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    This is the group that holds the tales of the members of Squad Two-Eight-Coyote, the Journals of the Great Fallen Leader Vikhu come to change his ways and place in the Universe, and the Great Tale of Lily and Stark! I welcome all story writers that want to post and I implore you all to ask as many questions as you want! Sincerely, Insanity Omega Recon 014 Joe Benedict DHG Stark

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originally posted in:Team Coyote
10/21/2013 11:16:19 PM

ToTS Chapert Five: Ghostly Past

ToTS Chapter Five: Ghostly Past It had been hours since Stark had been wheeled into the emergency room. The sun had finally started to set over the horizon, illuminating the vast sky in varying shades of red, yellow, orange, and purple. As night descended down upon the Last City the life in the city showed no signs of stopping. Just as many ships could be seen flashing by the window, all racing to be somewhere. Just because it was night did not mean world stopped. It took around the clock operations to keep the city running and safe, the enemies never took a day off, because of this they couldn’t afford to do the same. Lily sat quietly in the waiting room hoping for any news about Starks condition. Nathan sat right next to her reading an article on suspected Fallen raid areas. Baldwin could be seen on the other side of the room with his arms crossed, he appeared to be asleep. Paige was nowhere to be seen; she had been called away from the room and had not yet returned. Lily stood up and stretched her legs, Nathan peeked up long enough to see what she was doing before returning to his article. She couldn’t sit anymore she had been sitting for hours and it was starting to drive her crazy. Lily started to pace back and forth; anything was better than just sitting she thought to herself. Just then a doctor emerged from the double doors on the other side of the room. “Good news, he will be just fine, he had lost a lot of blood and had some major internal injuries but it was nothing we couldn’t handle, when you’re ready who may come and see him. Just fair warning though, he is heavily sedated right now so he might not be himself at the moment but that will wear off with time.” said the doctor as he removed his blooded gloves, throwing them in a bin near by. Upon hearing this heavy burden had been magically lifted from Lily chest. For the first time in several days she was able to breath without the crushing weight of stress on her. Stark was going to be alright, he would not be leaving her side today. Hearing this Nathan for the first time put away his article and stood up. Walking over to Baldwin, Nathan firmly shook Baldwin awake. “Baldwin wake up, it’s done, lets go talk to our mysterious friend shall we,” said Nathan when Baldwin finally stirred. Still in a somewhat dazed state, “Yes, lets gets this over with so I can finish my report and we all can be on our way.” The three and the doctor were just about to make their way through the double doors when Paige came storming through the door she had left through earlier. “We have been ordered to wait until the Commander of the FOTC has arrived,” said Paige in a rather annoyed voice. “What? Why would the commander even be interested in him? I know I haven’t sent in my report but that’s because I haven’t gotten a chance to finish it,” said Baldwin with a look of confusion on his face. “This is rather interesting indeed, what could have sparked the Commanders interest so much that he would come here himself?” A look of interest could now be seen on Nathans face. “Trust me I tried to talk him out of it, I told him it was something that he didn’t need to bother himself with and that Baldwin would have his report in as soon as he finished. He would not hear of it, he said he was coming and that was that.” That weight that had lifted from Lily chest was slowly beginning to return. What was the problem, why could she not see Stark now, why did this Commander want to see him? The trio began to talk amongst themselves running scenarios by each other as to why the commander would come here. The doctor had returned to the emergency room through the double doors. This left Lily to stand there by herself; she had not felt this alone since that moment in the forest. Just when she thought the nightmare was over, another one starts. Would Stark and she ever be able to leave and go back to the way things used to be or would things continue to pop up and prevent that from happening. The discussion between the trio seemed to be intensifying. Voices were beginning to rise along with the choice of words as well. The three looked to ready to start fight with each other just than the same door Paige had come through opened up a second time. Through the door came a small escort of troops all decked out in black combat armor like that of Baldwin but slimmer fitting and compact but no less threatening. Each soldier held an assault rifle in their arms matching the color of their armor. From behind this fierce looking escort walked in a man in what appeared to be a non combat military uniform. The uniform consisted of a simple dark blue uniform with FOTC clearly visible on the right side of the chest. Under that in gold lettering “COMMANDER” was easily visible. The commander was an older gentleman, with a light white beard that covered his chin that then moved its way up his jaw line connecting with his turning gray brown hair. The three were no longer arguing but now stood at attendance in silence with their hands up in a salute fashion. “Its good to see you all again. How long has it been since we have all been in the same room together? It seems like only yesterday I was leading you three out on your first strike team, oh those were the simpler days. What I wouldn’t give to go out and do an old fashion raid of a Fallen camp, but alas those days are far behind me. Now my day consist of playing nice with politicians and mountains of paper work,” said the Commander has he walked up and addressed the trio by name. The tension in the room seemed to lessen a little has the trio released their salutes and relaxed their stance ever so slightly. “Commander you need not bother yourself with this one, I will have my report on your desk as soon as I am done with it. I know you’re a busy man running the FOTC, there is no need for you to burden yourself with task that could easily be handed by your subordinates.” Baldwin stated as he brought up is unfinished report to show the Commander. “I believe Baldwin is correct on this matter as well Commander, a man of your position has many duties and obligations that request your immediate attention. Humanity is in a tough spot and we need everyone's at their best doing their best if we ever hope to climb back up to our former glory,” chimed in Nathan as he stood off the side of Baldwin with his hands clasped behind his back. Paige looked to be biting at the bit, wanted to voice her own opinion but seemed to think it better not to say a word. She just stood where she was and just watched and listened. Everyone had seemed to have forgotten that Lily was in the room with them. She didn’t dare voice that she was there, afraid of what might happen as she did. She figured it was better to let the four of them talk about what they need to talk about and eventually they would remember that she was also in the room. “I hear your concerns but let me assure you that even though this may seem like an unimportant report to you it is anything but that. If I believed it was nothing I would gladly leave it in your capable hands, but alas this is not the case. I have a hunch on who this man might be, and to make sure it is him I have to do this in person and see him in with my own eyes.” Lily began to worry more and more as the conversion went on. Her breathing was starting to become heavier and her hands were starting to sweat as well. Why would the Commander being looking for Stark she thought. What had Stark done to warrant this kind of attention. Maybe coming to this city was not a very good idea anymore she began to think to herself. “What ever you think Stark has done you're wrong, you have the wrong person. Stark would never do whatever you are accusing him of, he is not that kind of person. Stark is the nicest most caring person I have ever met,” stammered Lily finally managing to find her voice, and more so her courage. “Paige, care to explain why you never mentioned that you had a second guest when you reported to me?” The Commander was now glancing over at Paige. For the first time Lily saw Paige actually shrink back. Paige had lost that spark of fire in her eyes that always seemed to dance around inside of them. What had replaced that spark was even more shocking, the brazen beauty of a warrior that was Paige had now been replaced with that of a timid girl. “Its…just seemed unimportant and must of just slipped my mind Commander, her name is Lily,” Paige began to bite her lower lip. “Ok, just make sure It does not happen again Paige, you should know better than that,” said the Commander in a rather easy tone, one of disappointment more so than anger. “Yes Commander,” was all Paige could manage to say. Lily now wished she had not voiced her thoughts. Everyone in the room from the Commander to his escort were now fully attentive to her presence. Lily would have given anything to vanish at that moment to escape their stares. They all just stood there and watched, waiting to see what this little girl would say next. “Im sorry, I didn’t mean to speak out or turn,” was now looking at the floor unable to meet the strong stares. “Nonsense, it shows great loyalty to speak up for those who can't do so themselves, you have nothing to be sorry for,” remarked the Commander. “If you don’t mind me asking, how did the two of you become acquainted?”

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  • Lily not wanted to cause any problems by not answer the question began her story. She told them all about how Stark has saved her all those years ago and how they had been traveling together ever since. How Stark had stayed behind to fight the Fallen alone to give her a chance to escape and how the trio had found them both and had brought them here. The Commander just patiently stood there inventively listening to Lily tell her story only interrupting occasionally to ask for clarifications on a few events. After telling her story Lily just stood there not knowing what to do next. The Commander looked to be happy with the story he had been given of her and Stark. As they all stood there in silence the doctor once again reappeared from the double doors. “Oh you have already arrived, I just got the report that you were on your way here, had I know that you had already arrived I would of come out here sooner. My apologies for taking so long. The patient is fully awake and aware now; he is ready when you are Commander.” “Good, please take us to him doctor.” Everyone followed the doctored through the double doors. It was a rather quiet walk through the clean white halls. No one was talking, the only sound being made what as the subtle clicking of boots walking on the tiled floor and the buzzing of the lights that lit the many hallways. Lily notice several nurses and doctors either pressing against the wall or hurry back into the room they had walked out of only to pick their heads out after the grouped had passed. The looks on the faces varied from person to person. Some had a looked up in interest and curiosity while others showed a look of dread or worry. As the convoy passed several groups of doctors and nurses hushed whispers could be heard as they pass. None of the hospital personnel made eye contact with anyone in the group. Many turned their head away pretending to be interested in something that wasn’t there while others just looked down at the ground. At last they had finally reached another pair of double doors. The doctor stopped just short of the doors and turned around and faced the group, “He is in this room, if you need anything I will be just out here.” After shaking the hand of the Commander and giving a slight head nod to everyone else he walked over to a small desk and sat in one of the empty seats, looking completely exhausted. Not able to stand it any longer Lily took the bold move and pushed open both of the doors stepping through, the group followed. A bed was visible on the other side of the room with several medical machines set up next to it. In the bed laid a man with his eyes closed. The trio began to move towards the bed, the three didn’t get so much as a step before the Commander coughed abruptly. Three stopped and turned to look at the Commander. “We have already waited this long, I believe we can wait a few more minutes before we bombard the fellow with questions don’t you think?” The three looked at each other for a moment before deciding not to argue the point. The Commander then looked at Lily giving her a nod and slight smile. Lily slowly made her way to the side of Starks bed. “Stark its me Lily, can you hear me?” Slowly Starks eyes opened up and fell on Lily standing next to him. It was a wonderful sight to see those sharp grey eyes so full of life again. “Hey, what took you so long? I was starting to get lonely and bored in here by myself. The doctor and nurses weren’t a very lively bunch, and coming from me that is saying something.” Lily not knowing what to say did the only thing she could think of, she hug him. It had felt like an eternity since she had felt his touch. She never wanted it to end, to leave the warmth of his hugging embrace. “Stark you look better then when you showed up here but you still look terrible, how are you feeling,” said Lily as she still hugged Stark. “The pain is ok, its not bad but its not comfortable either. Also what do you mean by I look terrible? I'm prince charming compared what happened to the other guys. I would say I got off easy compared to them.” Lily just giggled at his remark, he was truly back. Looking away from Lily, Stark notice the group standing back near the doors. “Lily care to introduce me to your new friends?” Lily had forgotten that they were still standing there. “Yeah sure, well the one on the right is Paige, the one in the middle is Baldwin and the one on the right is Nathan. They are the ones who brought you and I here” “Where would here be exactly Lily,” asked Stark. “Well the Last City of course.” Stark just laid there not showing any emotion. “Well…that’s good news, I'm sure there is no other place on Earth that could have saved me. It is an honor to meet you all and thanks for helping me and Lily; I am truly in your debts.” “Its was no trouble at all, you looked to be in really bad shape and we couldn’t just leave you to die in the woods,” said Nathan. “Not to switch up the subject but mind telling why you have a group of armed guards with you? Im sure you three could manage well enough on your own.” Just then Lily remembered that she had completely forgotten about the Commander. “Sorry Stark I completely forgot to introduce you to the Commander, this is his escort I guess.” “Introductions won't be required Lily. I believe the Captain and I have already met, isn’t that right Stark.” The Commander stepped through his guards and made his way to the front of the group, standing in front of the trio. Everyone’s eyes could be seen darting from the Commander to the Stark and back to the Commander. “Sir, what are you saying? You mean to tell us that you know who this man is!” “Yes Baldwin I do, this man is the squad leader of the former Vanguard Recon unit, Black Wing. “Sir, correct me if I am wrong but wasn’t that squad wiped out five to six years ago?” “You are partially correct on that assumption but wrong on the other half, yes the squad was decimated but not everyone was confirmed dead. Captain Stark here remains to this day the only member from Black Wing still MIA in the logs Nathan.” “After all these years you're still has sharp as ever Major Radcliff….sorry Commander Radcliff.” “I remember reading about you in the military archives Captain Stark. You were the prodigy of your generation. You graduated the military academy in only two years at the top of your class. Within your first year you moved your way up the ranks to Lieutenant. After the following year you were promoted to the commanding position of the former Black Wing recon squad. You had over one hundred completed assignments; all without any fatalities, you and your squad were gods among men.” “You sure do know your history rather well Nathan I will give you that. Sadly you are not right on all your facts. Yes, my squad and I had over one hundred complete missions but after that your facts are wrong. It was one hundred complete missions and one failed mission, along with 4 other fatalities.” The mood in the air was heavy with silence now. “Stark, I know it might be hard but would you mind telling us all what happened on that day?” “I doesn’t look I have much of a choice now does it Commander. I had hoped that I could forget about it and act like it never happened; now it looks like that will never happen.” End of Chapter Five

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