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    This is the group that holds the tales of the members of Squad Two-Eight-Coyote, the Journals of the Great Fallen Leader Vikhu come to change his ways and place in the Universe, and the Great Tale of Lily and Stark! I welcome all story writers that want to post and I implore you all to ask as many questions as you want! Sincerely, Insanity Omega Recon 014 Joe Benedict DHG Stark

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originally posted in:Team Coyote
8/26/2013 4:11:10 AM

Part 14 - That Desert Air

They passed the Great Sands from their previous mission, the stifling heat from the sun and the dry arid air made Jackal and the rest sweat profusely, quarters weren't that wide within the ship. They weren't in a great mood but they were happy they were close. The mountains came into view not much longer, sparse trees and vegetation, this land was a shell of what it once was. With the sight of the mountains came the old military installation that was their destination for the flight. "ETA 10 minutes, Comrades." Nikolai spoke over the comms. Zo'ruuk nodded at Fortuna and Jackal, they all unstrapped from their seats and grabbed their packs. "What will we do when we reach the base Cap?" Fortuna asked, standing and reading to deploy. "We'll make camp, set a perimeter, search the compound by nightfall. Then we take to the mountains by sunrise. Alexi will be staying with the bird, he will have T-40 with him as a distress beacon. Understood?" Zo'ruuk said directly, it sounded rehearsed, he knew this would be a surmountable mission, but he did not want his friends in eminent danger, so he had planned this thoroughly on the long ride. "'Ere we go Comrades!" Nikolai said over comms. Zo'ruuk felt the ship swoop in, a quick glance out the window conformed they had arrived. As the ship touched ground, the bay doors released, sand and heat blew in over the team. Putting fire arms at ready, the walked out of the ship, in formation. Checking all angles, the building over there, that shadowy corner over there. Nikolai an Alexi walked out the back as well, the ships engines whirring to a stop. "Clear!" They said one after another. Zo'ruuk looked for the tallest building. The base was a ghost of what it once was, dried, dead vegetation creeped out of the cracks in the half sunken sand covered asphalt. The buildings were skeletons, bare down to the concrete bones and rusty old rebar. The sand blew like a snowstorm, the blue sky and the burning sun looking down at them. Zo'ruuk spotted a good location, just a couple blocks away. "There," he pointed. "Jackal and Fortuna, scout that building, clear it if necessary. Whistle when it's done, that will be our base of operations. Nikolai, you and Alexi search around for some supplies, I will mark a perimeter." They all nodded and set off in their directions. Zo'ruuk pulled T-40 from his belt. In his hand, he hummed to life, hovering there. "Yes, what is it now, sir?" He chimed. "I need a marked perimeter, laser movement grid, transmitted to everyones comm. mark the perimeter 30 meters around that building. And no lip." Zo'ruuk said, pointing at the building Jackal and Fortuna had set out for. ....but T-40 just hovered silently. "Today T-40?" Zo'ruuk said, chuckling. T-40 made a sighing sound and flew off, kicking up sand in his wake, mumbling the whole time. Zo'ruuk shook his head, turning towards the rolling hills that started mountains just a couple hundred meters away. He stood and stared. His visors picked up no movement, but he felt they were being watched. "Guard up guys, we aren't alone, they are watching." He said calmly over comms. They were in the Fallen Houses territory, they had stepped in their home and decided to mess things up. This might be their territory Zo'ruuk thought, but they will know the fury of the Guardians. "All do be clear up 'ere Cap." Jackal said quickly over comms. "Copy that....Nikolai, anything?" Zo'ruuk said, shifting his attention and setting off for the tall building. "Nothing yet, sir. Just loads of debris, and junk. Did i mention junk?" He chuckled. Zo'ruuk walked down the dead street toward the building, kicking up sand as he went. They set up camp in the tall building, on the floor next to last, giving them a roundabout view of the base and surrounding area. T-40, Nikolai and Alexi returned not much later as the sun hung in the second half of the sky. Zo'ruuk still felt that we were being watched. Fortuna produced some artificial tinder out of her bag, supposed to last longer and burn hotter, good thing, because the temperature was dropping with the sun. Jackal got a fire going, and they all gathered around as the sun touched the Horizon. "T-40, go on patrol, high alarm, let us know if anything tries to pay us a visit." Zo'ruuk commanded the little orb of metal. "Aye, Aye, sir!" He said a little too seriously, Fortuna chuckled and Jackal shook his head. In the morning they would take off toward the hills, in the meantime, they all just sat around, keeping warm and tinkering with their weapons. Small talk was welcome, and as the moon rose in the night, so did the laughter. Zo'ruuk stood and walked to the edge. Looking out over the dead base, bathed in moonlight, was eerie, but beautiful. He took a deep breath of the night air. A piercing squeel rang out through the night air, sending everyone to their feet. "Captain, we have intruders, around 30 in number, heading your way." T-40 said over Direct Channel, everyone heard. "Stamp out the fire! Defensive positions!" Zo'ruuk hollered over the sound of the alarm. Jackal stomped out the fire, creating darkness, but bathing everyone in moonlight. The alarm ended, and shortly after T-40 appeared and Zo'ruuk returned him to his belt. Crouchibg in defensive positions at the corners and stairs, they had numbers, but the team had a more defensible position. Fortuna an Nikolai belly crawled to the edge, switching their scopes to Night Vision. "Here they come." Fortuna said, giddiness leaving her voice once more. "They will know fear, they will no tell tales of this day." Nikolai said, and the two open fired. Zo'ruuk crouched at the stairs, looking down, waiting for the first unlucky bastard to peek up at him. Zo'ruuk smiled, this is the challenge he'd been waiting for, and what better way to get warmed up for a Hunt in the mountains he thought. To Be Continued.... -I hope you enjoyed this installment. Please Like and comment! More is always on the way!-

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