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originally posted in:The Black Garden
Edited by Hobbes92: 12/21/2013 5:46:49 AM

The Chronicles of Alec Blackwater Chapter XII Rain for Tears

After Arial informed Alec of So Fawns plausible location was shortly after they took off from the moon (somewhere in Old North Carolina) Alec had just gotten up from his seat and began to walk towards the front of the cockpit as he thought what he might do to So Fawn. He looked out the Leviathans cockpit window; he looked at the Earth with thoughts of his past flashing through his mind rapidly, causing him to act somewhat strangely. He began to stumble around, shaking his head, mumbling to himself, and acting confused. “Your brain,” Whisk began. “You need to rest it for a short while, at least a minimum of four-six hours. Otherwise you’ll begin to psyche out, and go insane.” Alec looked at the crew; their faces read one of concern for the way he was acting; so he headed back to the bunk room, where Jk-Bx was messing around with the gnomes. Alec laid down on one of the bunks; the bunk making a loud creaking noise as he lay down upon it from his great weight. “Hey, buddy!” Jk-Bx exclaimed. “Taking a rest, odd for a man that’s part machine to be honest, but hey, whatever floats your boat. Do you mind if I ask you a question?” “Shoot.” Alec said, slowly shutting down into a “sleep” mode. “Do you miss your family? Your old life before you are who you are now?” Jk-Bx asked in a calm voice, looking at Alec upside down from the bunk above him. “Yes,” Alec responded. “I miss them, but I’m still me, my life hasn’t ended yet.” “Also,” Jk-Bx continued. “Why still serve your faith? Look at what has happened to you.” “You know,” Alec said. “We are put into circumstances that are beyond our control for a reason. We do not always get a reason why, we are just expected to get the job done as best we can. My faith is my own; I serve not myself, for in my faith I am to be selfless. At the Spartan Academy, they teach you a multitude of things about self-reliance and team work; that pride and body can be broken, the spirit shaken, but for those that have faith, they are unbreakable. At least, that’s what I was taught, not everybody’s will has the same strength in will as others. We are put into circumstances beyond our control so that we might turn back to who is most important.” “Interesting.” Jk-Bx responded. Alecs’ mind slowly slipped into a dream state again, taking him back to his child hood….. Alec walked next to Spencer up the granite stairs to the Spartan Academy, where Alec’s future awaited him. Spencer had told him that he (Alec) had a special purpose in life, and while Spencer didn’t know what that purpose may be, he knew that it was important. As they came to the top of the stairs, they found themselves in front of the academy. The building was at least twenty five stories tall, with large columns in the front of it; a statue of General Phlax (a famous first generation Titan) was in the front of the academy. The statue was bronze and he held the Banner of the City in his left hand while pointing to the East with his right hand, as if leading a charge Guardians into battle. They passed the statue, Spencer saluting as they passed, and headed past the columns into the main lobby. The lobby was empty for the most part, only the guards and the secretary at the desk were in the lobby at the time, all the seats were empty, and the walls were painted with murals of battles from the Dark Times proceeding the Golden Age. Alec watched as Spencer walked up to the counter, the secretary inquired Spencer of his intent of being at the Spartan Academy; Spencer nodded at Alec, who was standing behind him. “You know the law of this academy,” The secretary stated to Spencer. “He will have to be approved by an officer of this academy after he has gone through a physical. Then, he will need a mentor to assist in his training; I assume you will want to get started though?” “Yes.” Spencer responded. The secretary looked at Alec for a moment then motioned for him to step up into a bio scan chamber, just his size. Alec stepped inside and the scan took all but a few seconds to complete; the results were positive, so Alec was permitted to enter. As entered the main hall, Alec was surprised to see that it was empty, there was nothing but hallways that lead off to various places with in the academy. Spencer said that only mentors, trainees and officers were permitted in the academy and that trainees had to find their way around by themselves normally without help; which explains why there was no help desk in the main hall. As Alec looked around the room though, he saw more murals on the walls, but they weren’t painted, but more like carved marble in the shape of Spartans of Ancient Greece fighting the Persians at Thermopylae. Spencer looked around and headed down one of the six hallways; he was looking for the room where new recruits were to be taken. Alec reached out and touched the wall; it was hard and rough, like granite that wasn’t smoothed and polished. Soon, Spencer stopped in front of a door on the right side of the hall; a red medical cross was etched into the wall above it. A nurse looked up at them as they entered the room; she pressed a button at the computer she was at. Alec hadn’t seen an Awoken this close before; she was quite beautiful he thought. The room was small, the nurses’ station was mostly in the wall with a small counter sticking out, and a few chairs were in the room up against the wall opposite the nurses’ station. Soon, a man in Titan armor entered the room; he had no mask on and looked like he had seen too much of war. His eyes were brown, he had a clean shaven face and a shaved head; he had broad shoulders, a broad chin and hollow cheek bones, he had a nasty scar on the left of his neck that went to his left eye. His armor looked like it had been slightly damaged, but had recently been repaired; the nurse addressed him as Lieutenant Lance. Lance looked at Alec and Spencer with nothing but an expression like of anger on his face. “Let’s get this done.” Lance said. “Remove your clothes,” The nurse said to Alec. “All of them.” Alec was annoyed that she didn’t say please, but figured that saying please wasn’t the normal thing superior would say when giving an order and figured he better get used to it. He began to remove his clothes, all of them, one by one; as he did, scars all over his body became clear in an instant. The scars were mostly claw and bite marks from wild dogs (or worse) on his back and arms; scaring on his chest and upper arms (from what looked they looked like they were from a knife of an assailant or something); and some burn scaring around his neck. After removing his clothes, the nurse began the physical; meanwhile, Lance talked to Spencer about Alec. “Is he your son?” Lance asked. “No,” Spencer responded “My wife and I adopted him and his twin sister two weeks ago.” “His age?” “Between six to seven years of age. He said he was seven, but his age hasn’t been easy to determine because of him and his sister lacking records of their past.” “Why the Spartan Academy? Why not let him choose his place?” “Alec chose to become a Guardian himself; the Spartan Academy was the only place I could think of to take him that would train him in a way that will best suit him.” “All recruits require a Mentor to assist in their training. You plan to be his Mentor?” “Yes.” “You were a Guardian once, right?” “Yes, Sargent Spencer Blackwater, 108th Battalion. I served about fifteen years.” “Your name is in the Records and History room among decorated heroes of the 108th; you yourself had quite the record and reputation. Before you found Jesus and all that” “Always knew Him, just started listening a little closer to what He had to say one day.” “Faith makes you weak, sir.” “What about your faith in the Traveler? No faith in your fellow Guardians?” “The Traveler is real….my fellow Guardians are real.” “You are young, you have yet to understand.” [b]Continued below[/b]

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  • [b]Continued From Above[/b] Soon, the nurse finished the physical examination and Alec was passed. Throughout the majority of the rest of their time spent at the Spartan Academy, they went around and Alec tested left and right by various nurses, officers, and questioned by officers. After they had parted from Lieutenant Lance (whom had informed them that he would contact them if Alec was accepted into the academy) they were heading to leave. Spencer told Alec that he (Spencer) would be his (Alecs) Mentor. Mentors are individuals (normally a father, uncle, or other such person.) who assist in the training of Spartan cadets outside the academy when necessary. As they were headed toward the exit, Spencer spotted the Records and History Library. He diverted their path in that direction instead of the exit; as they entered the room, Alec took in the sights of the shelves containing books; something which was rare, considering most people just used hologram imaging displays instead. The room was round and was about one-hundred yards in diameter with levels to it. There was a statue in the center of the library of Carshena the Warlock; first generations Warlock who had help Phlax start the academy. Carshens’ statue was made from blue, white, and clear crystal and had him standing and reading a book (which he was known for doing, even out in the field of battle, when it was safe) his transparent mask looked like that of an owl. Alec wished he knew how to read, he only could guess what knowledge, adventures, and tales were held within the confines of the books around the room and on the various floors. Alec soon realized that Spencer wasn’t around anymore; he began to look around and walk in a hurried pace. When he couldn’t find spencer on the first floor, he began to search the second floor of the library; only to have to go to the third floor, where in the back, Spencer stood in front of something. It was dark where Spencer stood, the lights seemed to need to be replaced, until Alec looked up and saw that there was no lights; there was no shelves or books in the corner where Spencer stood. In fact, there was nothing but what Spencer’s was standing in front of in the corner where he stood; everywhere else on the third floor had a light, shelves with books, tables chairs etc. As Alec approached him, he saw that he was looking at a statue of Guardian. Spencer was as tall as the Titans statue; their eyes were at the exact height. Spencer reached out and brushed some of the dust away from the Spartan mask and a small, square plate with writing on it. All the other statues were polished and/or kept clean, but this one seemed lost and forgotten. The Titan stood at attention, with a salute, like he was honoring someone. “Who is it?” Alec asked. “My father.” Spencer said, wiping away more dust away from the plate, revealing the guardians name: Simeon Blackwater. “He died when I was nine, at the battle of Fortes Field in Destroyed Spain twenty-six years ago.” “What happened? Alec asked in curiosity. “He-” Spencer began to say. [u][b]Flashback to be continued…..[/b][/u] Alec woke up to Whisk and Arial arguing. “You know what,” Whisk yelled at Arial with a grim. “You’re cute when you’re angry.” “Shut up!” Arial yelled at Whisk, as she walked into the bunk room. “Alec, were getting close to your drop off, better get ready.” Alec had gotten up and made his way to the armory; where he picked up ammo for his side arm, three “special” grenades made my Lyle, and a standard issue sniper rifle made manufactured by Dead Orbit. He then made his way to the door at the back of the Leviathan and opened it, the wind howling and blowing violently. “Will you need back up?” Whisk asked. “He isn’t alone and he doesn’t hire chumps like Simons did for Mercs.” “I’ll handle it.” Alec responded. “Just remember,” Arial yelled over the howling wind from the open door. “We need him alive and able to speak!” Alec didn’t respond, he just dove off the back of the Leviathan and disappeared into the darkness of the tree line below. “Hey,” Boris yelled from the cockpit as they entered back into the room. “Did you warn him of the storm that is coming?” “He wouldn’t have cared.” Whisk stated. “We should have gone with him,” Arial remarked. “What if he kills So Fawn?” “He won’t…” Whisk remarked back to Arial. “So may not be able to walk, but he’ll bring him back alive and able to speak.” Alec landed among the trees below with a loud thud; after picking himself up, he headed west, in the direction that So Fawn had set up camp. Alec admired the trees that surrounded him; oak, maple, and white ash trees. Alec loved being in the forest, it wasn’t somewhere he had been for a while and he only wished he could smell the leaves, feel the cool breeze and the rain as it started to fall. A storm was coming; Alec could see the clouds, hear the thunder and sense the electricity in the air….he felt that it matched the occasion. As he continued his brisk jog through the trees he came across an old sign, covered in poison ivy and other growth from the forest. The only thing Alec could read on the sign was two words that weren’t covered up from dirt, rust or plant growth: “Kings Mountain.” He walked to the cliff behind the sign that had a good view into the distance, overlooking a town and an open plain. The town looked like it had been through a war, all the buildings were dark, some structures were completely leveled; roadblocks could be seen and military equipment could be seen as well. The plain though is what truly interested Alec; using his sniper rifles scope, he scanned the clearing among the trees in the plain and found what he was looking for….So Fawns camp. So Fawn had at least ten Mercs with him, but they weren’t the weekend warriors that Simons had hired; they carried themselves like professionals, dressing like the climate and environment they were at to blend in. They were armed with some of the best equipment money could buy no doubt; FWC Fusion Rifles, Dead Orbit Korile armor, Orion Revolvers (Mrk 77s, one of the best series to date with their balanced accuracy and range, but high stopping power, they were quite deadly in the hands of a professional hunter). Alec saw someone else as well, except he or she was hooded and cloaked walking around So Fawn side at all times. Alec decided that where he was, was no place to set up for a shot at any of the Mercs, so he headed to the west , hoping to find a better position; soon he found one and set up. He had no silencer for the rifle, so he planned to time his shots with the thunder. As he went prone and was getting set up, he took one last look around the plain, noticing at least two more additional Mercs at positions that were exposed to camouflage them among the trees. The thunder rolled in as the night grew darker, rain began to fall faster and harder (which would weigh down the bullets he would shoot, causing issues with accuracy if not compensated correctly). Alec took aim at one Merc who was hiding among the trees, his rifle was made by New Monarchy, and his mask was like that of a skull. [b]Continued Below Again[/b]

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