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originally posted in:The Black Garden
11/6/2013 3:38:27 AM

The Chronicles of Alec Blackwater Chapter XI Mission to the Moon

As the five hours leading up to the departure of Alec’s team grew near, a loud knock came at the door leading to the outside of the garage. Whisk thought it might be another thug trying to get in, but Arial told him to ignore the knocking, as she went an answered the door. A man with a very deep voice and thick Russian accent entered; Arial introduced him as Boris, their new pilot. “Greetings, comrades!” Boris boomed. Boris couldn’t have been over the age of fifty-five, was barrel chested, had a scruffy grey beard, brown eyes, wore an orange jacket with “Star Ravens” on the back, and smelled heavily of vodka. “Everyone,” Arial started to say as she introduced Boris. “This is Boris; he is going to be our new pilot, until further notice.” “What?!” Whisk exclaimed. “I can pilot lady! Why in Sam Hill we need him?” “First,” Arial explained. “Your license and flying permits were revoked. Second, you’re not good at flying anything; you have over fifty-two crashes on your record. Three, Boris is an excellent pilot and we need a good pilot.” “What about-” Pheln had started to say, but got cut off by Boris. “What, you don’t trust Boris? Fine! Boris show you, Boris fly you to moon and back in one piece!” Boris noticed the Leviathan; it was love at first sight. “She’s beautiful, reminds me of first wife, Olga was her name…” Boris continued to ramble on about his first wife, Olga, as Whisk began to speak again. “Can be pay him in booze?” Whisk asked sarcastically. Arial ignored the question and ordered everyone to be ready in ten minutes. Boris sat in the pilot’s seat and Whisk in the co-pilots seat, Alec and Arial sat in the seats behind the pilots’ chairs in the cockpit, and Jk-Bx went to wait in the bunk room. Pheln and Lyle stayed behind, to watch the garage. Boris started the Leviathans engines, cooing over how strong they sounded, and took off in the direction of the moon. Alec sat across from Arial, who looked worried. “Alec,” Arial began to say to Alec in a formal tone. “When we are out on the field, you are officially in charge of your team. I am only in charge when we are in City limits.” Alec just looked at her, not saying anything at first. Alec didn’t think she should be out in the field with them yet, she needed some real field experiences. Alec began to think on other things, so he asked Arial about So Fawn. “What do you know about So Fawn?” Alec asked. “Elder So Fawn,” Arial began to say in an orderly manner. “Was in charge of distributing the money that was taken from tax and making sure that it was evenly distributed throughout the city. When the slums became so messed up with prostitution (of various kinds), illegal drug distribution, and other such crimes broke out in large amounts in the slums, the Council became suspicious of him. They suspected that he was involved in trying to secure Red Glimmer for himself, probably because he fooled the Fallen into buying human munitions for it. His purpose is purely greed…..we hope. He began to invest heavily into the Delta Exo program, many Guardian personnel began to disappear, and then reappear as Delta subjects; So Fawn used them, along with Mercs, like Simons, to do hid dirty work outside the City.” “Hmm,” Alec thought to himself. “You are going to stay back on the ship when we get to our landing sight. You can cover us with your rifle, should we need it. You look familiar, was your father Cornelius Yaintz?” Arial looked at the floor in a little embarrassed. “Yes,” Arial said reluctantly. “He and my mother were both Awoken and both were Hunters.” “I’m guessing that your father didn’t want you to become a Hunter,” Alec stated. “Which explains why you have no real field experience. Your father and mother were two of the best Guardians I served with, it is unfortunate that your mother died so suddenly when she was so young and you just born. She died a real Guardian; don’t let anyone tell you different. “ Arial had a tear in her eye that she suddenly wiped away, hopping no one noticed it. “Prepare to disembark the Leviathan, comrades!” Yelled Boris over his shoulder. Whisk and Alec walked to the back of the Leviathan, to the airlock chamber in one of the cargo holds. The chamber would only fit two people at a time, but since Arial wasn’t going it didn’t matter. Alec and Whisk made a quick stop in the armory; Whisk picked up the Fusion smg that Lyle repaired. The smg was dubbed “Double Tap” and was all black with some orange and white; it was made with only two fire mode options: full auto, and (oddly) a “double-tap” (two shot burst) function. The magazine was about thirty six shots and it had a holographic sight on it that glowed blue, replacing the iron sights. Lyle had left all the tactical rails empty on it, saving them for the user to deck out how they want it to be. Alec picked up “Painful Reunion” and some grenades, as well as ammo, and walked to the airlock. As Whisk and Alec were walking back to the airlock from the armory, Arial reminded them of the artificial gravity that the Hive had generated from the center of the moon; but also how there was still now air on the surface as of yet. Alec and Whisk already knew this, which is why they hadn’t worn any special gear to prepare them for the moon’s surface below. Alec and Whisk stepped into the small chamber and closed the door; a green light lit the small chamber up, signifying that they were secure and it began to slowly lower down. As they were lowered down, Whisk couldn’t help but feel but claustrophobic about being smashed up against the side of the chamber from Alecs large frame; Whisk should have let Alec go first, they both didn’t fit very well. Soon though, they touched down and exited the chamber. “Arial,” Alec called out over the radio. “We’re going to approach the drones last known position from the East. You can cover us from the top of the Leviathan with your rifle, if necessary.” “Roger that, sir.” Arial responded. The moon; Alec hadn’t been here for a few years, it took him a few minutes to get his bearings on which way was East. Whisk pointed them in the right direction and the search began. The moons surface was like a fine powder over a rock; Alec left a deep boot print in the dust from his heavy weight. Whisk joked that they should make “dust angels,” for that is what Eleanor had done the last time they had been there. The surface was mostly barren, only craters, some knolls, and some half buried meteorites could be seen in the area. Hell Mouth was on the other side of the moon; currently the dark side. As they were walking along, they passed a shot down merchant vessel, its contents long forgotten. As they walked by the crippled ship, Whisk tripped over something, buried in the dust. “What the-“Whisk had started to say, holding up a garden gnome. “Here isn’t something you find every day. Wonder if they were transporting these things off world; guess gardens in space needed their knick-knacks as well.” Alec just stood there, shaking his head in disapproval. Whisk dropped the gnome among the others that he just then happened to notice, and they continued on their journey to find the lost drone. They passed many of wrecked vessels of all types and kinds; Guardian ships, transports, merchants’ vessels, civilian vehicles, old drones, etc. After about three hours of walking, they found the drone. “Arial,” Whisk chimed in to Arial. “We are at the downed drone, what are we looking for exactly?” Arial didn’t respond right away, so they continued to walk towards the downed drone. The drone was small, about the size of a small car. Hive tracks were all around it; it looked like it had been stripped of anything the Hive found useful. The wings were ripped off, the tail was gone, and all the important mechanical parts that should be in the head were missing. [b]Continued below[/b]

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  • Edited by Hobbes92: 11/19/2013 4:27:27 AM
    [b]Continued from above.[/b] “Arial,” Alec called out over the radio. “Looks like the Hive have stripped the drone of anything useful. Do you have a signal of any sort that may show where the Hive may try to activate anything they may have found?” “Keep going east,” Arial replied. “There seems to be some activity in that direction. The Fallen may have intervened in the Hives grab of the contents of the drone.” Whisk felt something…like he was being watched. “Arial,” Whisk began to ask. “Can you read any life form readings in our area?” “No,” Arial responded. “None that we can see or detect in your guys immediate area, sir.” Alec and Whisk looked at each other then out into the distance; all they saw was the settling dust over the Martian surface. They didn’t feel like they were alone; one thing they knew from their experiences was: Never trust a computer on telling you if you’re alone or not. They continued their walk, with caution, making sure they weren’t being followed; though they knew there were never any guaranties of not being followed, when out and about on a mission. They didn’t travel far before coming across another downed ship; it looked like an old military class destroyer. The hull was ripped open and the cockpits windows were gone, none of the major armaments were still on it, it was buried part way beneath the moon dust. Whisk approached the hole in the hull, he climbed up inside of the vessel as it creaked and groaned at his weight leaning on it. Alec climbed up after him once he had gotten far enough inside. The inside was dark, but not dark enough to see the remains of its crew, all who were seated at their stations. The skeletons leaned against their controls, against the walls of the ship, and on one another; their faded uniforms were grey, “Recon 12” was on a patch on their arms. Whisk had already reached the cockpit when Alec got to him; the pilots at their stations, leaning over the controls. Whisk saw something under the one pilot’s seat; he bent down and picked up what looked like a small gun case. “Moon Duster” was written on the case; Whisk opened it up to reveal a large revolver. It had an all satin barrel and body, black grips, “Moon Duster” machined in on the side of the barrel. A momentum conductor under the barrel near the trigger guard, allowed the bullet to gain massive momentum over a short distance, dealing hard hitting damage. As Whisk looked at his new found tool of destruction, Alec noticed a piece of the drone attached to the console in front of the pilots. It appeared to be transmitting something, but Alec had Whisk work on it because he didn’t know anything about that kind of stuff. Alec went back outside; making sure no one was outside waiting for them. Then, as Alec stepped outside, the feeling of being watched, suddenly turned into a reality. From inside the ship, Alec could hear Whisk shooting his Fusion smg and hear Hive screeching. Then, from the dust of the moon, several Hive shrouded in cloth that looked like the moons dust (like a guile suit) arose from the dust, like zombies from the grave. As Alec grabbed “Painful Reunion” and was swinging it from around his back, the ground beneath him began to shake. Whisk had just come outside to witness a large beast emerging from the ground, roaring; it was very large, at least two of Alec stacked on top of each other. It was pale like a Hive and had large legs and hands; its head was large as well, having huge, sharp teeth; eyes that were black with only a small glint in them, much like the rest of the Hive. The beast grabbed Alec into its arms around his waist, trying to crush him. Alec looked into the beast eyes; and alarm appeared in Alecs’ sights faintly, warning him of a possibility of him being crushed. “No, duh.” Alec thought to himself. Alec clenched his fist, unloading some powerful blows to the beast face. The creatures face was hard, it was mostly bone, and as Alec punched it repeatedly, pieces of bone and flesh were torn away with every hit. Slowly the alarm faded, but the beasts grip didn’t completely let go; so Alec reared up and brought his elbow down on its face, causing the beasts massive arms to drop to its sides, releasing Alec at once. Alec looked around for Whisk; seeing two dead Hives on the ground, he looked in the distance and saw Whisk surrounded by five of the remaining Hive. Whisk stood in the center of them, holding his arms up, with his palms facing up, looking like he was saying: “What are you waiting for?” The Hive looked at one another, as if arguing who should go first. Suddenly, one ran for Whisk and then they all ran for him. Whisk then clapped his hands together, emitting a blue flame around him, setting the Hive ablaze in blue flame. The Hive screamed and hissed as they burned. Whisk walked over towards Alec, looking at the beast lying before them. “I hate these things,” Whisk said “’Ogres’ are so freaking weird; it dead?” “No,” Alec said, reading his shotgun. “Wait,” Whisk said with a start. “Let me try this.” Whisk pulled out “The Moon Duster,” and pointed it at the “Ogre” pulling the hammer back. The shot rang out like a boom of thunder, kicking up dust everywhere, leaving a small crater where the ogres head had been. Alec had stumbled backwards a little bit, nut wasn’t knocked down. Whisk on the other hand was blown ten feet off the ground and thrown about ten yards. As they walked close to each other, Alec took the revolver from Whisks’ hand, examining it closely. He notices something on the bottom of the underside of the barrel. It read: [i]“[b]Warning[/b]- Do not shoot creatures (or persons) closer than ten feet. Wear eye protection when using the Moon Duster. Keep out of reach of children. Does a considerable amount of damage to targets at close range; the longer the range, the harder the hit, but almost no penetration power. The bullets wake kicks up loose dust/dirt/debris as it flies towards its target, so beware.”[/i] “That was nuts,” Whisk said with a laugh. “I got the drone thing, let’s get out of here.” Alec didn’t argue; he just wanted to leave before more Hive showed up. As they were leaving, Whisk pointed his revolver in the direction opposite they were facing, firing a second round. The moon dust around the wake of the bullet was kicked up, looking like a wave of moon dust (about six feet in height). Whisk just nodded his head in approval of his new found weapon. They continued their trek towards the Leviathan, being ever so careful not to draw any more attention. As the came within a hundred yards of their ship, they heard the sound of running feet behind them; three shots rang out and three Fallen Dregs then lay dead on the ground. From atop the Leviathan stood Arial, wielding her rifle. “Beginners luck!” Whisk shouted at her, but was grinning under his mask. Alec and Whisk stuffed themselves into the airlock again, and endured the tight ride to the cargo hold again. When they arrived at the top, they were in for a surprise. “Hey,” Exclaimed Jk-Bx “Look at all the garden gnomes I found outside!” Whisk and Alec couldn’t believe their eyes; Jk-Bx had filled at least half the cargo hold full of gnomes. Their beady eyes and smiles sent a chill down Whisk spine. “Boris,” Alec shouted. “Get us out of here!” “Okay *hic*,” Boris said with a hiccup. “You got it *hic* boss. Oi, this vodka is good. *hic* Too bad you don’t *hic* drink boss.” “You Irish,” Whisk asked “Drinking on the job?” “No. *hic* Boris responded. “Russian. *hic*” As everyone gathered in the cockpit, Jk-Bx ran up to the front and placed a gnome on the dash board. “I don’t like its beady, little eyes. *hic*” Boris said, squinting at the gnome. The Leviathan roared to life and Boris (though intoxicated) piloted the ship back towards Earth. As they waited to reach Earth’s atmosphere, Arial informed them that the contents of the drone was classified beyond their pay grade; the realized they weren’t being paid, she changed the topic. “Alec,” Arial began in her usual formal tone. “Since this mission was a success, I am to tell you of So Fawns whereabouts, so you may extract him. Alive and able to speak; Commander Tarn said it was a gift to you.” “I’m listening.” Alec said in a dark tone and a mechanical twinkle in his eye. Thank you for reading. Feedback and comments are appreciated. End chapter Eleven Chapter twelve Note: The "Ogre" Hive is complete speculation and used only for entertainment purposes.

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