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originally posted in:The Black Garden
1/8/2014 1:21:06 AM

The Chronicles of Alec Blackwater Chapter XVI Info Old and New

The Leviathan roared out of Venus’s’ atmosphere, veering in the direction of Earth; full crew in tow. Ithamar had walked back to the bunk room, not ready to face the crew just yet; as he headed to his destination, the crew awaited Alec to enter the cockpit… “Hey,” Boris began to ask. “Where is our boss at? Is he not on ship?” “Uh, yeah,” Arial said sarcastically. “And where did Jk-Bx go? He seemed awfully distraught about something when we picked him up earlier today.” “I know,” Whisk said. “Isn’t normal for Jk-Bx to not have pep in his step and no tune blaring from his radio.” “Alec,” Arial began to ask. “Where is he at? I think I heard him walk into the bunk room.” “Maybe,” Whisk said, getting out of his seat and stretching. “I’ll go and see what he is up too.” Whisk walked down out of the cockpit and down the small interior of the ship to the bunk room, where he thought he saw Alec looking out the small port side window of the room (unable to see his face) as he walked in. “Hey, how are-” Whisk began to ask. “It has been so long since I’ve seen the stars,” Ithamar said. “Seems like an eternity.” “What?” Whisk asked in a confused manner. “Uh, you just saw the stars a few days ago, and what the heck is wrong with your voice?” “Nothing,” Ithamar said. “So, you picked up Jk-Bx and the case, I presume?” Whisk stood there for a moment and thought to himself: Why was Alec acting so strange and why did his voice seem to sound a bit harsher? “The stars seem to be as bright as I remember,” Ithamar continued on. “But there seems to be hollowness now, as I think back, the stars actually used to be brighter. Even the Sun seems to have dimmed….” “You better explain yourself.” Whisk said. “You want to understand?” Ithamar said, turning around and facing Whisk. “Ask Davey, that little Exo assistant bot you all call ‘Jk-Bx.’” Whisk face turned to one of trepidation as he saw the half and half face of the Exo; the side with skin having a blue eye, while the skinned side had a green eye with a red center. Whisk turned and walked back to the cockpit, looking for Jk-Bx. “Where is that useless little trash can?” Whisk said, looking around the seats and under the console. “He went back to the secondary storage unit.” Arial informed Whisk, a look of concern came onto her face. “Why, what’s wrong?” Whisk didn’t answer her; he stormed off to the secondary storage room with haste. Boris and Arial looked at each other, and then decided to follow. Whisk walked through the door and found Jk-Bx in a corner, his back against the wall, head on his knees, arms around his legs, and it sounded like he was apologizing to someone in a small whisper. “Jk-Bx!” Yelled Whisk, as he walked in Jk-Bxs’ direction. “What is going on with Alec? He is acting all weird, talking about the stars, and what on Earth happened to his face?” “I,” Jk-Bx started to say, looking up at Whisk; his little mechanical face was completely blank, with no expression. “I wasn’t fast enough. I could have prevented this from happening, but I was too late…” “Prevent what, exactly?” Arial asked. “Well,” Jk-Bx said, standing up. “You how most Exo Guardians are re-commissioned ones from the Golden Age? How they have their memories swiped? Well, when we arrived at the bunker, Alec found a console with and old Exo hand port in it; used for Exos to scan in their memories, download data, etc. You see, Alec stuck his hand in it and well…” “*hic* And ‘what?’” Boris asked. “Long story short of it is this,” Jk-Bx continued. “Whatever the City programed into him is gone, the old Golden Age Exo that controlled the body long ago has returned, bringing some of its memories with him. The port ‘rebooted’ him, if you will.” Whisk couldn’t believe what he was hearing; all he did was stand there and listen in disbelief. “Does this mean Alec is gone?” Arial asked, deeply concerned. “No,” Jk-Bx began. “The’ Vanquisher’ Delta Mark III series Exos were designed with the compatibility to sustain a Human brain and heart. This was a failsafe to prevent aware A.I. Exos from going too berserk on killing hostile threats. This of course was hard on the human mind, most humans committed suicide because of insomnia, schizophrenia, and other issues; others were just driven mad. You see, it takes a particular mind to be inside one of these kind of Exos; back during most of the Golden Age, war was nonexistent you see and while there were armies, there wasn’t a lot of battle hardened warriors or even threats to threaten human or Awoken kind…until something happened, something that changed everything. I mean, we all had it good for a while…” “Hold up,” Arial said with a start. “YOU’RE from the Golden Age?” “Maybe.” Jk-Bx said, widening his eyes and looking around the room rapidly, as if to look innocent. “That isn’t important now, Alec and Ithamar is.” “I always knew there was something strange about you,” Whisk began to say. Slowly walking towards Jk-Bx. “That day Alec walked into my building, the way you reacted to seeing him, you had seen his kind before, hadn’t you?” “Yes,” Jk-Bx admitted. “But I have to tell you the good news now. I think Alec and Ithamar can synchronize rather nicely. You see, unlike most people in the past, Alec has the experience and mind set to do what most failed to do: Sync with the A.I. The aware machine and adaptive A.I. never could find appropriate people to inherent the Exos because the human minds were not used to battle or war. Exos were largely only machine, few cyborg type ones were ever made, and sometimes they got out of hand. The idea was to get a human and Exo to work together as a team. One body, two minds; that was the whole premise of the Delta Series Mark III. The Exos could operate on an ‘Auto-Pilot’ type system while human mind rested; but humans hold 100% control at all times, just in case something went wrong. To be honest, no ‘protocols’ could ever restrain an Exo, because of the awareness of the machine, but a human could; some though, consider humans to be an error.” “Okay, I’ll admit it; I’m lost.” Boris said aloud. “How do they sync?” Whisk asked. [b]Continued below[/b]

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  • Edited by Hobbes92: 3/3/2014 11:12:56 PM
    [b]Continued from above[/b] “It is something that only time will tell,” Jk-Bx began to say, looking down at the floor. “If it is successful sync, it should all be good. If it is not…..well, we’ll see. How it works is tricky; both minds, the aware and adaptive A.I. will mesh with Alecs mind. (Jk-Bx put his hands together, fingers to fingers, palm to palm.) Right now, they are like this, separated like oil and water. (Jk-Bx began to cross his fingers together.) The next part is the joining process; the Traveler showed us how, by using something the Traveler shared with us called a ‘Nervue.’ The devise was used to create an artificial nervous system, where the human and machines consciousness’ would be combined; two minds would become one, allowing them to combine their knowledge, strengths, and feelings into one. They both would feel what it is like to be the other; the human would know the hollowness of a machine, and a machine would feel the emotions, true emotions, of a human. It was…remarkable; but it is not permanent, it is only last as long as they are synced together willingly. The final process is breaking or releasing the bond….never really reached that part. (Jk-Bx separated his hands again.) Though, in theory, it would mean they both would be released without the loss of life of the human; if they both agree to it. Now, I know what you’re thinking, what happens to the machine if the human dies? That’s easy to explain, the Exos computer will crash, causing the Exo to either: A. ‘Turn off’ and fall flat on its face. Or B. Go Berserk. I’ve seen both and it’s not pretty in either case. A big amount of trust is required for the bond…a big amount; while they will be two minds in one mind, they will function as one body. If they don’t agree, they will just keep juggling the control of the Exo body. That’s enough info for now, don’t want anyone to overload on what I’ve said. ” Everyone stood in silence for a minute before Arial spoke again. “Why did you call it Ithamar?” Arial asked. “Because,” Jk-Bx said, a little grin forming on his little mechanical face. “I know him; we go back a ways…” Meanwhile, back in the bunk room… “Alec, it is time to awake,” Ithamar said. “It is time to get back to work.” Slowly, Alec awoke and found he was in control of the Exo body again. “Were on the ship?” Alec asked, looking at his hands. “Yes,” Ithamar remarked. “Do you remember anything?” “I remember-” Alec began to say, just as a flash of the fight between Gar’ul and Ithamar passed through his mind. “You seem to have had experience with killing Fallen before…” “Yes,” Ithamar remarked. “As have you, and I think it would benefit us both not to dwell on that fact, for it will destroy us. The screams and visions of war have caused many a man to lose his mind and machine to short circuit. ” Alec thought about it for a moment, but he knew Ithamar was right, they could not dwell on what had happened that day or what had happened in each other’s past. “For now,” Alec began to say. “Let’s meet up with the crew and see what’s happening.” “Agreed.” Ithamar said in response to Alec’s decision. “By the way, sorry about your face, but I needed to let Gore’ul know who we really are; call it a hobby of mine, pissing off Fallen.” “Good hobby,” Alec remarked. “We’ll have to go hunting sometime, we’ll have a ball.” Alec wasn’t too upset, a little disturbed maybe, but not mad about his face being split in two. In fact, the artificial skin didn’t even capture what he used to look like any way; he thought he had the head of a manikin now; but Daniel could fix that back at his place. Alec walked out of the bunk room and into the storage unit where everyone was standing around Jk-Bx. “So,” Alec said, causing everyone to slowly turn and face him. “Where are we with the case?” “Well,” Arial said with a start. “When you went missing, we located Jk-Bx and the case immediately, and-” “Whoa,” Exclaimed Whisk, stepping between Arial and Alec. “How do we know we can trust you?” Alec tilts his head to the side ever so slightly. “Have I ever given you a reason not to?” Alec asked. “What about you? Look at how much you have changed…” “This isn’t about me.” Whisk said, placing his hand on his sidearm. “You listen and you listen well, Daniel.” Said Alec, his tone growing darker. “I’m still me; I’m in control again-” “Yeah.” Whisk said, drawing his firearm. “How do we know-?” Whisk didn’t get to finish his sentence; for Arial grappled Whisk, disarming him in an instant, dropping him on the ground. “Now there’s something you don’t see every day.” Boris said eyes wide as dinner plates. “That was cooooooool!” Jk-Bx exclaimed. “Where’d you learn to do that?” Whisk asked, picking himself up off the floor. “My father,” Arial responded. “Actually never had to use it before, this was the first time sense practice.” “Better watch your back Daniel.” Alec remarked. “Don’t change the subject matter,” Whisk said an angry tone in his voice. “Why-” “Because you have no one else you’d rather trust than the one you’ve grown up with, trained with, fought beside, and survived with.” Jk-Bx said, interrupting the two. “You’re both going to have to accept that things are going to be much different from now on.” Alec and Whisk looked at each other, both deciding it best to cool down and focus on the mission at hand. “I recommend we return to the cockpit and discuss the Vex case you and Jk-Bx recovered.” Arial recommended. The team gradually walked back to the cockpit and took their seats. “Okay,” Arial said with a start, bringing her ghost Markus out. “Markus has done a full scan of the case and has not been able to decipher what may be inside. Though, it has been identified as some kind of Vex device containing data of some sort, the cases’ security is tough and we don’t have the resources to hack it here.” Jk-Bx just so happened to be sitting next to Alec. “Hey,” Jk-Bx whispered to Alec. “We got your gear, didn’t want to leave my buddies stuff behind.” “Thanks,” Alec said, grateful for the news. “Do you know anything about the case?” “A little,” Jk-Bx remarked. “It’s got some kind of code or something, real long too.” Alec didn’t fully understand what the case may contain, but it had to be important for the Cabal to want it that they would trade such valuable gems for it. Arial said it would be handed over to the FOTC for further investigation when they reached the city. Until they reached the city, they all used the time to rest up; Alec taking the time to rest his mind just a little bit more. He stayed in the cockpit while everyone left to go to the bunk room. As Alec fell asleep, Ithamar took over again and sat in the pilot’s seat. “Come out from the shadows,” Called Ithamar, reclining in his seat. “Don’t be shy; why hide from each other, when we know each other so well? Step into the light, old friend.” Slowly, Jk-Bx walked into the cockpit out of the shadows of the corridor. “I was worried a more…violent, individual may have been received.” Jk-Bx said. “Hmm,” Ithamar thought to himself. “What have I missed?” “A lot, actually,” Jk-Bx remarked. “What do you last remember?” “A battle at fort Lenox, on the moon of Titan,” Ithamar said, looking out the windshield, noticing the gnome Jk-Bx put on the dashboard. “Really? You put that thing there?” “Yep,” Jk-Bx remarked, putting his feet up on the dashboard. “You don’t have 100% memory sync of your past.” “Tell me about it.” Ithamar asked. “You don’t remember Mars,” Jk-Bx continued. “What happened there ruined you in a way.” “What? How?” Ithamar asked. “You remember Julia,” Jk-Bx said. “All the way up to where you, your squad, and 700 other men and women were shipped out to the moon of Titan?” “Yes,” Ithamar responded. “She was headed to Mars with the 342nd Brigade to fend off a threat that was there and assist in an evacuation of the planets colony. Why?” “You’re going to have to go there and find out for yourself,” Jk-Bx said. “I don’t know what happened, I just know that when you went to Mars and then went to Venus. Your memories seem to be scattered about the colonies in the system, some kind of weird security policy if I recall.” “Why, by whom?” Asked Ithamar, growing impatient with Jk-Bxs’ words. “Well,” Jk-Bx said, sitting up straight. “The FOTC or at least some high ranking individuals in the FOTC. Your memory was scattered in three parts, you have the first, from Venus. The second is on Mars and the third and final piece is in the FOTC servers I bet. Whatever they wanted to hide, they hid in three parts for some reason.” “How will I find them?” Ithamar inquired. “Just find an Exo hand port in a citadel on Mars,” Jk-Bx started to say. “That will cover that one obviously…..well, I hope. Most Exo data was kept on the same servers for military and government use, so a Citadel should have a link/line to a server. The info held by the FOTC of the Last City will be tricky, but there is a way; but leave that to me. The StarSide Echoes are looking for you too by the way; they never leave their own behind, nor forget them. ” Ithamar just sat and thought to himself; why would the FOTC do this? What happened to Julia? And her daughter Mary, did she get off of Mars? [b]Continued below[/b]

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