spawns that you know should be focused fired, say where and what it is. The quicker your team can react the better your chances of success in the raid. This is particularly true for anything and everything involving the Relic. For this reason, it is essential for every member of the raid to have a functional headset and be linked into party chat. Each phase of the raid will be detailed in the comments below. Remember to sort comments by "Oldest First," in case the section headings aren't clear enough.

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  • Edited by Lord Aglarel: 10/4/2014 10:55:58 AM
    [u][b]Section 2: Templar[/b][/u] [b]Objective[/b]: Defend the confluxes; destroy the Oracles; defeat the Templar within 8 minutes [b]Enemies[/b]: Fanatic, Goblin, Harpy, Minotaur [b]Level[/b]: 26 [b]Guardian Grouping[/b]:[i] Phase 1[/i]: 2-2-2, [i]Phase 2[/i]: 2-2-2, [i]Phase 3[/i]: 2-1-3 [b]Overview[/b] This is the first full on boss, rather than mini-boss event in the dungeon. It consists of three phases, two of which have sub-phases within them. For the majority of the fight, the boss is hidden behind a shield, completely immobile and rarely performing any task. What makes the fight difficult is the sheer number of things happening at a time along with many foreign mechanics. There is the constant looming threat of the Templar’s Mark of Negation which instantly kills the player that is debuffed, along with a large variant of adds and the first true cleanse mechanics within Destiny. The key is to designate roles to every person along with quadrants they are responsible for. Beyond that a huge amount of responsibility rests with the Relic carrier, because[b] if the relic carrier dies it must be picked up within seconds or the entire group dies[/b]. As long as each person does their assignment this fight is simple. A marathon, sure, but still simple. [u][b]Phase 1: Defend the Conflux[/b][/u] The start of the fight is fairly straightforward; you must defend a single Conflux from the invading horde of Vex. If they reach the confluxes four times you will lose the fight. They will spawn in three primary locations: back left, back right, and middle. The only catch is a new type of enemy called a [b]Fanatic[/b] which drops green pools of slime on the ground upon death. The pools place a debuff on whoever steps in them called a "[b]Mark of Negation[/b]". You can tell if you have it by a red icon above the bottom left HUD that will say "Mark of Negation" next to it. [b]If you happen to step into a pool for whatever reason, you must quickly get to the very center of the room and get cleansed.[/b] A bright white light circle is located there—amid three separate enemy spawn points—that will instantly remove the debuff when you walk into it. The reason you must cleanse immediately is that the Templar will periodically cast a skill called "[b]Ritual of Negation[/b]", which [b]instantly kills any player that is marked[/b]. Avoid getting within melee range of the Fanatics and kill them as fast as you can when you see them. In order to combat the Fanatic pools and keep all enemies from reaching the Confluxes, I suggest using the positioning in the attached [url=]diagram.[/url] The left and right sides of the map can be handled quite easily by two people without incident. However, every so often a huge zerg of Fanatics will overrun the middle and Axis Harpies will begin to spawn at the back left/right. You will know when this is about to occur by the message "[b]The Templar summons its legions[/b]" at the bottom left of your screen, a constant beeping noise, and the tunnels will cease to spawn. It may be beneficial to designate someone to call this out, to ensure all players are aware, as a set of stairs and pillars blocks the view of the rush from the Guardians on the flanks. When the zerg begins G2 and G4 should peel off and clean them up before they can get far up the stairs. G1 and G3 can handle the Harpies quite easily with a Rocket Launcher or Heavy Machinegun. The Harpies are unshielded, so no specific energy type is needed for Harpy detail. After a few minutes the middle Conflux will split into two; one on the front and right left. Minotaurs will also begin to spawn on the back right and left tunnels with a void shield, so make sure to have a [b]Void weapon equipped—preferably a Fusion Rifle.[/b] A third and final split will happen that is the same as the previous phases. Just hold out [u][b]Phase 2: Destroy the Oracles[/b][/u] In this phase, the Fanatics will stop spawning. Additional Hobgoblins will spawn now around the perimeter of the map on concrete perches. They will indefinitely snipe players and have an extremely short respawn timer. Just continuously move and only focus one down if you are low health and forced into cover near one. To reiterate: [i]take cover if you are low on health.[/i] The biggest change from Phase 1 is an enemy called an [b]Oracle[/b] will appear at one of 8 preset locations repeatedly, for short bursts at a time. They are large, yellow, glowing cubes that grow in size the longer they are up. [b]You will know that one has appeared when a series of chimes or bells rings out, indicating that you must find and dispatch it immediately.[/b] The Oracle locations as well as the adjustments in Guardian positioning can be seen in the next [url=]image[/url]. If you happen to let an Oracle finish its song it will place a mark on everyone in the raid. The only way to remove it is by going into the cleanse. Obviously, having the entire raid cease what they are doing is dangerous, so [b]the Oracles must die at all times[/b]. Simply continue killing Goblins and Oracles until the phase ends. [u][b]Phase 3: Defeat the Templar[/b][/u] The final phase is the one that requires the most amount of caution and coordination out of the three. The cleanse circle is now disabled but the risk of Mark of Negation remains, thanks to Oracles also being present in this phase and the Relic. If the relic holder dies at any point in this phase the relic will fall on the ground. If it is not picked up within 3-5 seconds the Templar will kill the entire group. Luckily, the only enemy that appears are slow moving Harpies that only attack if left alone for a long time. To begin the encounter you must first pick up the Relic. The Relic is a glowing sphere that has now been placed on the inactive Cleanse circle. It is the most important object in the fight, and whomever holds it has the most responsibility, by far. While holding the shield, using your Super instead uses a Ranged Super that does enormous AoE damage and [b]removes the shield from the Templar[/b]. This is the only means of making the Templar vulnerable which is why the Relic is so important. The skill shoots out similar to the Warlock Nova Bomb and has a slight arc towards the cursor. It is ideal to jump before using it to avoid hitting an obstruction. Recharge the Super faster by constantly hitting Harpies with the Shield Bash (Right Trigger). While holding the shield, your grenade (Left Trigger) is replaced with a Large radius [i]channeled[/i] cleansing shield that removes all debuffs and protects players within it. The button must be held down to use it, has its own charge timer, and the longer you hold it down the more the charge drains. [b]If you are attempting to remove the Mark of Negation just hold down for about 1.5 seconds[/b] or so and then release it. The only time you want to hold it down for an extended period is to regenerate health or save someone. While holding the shield, your primary fire (Right Trigger) is replaced with Shield charge/bash that hits a single target for 2000+ damage. It is the best way to regenerate a lot of Super Energy as quickly as possible. This is necessary in order to keep the Templar shield down as much as possible, so be vigilant with killing Harpies. Jumping while pressing Right Trigger produces a ground slam AoE attack that hurts all surrounding enemies. Best used when 2 or more targets are around or attempting to kill an Oracle. It has a slight leap animation, so account for it. Decide who will be responsible for the Relic ahead of time. If you are with someone that is below level 26 they should never carry the Relic, due to the fact they have a higher chance of dying. The new positioning scheme for the third and final phase, as well as the Oracles each side is responsible for killing, are shown in this [url=]image[/url]. Once the Relic Carrier picks up the Relic, the Templar will spawn at the dead center of the map, between the middle and front stairs. He will constantly bombard players just like the boss in the Strike "The Nexus" does. However, he will be encompassed in a giant shield that makes him immune to all attacks. This shield must be taken down using the Relic Super, immediately The super takes some time to charge but you can shorten it dramatically by killing Harpies. Keep the Relic Carrier on the back left side with a single person and roam when the wave is cleared, always returning when possible. You have two objectives here: Guard your partner by killing Harpies full time, allowing the non-relic player to scan the entirety of the left side for Oracles, and stay out of the line of fire from the boss. This tandem will take care of 100% of the left side Oracles that spawn and should never need assistance, thanks to the enormous burst damage of the relic. The right side should be taken care of by the remaining four players. They must keep the side clear of Harpies and every Oracle in order to have clean transitions to the non-shield phases. If at any time an Oracle should get the Mark of Negation cast off everyone should immediately collapse on to the relic carrier. [b]You will be able to see where the Relic Carrier is at all times because he will have a grey and white star [url=]objective indicator[/url] on him[/b]. After grouping up the carrier then uses the Cleansing Shield (Left Trigger) to remove the mark and the Guardians should return to their original positions. Once the super is nearly charged the relic carrier should tell the group he is going to bring down the shield. Everyone should then drop what they are doing, unless it is killing an oracle, and beeline towards the boss. When the shield falls unload on it and try to aim for the white light on the front of it to do bonus precision damage.

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