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    A group where the people brave enough to write their own stories come together and forge a Destiny. Co-founded by Colonel Aloki, Flamerets, and Zombie Muffin (Mentlegan).

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originally posted in:The Black Garden
Edited by Aleroth Aloki: 7/15/2013 2:13:33 PM

Spread your wings. (Fan Fiction Contest)

Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for us writers to take center stage for a time. The Black Garden as well as our friends over in Arts and Stuff are going to host a contest that is solely devoted to writers. The rules are simple. For any who wish to enter, you are tasked with writing a short little anecdote that is to have a maximum of 300 words. The location for this piece of work is to be located in the picture provided above. The deadline for entering is this Sunday(14th) at midnight. For any who wish to enter, please submit your stories by placing them in the comments. Judging will be done in two phases. The first phase will consist of a Panel of both groups reading over each story and deciding which seven are the best of the best. Once the first stage is complete, we shall hand it over to you, the audience, to decide who is ranked number one as lore master. The Winner of this contest shall receive a print of the Buried City signed by the Destiny writing team. Good luck and Be Brave.

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  • ​Cyphis Feltta sat in the gunshop, waiting for his new pulse rifle. The other customers appeared rather cautious around the Awoken Warlock. But who could blame them? His shaven head and numerous battle scars, matched with his soulless and black eyes, could make anyone fearful. He was strange, but if more people knew of his feats, or his power, perhaps he would have more respect. ​The official walked in, and Cyphis immediately knew why he was here. He scanned the room until his eyes met Cyphis’s. The official swiftly made his way over to him and said, “Cyphis Feltta, you are to report to the tower immediately.” ​Cyphis chuckled. He knew that if the city needed him, they were desperate. ​​At that moment, a voice over the speaker said, “Cyphis Feltta, your rifle is ready.” ​The shuttle dropped them not far from the camp. The Fallen had seen them though. After hopping off the shuttle, the Fallen immediately opened fire. But moving through the camp was easy. For a moment, victory seemed inevitable, until three Devil Walkers appeared. ​The Devil Walkers created a living wall that was impossible to move. While the Devil Walkers were firing on them, Fallen troops slowly moved forward. Reptor was the first to fall, and then Heshla, leaving Cyphis alone. In an act of desperation, Cyphis rushed the Devil Walkers. He barely felt the force of the blast when it happened. ​When he returned to his senses he saw a stump where his arm once was. The mission was a failure. Cyphis shut his eyes to await his sad demise, when an idea appeared. He pulled the bomb out of his pack along with the detonator. Cyphis always felt he had never done enough for the city. At least now he would die in peace.

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  • “Find the M.I.A Vanguard, bring them [b]home.[/b]” The mission brief rang in my ears. [i]I will find you, big brother. It’s my turn to help you.[/i] Our ships screamed past us after we landed on martian soil. I was accompanied by my invaluably logical Huntress, Sheila, and the silver tongued Titan, Church. “We’re in the red zone.” Sheila announced. “Somewhere from here on out, your brother and his men were- “ She paused for a moment, careful in her next words, “...reported missing. It’s safe to assume we may encounter what they did.” “A bunch of fat ass Cabal?” snickered Church. “Most likely.” I grunt. [i]They may be the size of large bears, but I am a wolf with sharp teeth. And a wolf does not leave his brethren to rot. [/i] A rumbling covered the ground as it shifted like an earthquake. “Legionnaires!” Yelled Sheila. They were rising out of the ground around us. [i]It’s a trap, and we’re dead in the center.[/i] “Light ‘em up!” Church screamed as his Thunderlord roared bullets onto the rising cabal. We burned through our clips like fire on paper. It was no use. A Legionnaire caught my back, and I fell to the ground. Gazing up at my doom, I saw a longshot rock the back of his skull. [i]Reinforcements? The Vanguard?[/i] Guardians came swooping in on pikes, thinning out the last of the cabal. We were saved. But I couldn’t pick out my brother from the other Guardians. Infact, [i]None of them are Vanguard.[/i] The tallest of them, who I assume to be the leader, pointed a hand cannon directly to my face. The pistol was black, with sharp points jutting out of it. It’s brother’s gun, Thorn. My heart sank into my stomach. “Welcome to the wild,” he sneered. Bang. [END] There ya go, there's my story in 300 words. It was originally longer and totes more awesome. But one day I want to work for Bungie, (if dreams come true. Not likely). And if my boss at the time tells me to do 300 words or less on a summary idea for the project of blah blah, I'll make those 300 words shine like the sun. All ya'll who are going past 300 words, shame. Make the sacrifices you have to like I did and re-submit. They won't choose you anyway if you got past it.

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    • (Sorry if there is ALOT of typos and such. Kinda new to writing stories and such. Anyways, Hope you like my story! ) Keydan knew this battle was going to be a loss. He and his brother Haydem were in a ruined apartment complex shooting outside of the windows trying to take out the fallen that were swarming the building. If this building were too take any more damage it would fall apart. Keydan and Haydem were shooting the fallen that were approaching the apartment complex but they were just too many. " We gotta evacuate now!" Haydem said while shooting at the fallen that were swarming out of another apartment. They seemed to have made a nest or something underground somewhere. A few minutes passed and the fallen stopped coming at a certain point. "Hey, looks like i'll be giving you that drink i promised to get you! You're 18 now, so we can drink till we're dead." Keydan smiled and slightly punched the pure metal armor of his brother. " Good, cause all the money i'm getting for this bounty is going towards my new ship." They both walked out to the bottom of the apartment. "Looks like an old fancy hotel." Kayden said, looking at the architecture. Keydan heard silence and the sound of something heavy hitting the floor. He turned around to the a fallen commander with blood on his blade. He slit Haydems throat. Keydan didn't do anything. He looked around to see 10s of fallen surround him. He knew he couldn't have killed them all, but he did know this building was really old. He looked at the pillar in the center of the room. It seemed to support the whole room, while only one corner of the apartment had support. "Looks like i'll be having that drink with you brother.." He quickly prepared a nova bomb in his hand and threw it at the pillar. The next seconds the whole building fell on them all. On Keydan and the fallen..

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    • Edited by AK Drummer 11: 7/15/2013 7:30:57 AM
      The world was spinning. Rotating. As if in a slow-motion dance, Giovenzio could see his blurred surroundings as they moved and warped. “Where am I?” he wondered, lazily realizing a shift in gravity. Where before it had seemed as if he were floating in a zero-gee environment, he now felt as if a hand were pulling him [i]down[/i], wherever “down” was. The only thing he heard was a dull thumping. “What’s going on?” he asked himself as he slowly began to regain feeling in his limbs, which to him seemed like they were flopping about. “I was doing something before...what was i-“ Suddenly, without warning, his body painfully crashed into the ground, jolting his senses alive and causing reality to come flooding back: [i]he was in the middle of a battle with the Fallen[/i]. Cursing the pain he felt throughout his body, and the fact that this was being multiplied by his careening down a slope of hot sand, the Awoken opened his eyes and promptly forced himself to a stop. Both actions elicited another flurry of curses, spoken in three different languages. The sunlight was blinding, and his right shoulder was dislocated. “[i]Great[/i]”, he thought to himself as he quickly looked around. He had almost reached the bottom of a hill, one of many that simultaneously inhabited and covered the notorious Buried City of Mars. Just as he spotted cover, a particle beam crystallized a patch of sand next to his leg. Deciding playtime was over, the nimble Awoken somersaulted down the slope and sprinted towards a gaping hole in a massive industrial building to his right, relocating his shoulder against an I-beam on the way. “These bastards are getting flanked whether they like it or not”, said Giovenzio through gritted teeth. Unflinching resolve predicts the future.

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    • Edited by Destiny Author: 7/13/2013 4:39:20 AM
      Here's my second try, hope everyone enjoys reading as much as I enjoyed writing! Warm regards and much love, Destiny Author. [b]BURIED CITY BY DESTINY AUTHOR Decaying metal plummeted off the roof of the nearby center building, pounding the Martian red with an audible [i]thunk[/i]. The Titan turned to face the ruckus, prepared to attack, but he was only greeted with the still floating rusty sands slowly vanishing back into the ground. His Warlock comrade placed a hand on his shoulder and began to calm him. “Steady, brother. The Cabal have not even arrived yet. We need not blast dust.” The Titan turned. “I [i]am[/i] easy. My back merely wants to avoid being shot, if at all possible,” he replied snarkily. The Warlock twisted and locked an observant gaze on the forsaken city square they’d taken refuge in. Cabal had tracked them relentlessly and taken their Hunter companion’s life in the process of chasing them. Time was of little surplus; the hulking monsters would locate them, and spare none once they were discovered. “Tell me something, before those brutish beasts find us, brother?” The Warlock beggard, shifting his defensive stance slightly. “Only ask, and I shall tell.” The Titan answered. A brief pause, and in the silence, all the Buried City told in the intermission was a slight breeze and the creaking of deteriorating steel. “What’ll become of us, our memory, if the Cabal find... kill, us?” The Warlock asked. The Titan froze and gazed upon their surroundings. An old, destroyed, forgotten place. “I’m uncertain, brother. But I know this...” the Titan said, and took a brief pause. “We will not be old, and destroyed, and forgotten: like this city. We have endeavored and lived like heroes, and will be hailed as such.” He stood. “Let the Cabal come, and let them fear. For we are brave, and we will never, [i]ever[/i] die.” [/b]

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    • Edited by TheOneOfTwo: 7/14/2013 9:35:10 PM
      I looked through the windows towards the dust-covered ground. The Cabal had surrounded us, while we were exploring inside of the abandoned building, that was placed in the middle of the complex. Once we could localize their stations, we realized that there was no chance to escape. The Cabal had Centurions and Legionnares placed all around us, no more than 50 feet between each post. In the destroyed buildings they had placed several squadrons, or at least that’s what we thought based on the fires we saw, when night came. Although the Cabal hadn’t attacked yet, since they did not know our numbers, we knew it wouldn’t take much longer. After five hours I said to Michael, a hunter I met in the Tower a few weeks earlier, that we would have to try our luck and sneak past the Cabal. He agreed, saying there was no other way. We went to speak to Alyssa, one of the Awoken’s strongest titan’s, and asked her what she thought of our plan. She too agreed, saying that she would like to kill them, but she was not stupid enough to try. For once violence would not save us. We waited one more hour, then, at 4 a.m. City-time, we made our move. We left the building through the cylinder-shaped part on the roof, since the Cabal could not get to it without entering through the ground-level. We then sneaked through one of the abandoned buildings. High on pride, the Cabal did not cover the lower floors. We only saw one legionnaire and Michael used his sniper-rifle to quickly dispatch the soldier. A few miles away from the complex, we called our dropships and returned to the Vanguard-base on Mars. We had survived against all odds.

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    • A Dreg stood silent, aware of its unwanted company. Said company stood with a gun poised and raised to this meagre soldier's head. His breathing quickened and thoughts of life so adventitious emerged from the dark of his mind. He stirred up memories of his brother's death; the way he had been slaughtered by some pitiless member of that conceited race. He was confident he would share the same fate in the next, somewhat meaningless, few seconds. "What're you doing here, then, my little friend?" The so-called Guardian disdainfully spoke his jeering words. The mockery required no answer, and the ill-fated Fallen knew better than to provide one. "Too stupid to even know how to speak. My word, you are a sorry little thing, aren't you?" The insult rewarded the Human with a sideways glance, to which it replied with a smirk. "Oh, so you do at least have the grace to understand English. That could prove useful; slaves are easier to control when they know what you're saying." "If you cherished your honour you would be gracious enough yourself to end this taunt, and rid you of my presence." The words arose hissed and mechanised as they passed through the translating filter in the Fallen’s helmet. The obnoxious creature had made its point, and his victim desired no continuation of the charade. “Anxious to die, are you?” “If it should relieve me of this petty game, then, of course.” The Human, being part of an arrogant species, disliked being referred to as petty, and continued to respond bitterly. “I can see why, you don’t look like you could lift the boot from your he-“ “In case it escaped your callous mind, I wished you to kill me quickly.” At last, what could pass for pity was offered to the Dreg, though the Human made its efforts to remain cruel until the alien was dead at its feet. “Oh, don’t worry” he said, narrowing his eyes and adorning a malicious grin. “I understood you all too well.” And, with that, the sound of a long awaited gunshot passed through the choked walls and into the desert beyond, only to be gathered by the wind and hushed by the sands of the storm.

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    • The time has come for the truth to be told, for the old and young must know, since ages past and for those to come, those who've served must be honored and those who will serve will know the sacrifices of those who came before them. This tale that I've known and kept secret till now is the only truthful account of the events that have transpired to achieve this time of peace, for the higher ups in government have expunged this knowledge from history. I warn you reader that this will be a lengthy story for it must be so, that it may contain all that I know. I hope to start as close to the beginning as I can remember. Forgive me but it truly is a curse to grow old. You lose much of that which you once worked so hard to gain. Allow me to take you back many, many years ago to an age of war, to a threatened city; the last human civilization on earth. The Outer Circle of the city is the poorest sector not that it in and of itself is poor but those who reside there are poor. This is where the tale begins and it is here where the destinies of many are bound. ..

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    • Alex Powell stared at the abandoned structure before him, the ruined city and rising sands its backdrop. His helmet scanned the area for threats, but the Guardian stayed still for a moment. It looked like a hospital, maybe, once. In days gone past had it housed the dying as humanity lost Earth? Had soldiers like him screamed for their girlfriends and mothers as bullets buried in their stomachs ripped away their lives? “Locking.” Alex raised his rifle again and studied the readings his helmet brought to him. The signal wavered for a moment, then continued strong from the abandoned halls before him. Alex wished his crew was with him, but someone had to watch the ship. The Fallen would descend right down on an unfueled beauty like the Pandora Storm, and the fuel cells they needed were small enough Alex could carry them himself. Still. The wind swept through the Buried City, carrying on it the faintest shriek of a Fallen. At least a mile away. Right? Alex advanced into the building, flicked on his rifle’s flashlight.. Each step clicked on the tile flooring and echoed through the long empty halls. The signal drew nearer. After a few turns, Alex came into the generator room. Dark. Dusty. A generator marked with the letters “GMC” dominated the middle of the room. Shelves lined the walls, all holding precious fuel cells. Alex nodded and let out a breath he hadn’t known he held. He approached the wall and grabbed three, just enough for the trip home, and slipped them into his belt. He turned. His stomach leapt for his throat as his flashlight illuminated five Fallen and one hulking Captain. Alex eased his finger to the trigger and prepared to move. “Earth doesn’t belong to you,” he growled. The firefight erupted.

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    • As i leave footprints in the sand walking endlessly through this planet, they all disappear just like the lives of the many guardians who set foot here as the long years passed by. My shoes are like them, trying to leave their mark but cut short all too soon. My armor is like their lives, constantly being put in danger for somethings survival. My gun is like their purpose, to protect something they very much hold dear. They lay down their lives, families and belongings to protect the fate of humankind. Although I am like them, there is one thing we will never have in common. Something that is unique to everyone who has ever lived in this universe. Something that has shaped the path of history. Our DESTINY!

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    • Edited by AZRIEL: 7/14/2013 5:49:06 PM
      As in myth, we were crouched together behind an L planter in the courtyard of a forgotten city; huddled close in the midst of a crimson sandstorm. "It's a moral question, isn't it..." he said with a smile. In the distance, with my thermal scope, I could see a fellow guardian trudging defiant and alone through the sands of a martian dune. I wondered if Noa felt that way inside. Even under his bloodsoaked cowl and rebreather mask, I could see his reluctant smile; or rather, I could hear it in the 'I've got you now' tone in his voice. "Yes," I replied, "but in the ancient Bible didn't God command Adam to name the ani...?” I was cut off by the nearby crack of a Fallen captain’s rifle. They could see us. I felt it, even in the thick of the storm, I knew... “Comparing the Traveler to God is a fool’s mistake; one is all too real, the other, a fairy tale, conjured up to manipulate the general population. You’re not saying you believe that stuff?” Noa commented uncomfortably. I knew this is where I could beckon him to think about what the Traveler really meant to humanity. I started to speak, but he interrupted me again; “What I’m saying is, I don’t think it’s right that we be told by our ruler, and by extension I believe, the Traveler, that we will become legend if we blindly follow his advice. It gives us a false hope; reduces Guardians to pawns. I mean think about it, why haven’t we tried diplom...” “CRAAACK” The hot slug cut through his abdomen, spilling Noa’s guts all over the ground and soaking my kneepad with his warm blood. “You are.” I whispered. Only tricks of the Traveler could fill this void.

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      • Fire Team Rift decided to pay Venus a visit. Cam, Codename Ace, was squad leader. When they landed, it was hard, and fast. The squad's space craft was being attacked as they landed. They had come in hot, and didn't plan on leaving until the job was done. The only problem was, they didn't know what the job was. Ace looked at his fire team. His companions being Devin, Codename Neuro, and Ross, Codename Pulse. Ace himself was a Hunter. Neuro was a skilled Warlock, and Pulse being a Massive Titan. Cam looked at them. "Alright men. These Vex bastards think they can keep us out of whatever the hell it is they're guarding. Little do they know, that we Guardians don't give up. I'll be spotting you with my Long rifle as Pulse takes lead. Neuro, I need you to watch his ass and use any means necessary to get us inside. Are we clear?" "Got it Ace." Then, The two Guardians raced down to meet up with the others already fighting. Ace linked his radio to the others, and started his survey of the area. The radio was a crowded chatter of commands and responses. As Ace looked down the scope of his sniper, he saw what appeared to be robots. And behind them, was the largest looming structure he had been in contact with yet. "The Citadel..." He muttered under his breath. Then, he snapped back into reality. He found his team, and saw a Vex, walking. He quickly locked in his sights and squeezed the trigger. Ace drilled the Vex right in its ugly red eye. Light shot out as if the soul had been ripped out of it. Pulse and Neuro were losing their minds at the sight. Ace privately told them, "Be brave men."

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        • Dust. It’s everywhere. On the ground, over the ruins, in the air. Somehow, it even manages its way into my suit every time I visit this waste of a planet. The Traveler? It’s not the huge orb protecting the last bastion of humanity. It’s the tiny grain of sand that hijacks its way to Earth via my loincloth. Sure, being a Guardian has its merits—humanity’s last hope and all—but damn if I don’t find dust in every last orifice for weeks after leaving this red rock. Venus may be boiling with sulfuric acid, but at least I don’t find any of that in my nether regions once I’m back home showering in the Tower. Lucky for me, the one place it doesn’t infiltrate is my rebreather. It may end up in places I didn’t even know existed, but at least I won’t die of asphyxiation. What will I die of? There’s a Cabal Legionnaire posted nearby that would be happy to send me to my eternal rest by way of his assault rifle. But I have other plans. The only good thing about coming home with dust in every crack is that I’ve used it to dye my Hunter’s cloak. It means I’m imperceptible from the red rust. So here I sit, shrouded in my perfect camouflage, waiting for the right moment. My rifle is steady. The highly modded Monitor S11 reveals the rhino-like Cabal through its scope. I squeeze the trigger. Crack. One more alien slumps to the ground, fulfilling his own destiny, on his way to becoming what he was born to become… Dust.

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        • Wind whipped the red sand of Mars constantly changing the landscape around the Buried City. The buildings were long abandoned; sand bursting inside as if it was the cause of the buildings’ ruins. The Buried City had a different name long ago when mankind prospered on Mars but it was forgotten as only Guardians ever dared venture the barren landscape. Shadow peered through his mask zooming in on the distant Cabal lumbering around. After three days of watching, studying and analyzing their movements he discovered a pattern that would lead to the fireteam’s success in their attempt to access the buildings of the Buried City. “What’s the plan?” asked Raze, the fireteam’s Titan. He stood a good foot taller than Shadow, the team’s Hunter, but Shadow never felt inferior. Each part of the team was necessary and Raze needed to be a tank when the time came which made his size necessary while Shadow’s small size added to his speed. “The Legionnaires make rounds in groups of three. One Centurion for every six Legionnaires; one group passes by every five minutes. They see almost every patch of land surrounding the Buried City at any given time.” “So any form of stealth isn’t an option,” Raze said, his fists clenching tighter around his weapon in excitement. “Stealth is hardly ever an option when Titans come along.” Raze let out a hardy laugh and Shadow smiled underneath his mask. “Bolt,” said Shadow looking over at the Warlock lying on the sand dune. “Launch a spell to the east.” Bolt nodded. She hardly said anything. “Do we know what they are guarding?” asked Raze. “No,” replied Shadow. “But we are going to find out.” They boarded the Sparrows and took off north as Bolt launched a Solar Flare blowing up a few enemies in the east and causing the Cabal forces to scramble.

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        • If anyone needs a word counter here it is.

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          • Edited by Joshua Patterson: 7/14/2013 7:48:44 PM
            Viker didn't flinch a cascade of bullets flew through the building as debris flew everywhere the walls of the worn building began to collapse glass scattered through the air the warlock dove to the ground as a armored cabal charged right for her a wicked blade strapped to the tip of it's gun. Viker opened the palm of her hand and summoned a mass of raw magic burning with fury and glowing red she hurled it towards the beast a deafening explosion rang out as the the cabal were obliterated. A massive cloud of swirling red dust began to form in the air a sandstorm began to descend upon the battlefield. Viker looked inside her bag that was tightly wrapped around her waist the three bright glowing spheres were still there intact. She looked out of the massive hole of the building her sparrow was still hidden along the side of the building Viker placed her hands on her legs a powerful aura of dark blue magic engulfed her legs. She ran as the building began to collapse the magic from her legs exploded softening the impact She ran to her sparrow and reached underneath the sand she grabbed the handle and yanked as it rose off the ground. She flew through the storm staying low to the ground. When she was at a safe distance Viker looked behind her as the storm began to disappear she opened her bag the three spheres were still there glowing white, one of the spheres began to glow brighter than the others it began to turn red. Red sand began to fill the bag, Viker's hands began to feel hot her eyes widened she couldn't breath something forced her head down and as she stared at the red sphere it slowly began to crack open.

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          • Edited by elites rule122: 7/14/2013 9:21:40 PM
            The dust settles on an old building, treading on the ground a man rest's his helmet and looks around at the once magnificent structure. Posters peel off the walls and skeleton bits drift across the room as if carried by ghost's breath. Commuters board a train into oblivion, their frail bodies without skin or mind laying face down on the floor of the train. The mans boot cracks a bone on the ground causing it to splinter into pieces."Now all this place needs is a tumbleweed" he says into the nothingness, causing a few rats to scurry by in fright. He walks over to a skeleton with their arms clasped together as if lovers or in a fierce fight for survival."Didn't do them any good did it now?" he says bitterly, his voice resounding in the dead place. He picks up his helmet shouldering his gun. He goes to look out of the building, a shot grazes past his shoulder. He falls to the ground and clasp's his shoulder in pain and quickly throws on his helmet. Back to work.

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          • The sky was dark but the land was flooded with Headlights from cars. The lights stretched for miles. “Boris, did you hear a single word I said?” “Uh, no sorry Julia, I’m just not all here right now.” “Well, I need you to be, if not for me...for her.” Boris looks at a little 3 month old daughter in the backseat sleeping. He looks away lost in thought about how events led up to them trying to leave their home in Russia. “Have you thought of a Name yet?” He asked his wife. “No..I haven’t. I just hope we make it there in time.” A few hours passed and the family was Finally inside the wall. They followed a large group of people to the launching stage. An intercom announced that women and children where to board first. Boris looked at his wife. A single tear went down his cheek as many went down hers. They said nothing to each other for a second as they hugged. “I..I think we should name her Destiny.” Julia said, tears still running down her cheek. “I want to name her Destiny” “Alright” said Boris, Kissing Destiny before they left. Sirens started going off, the sky outside lit up a dark shade of purple. Everyone started to panic for what was about to come. “GO!” Said Boris. “GET TO THE SHIP!” and turned and left. The sounds of AA guns on the wall were firing. The sound of rockets flooded the already noisy area. “Shhh Destiny don’t cry” Julia looked out the window as they lifted off. The spacecraft was following them. She held Destiny tight as it fired at them. One of the other rockets blew up, she could feel it. She hoped theirs wouldn’t...for the sake of Destiny.

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            • Mine came out at 343 words. I cut the word count down by quite a bit from my first drafts and can't think of much more I can remove without ruining the story. I need to know if this count is acceptable to have a valid entry in this contest, this way if I have to cut some I can at least make the attempt to trim it down.

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              • Edited by The Descendant: 7/14/2013 6:25:20 PM
                Dust swept the burning hot surface of mars, as the sun glinted off the metallic shine of a Guardians shoulder plate. Murdock trudged through the thick sands and made his way up toward the ruins of an old decrepit facility, a shadow of its former magnificence. “Hagart, get me a reading on this place, there is something bad here, I can feel it…” Murdock said in a thick Scottish accent, passed down through his family. Another armoured man stepped out from behind Murdock, he flitted around the facility, his mask bleeping in sync with Murdock’s’ sensors. “Murdock, I’m getting readings from the other side, they’re approaching I have – oh cra-” His voice was cut off from the inter-com A squeal from within the facility took Murdock’s attention and he flipped the barrel of his Duke Mk.44 to face the frame of a small door. As he approached he could hear the all too familiar clinking of Cabal boots against the concrete floor inside, but as he approached the door, a blast sent him flying back. Ears ringing, he stumbled to his feet and sent a couple of shots into the burning door-way. He dropped into cover, spotting the crushed head of his companion, crumpled on the floor. “Requesting support, all fire-teams in the immediate area, please respond!” Clink – Clink – Clink… Murdock backed up against a pillar, facing the surface of mars, dune after dune of rotting cities and buildings. He turned all too late, however, and the last thing he saw, was the bottom of a Cabals boot. The Cabal laughed menacingly, and turned to his men, he squealed like a child-” Glass shattered as a large blue explosion decapitated the Cabal, and gunshots blasted the rest from their feet. Several Fire-teams crashed over the dune, barrels blasting glorious honour.

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              • “There’s nothing we could have done! That Centurion came out of no where!” Kaedin was shaken up from the ambush, but knew Neeson, being the newest Titan recruit into the Guardian core from the FOTC, was breaking down. “Keep running!” Years of meditating and studying the forces of the Traveler, has helped Kaedin to keep a level head in extenuating situations. They were now one Hunter down in their Fire Team. “That THING ripped off Loamaz’s head! His HEAD! Like it was nothing,” said Neeson, limping and out of breath. He was trying not to cry as he and the Warlock ran into the nearest building. The ruins of Area Zeta79 were nothing short of corroding metal and death. Even the atmosphere has become toxic after years of bio-decay and airborne rust. Neeson’s helmet had a small crack, but that was obviously the least of his worries right now. “Vanguard intel never even suggested that the Fallen and Cabal started to work together!” They found a temporary haven inside an emergency staircase. Kaedin paused. “I know. According to intel our plan was foolproof. You would draw them out into the courtyard from under the awning as I attack from behind. Loamaz would cover us from the roof of the awning. Our intel was wrong…they were waiting for us.” Neeson started to babble on about how screwed they were, but Kaedin was focused on their next move. “Wait!” Neeson’s cry broke Kaedin’s concentration. “Do you hear that?” Kaedin began to listen…silence. Then, like thunder, two thuds and then an increasing humming sound. He knew. “Devil Walker, get down!!!” He dove away as concrete exploded, but it was too late for Neeson. He quickly stood, now fully exposed by the massive whole in the wall. A flash in the distance. Darkness…

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              • Edited by Grumpestump: 7/14/2013 5:42:24 PM
                The Cabals were right behind, both to the left and right there was bulidings buried in sand, there where nowhere to run but forward. I ran and ran until I stood right in front of a big building wich I thought hid much scarier enemies than out here, a few Cabals had given up the chase but 7 where still hunting me so I decided to make my last stand here. I took a stronger grip of my assault rifle and waited.. It took about two minutes for the remaining Cabals to reach me. I shot a magazine in the biggest one, when the remaining saw him fall they sreamed and ran at me so I jumped to the left and killed the next one, now they were furious and started shooting at me. This time I ran at them when I reached the first two I used "Fist of Havoc" skill wich made them fall to the ground as easy as previous ones. When I looked up again a Cabal were right in front of me and hit me I flew almost 10 meters and dropped my weapon in the flight. I took a grip of my knife, Snow, and ran to the Cabal who made me fly, jumped, put it in his throat and watched him fall. Now there were only two left, they were about 30 meters away from me, and I only had a knife. But than I heard something, it sounded like steps. I decided to face my death without a fight so I sat down. I where certain it where two distant Cabals because their steps were so light. And then out of the building two fellow Guardians came and killed the remaining Cabals. And those two Guardians are your uncle and aunt, and hopefully when you two grow up you will never see this kind of sceneario.. But if you do I hope you've as trustworthy and skilled Guardians by your side as I did in my golden age.

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                2 Replies
                • Edited by Grumpestump: 7/14/2013 6:02:45 PM
                  The Cabals were right behind, both to the left and right there was bulidings buried in sand, there where nowhere to run but forward. I ran and ran until I stood right in front of a big building wich I thought hid much scarier enemies than out here, a few Cabals had given up the chase but seven where still hunting me so I decided to make my last stand here. I took a stronger grip of my assault rifle, Sanghelios and waited.. It took about two minutes for the remaining Cabals to reach me. I shot a magazine in the biggest one, when the remaining saw him fall they sreamed and ran at me so I jumped to the left and killed the next one, now they were furious and started shooting at me. This time I ran at them. When I reached the first two I used the "Fist of Havoc" wich made them fall to the ground as easy as the previous ones. When I looked up again a Cabal were right in front of me. He decided to melee-hit me. I flew almost ten meters and dropped Sanghelios in the flight. I took a grip of my knife, Snow, and ran to the Cabal who made me fly, I jumped and pierced his throat with it. Now there were only two left, they were about 30 meters away from me and I only had a knife. But than I heard something, it sounded like steps. I decided to face my death without a fight so I sat down. I where certain it were more Cabals who had heard the gunfight. And then out of the building two fellow Guardians, two hunters came and killed the remaining Cabals. And those two Guardians are your uncle and aunt, and hopefully when you two grow up you will never see this kind of scenario.. But if you do I hope you've as trustworthy and skilled Guardians by your side as I did in my golden age.

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                • Edited by legoguy217: 7/14/2013 4:47:27 PM
                  I was dropped off on top of the decayed ruins of the facility. The rusts of mars felt strange on my feet, it had the feeling of snow but the sound of soil. I quietly dropped down to the entrance and slipped behind one of the large pillars of the dead structure, the darkness being my friend, and silence was my ally. I heard the loud metallic steps of the Cabal, as they walked up the stairs. I quietly checked that my weapons were secured, a sniper at my side and a pistol on my other. The sniper was named Striker, but my pistol lacked a name. I had no time to pondering though, as I sensed the Cabals are getting closer to the entrance of this building. Every step they made, synced with my heart beats, as though they knew I was here to begin with. I didn’t let my fear get the better of me. I counted 4 Cabals in the group, strange the group would be this small. I’ve seen bigger groups that took out members of the Vanguard, but this. This is odd. I positioned Striker and aim it at what seemed like the leader. I shot it in its neck, and the Cabal fell with a loud slam. The 3 started firing as I ducked behind the pillars, I took out my pistol and shot one in the chest. It fell just as hard as the last. The others hoisted their shield in position as they continued firing. At that moment I sensed a presence of great power, and astounding strength. I held up my pistol as the power of traveler linked into it. Within moments the 2 cabals were as lifeless as the others. At that moment I came up with a name... Vigor.

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                • Our hunger, divides us. Our hunger, it DRIVES us. We are alive, but you want to kill us. Why? YOU made us. You MADE us, I tell you. Your home is our home too! You drove us away. I don’t think you remember, or why would you do this? We are scared, so we kill each other. We are scared, so we kill YOU. Why can’t you see? This is OUR world too. Have you forgotten your pets? The dogs and cats you played with? You changed them, tried to make them better. Are we that alien to you? You always had to change things. Well here we are, your changes, yet you hate us. Why did you do it, if you didn’t want what we’ve become? It’s not our fault, it is NOT our fault. We’re sorry that we aren’t what you wanted, but we can’t change what we are. Yes, we kill and destroy, but that is only because we can do nothing else. How can we survive if we do not kill? We simply want to live. If there’s a different way, show us, please. We want to please you. You’re our owners, you WERE our friends. That place, that vile PLACE. You made us there. And from the monsters I see you sending out from it every day, I can only assume you never stopped. We were your trash, and you threw us out. But mistakes didn’t make you stop, no. You kept going, now making things to kill even us. Which seems sad. They feel like brothers, our friends. But they don’t know who we are, or what we are. They kill because they are told to, we kill to survive them. We’re sorry, so sorry. But that doesn’t mean we’ll just give up.

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                • --AGENT FIELD SALVAGE REPORT-- OR: [rehab status/ident. restricted] DEST: Mars Lib, Bastion Command REF: Section 0000819, audiolog [filed under unconfirmed, per rehab stat regs] --- Sector contains ruins; an old filling and shuttle station. The surrounding area could’ve been a commercial district back when, I guess. Some of the outlying structures look about to collapse, but I stood a while and peeked in the shop windows. Can’t believe some of the stuff people used to wear. You never told me it might be occupied. No signs of Cabal presence anywhere in the vicinity, but there was some weird stuff down there, some weird living stuff. Just heading down the station steps gave me the worst migraine, and I could swear I was seeing things. In the dark, they almost looked like people, but the fingers were too long. I got one good look at a face before they jumped me, and there wasn’t much face to speak of. Something down there kept popping into my head, so I got out. No sweep of the area, so file this wherever you like. Whatever they are, the Cabal showed up right as I hit the surface, and I barely made it out. Tell me you’ve heard of these things, and just decided not to mention them. Because that’s the sort of thing I expect from you, but what I don’t expect is to be mobbed by telepathic zombies in a sandy, old filling station. I might as well tell you now that I’m done. That’s the last time I put myself in the fire for you, so don’t come looking for me, and don’t call me unless the Fallen come knocking on your front door. --- [Return contact suggested, though difficult. Known areas of operation attached, but use caution when approaching.]

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